[化] 福美双

  • The results showed that the system S / TMTD / M / CBS ( mass ratio 0.5 / 2.5 / 0.5 / 0.5 ) was a fast and safe vulcanization system and medium - high heat resistant compound with good mechanical properties were obtained .

    结果表明: S/TMTD/M/CBS 0.5/2.5/0.5/0.5,质量比, 下同)是快速安全的硫化体系,可获得中高 程度耐热胶

  • The ability of vulcanization reversion resistance of TBSI / TMTD was better than that of NS . After 4h over cure their modulus at 300 % elongation was retentive of about 80 % and less than 60 % respectively .

    经4h过硫化反应后, TBSI/TMTD 体系的300%定伸应力保持约80%,而NS不足60%。

  • The effect of TMTD on the heat and oxygen aging of clay filled NR compound was investigated by using determination for plasticity retention of NR test method of hot air aging thermal analysis and SEM .

    采用NR塑性保持率的测定方法、橡胶热空气老化试验方法、热分析技术及扫描电镜分析等,研究了 促进剂 TMTD对粘土填充NR胶料抗热氧老化性能的影响。

  • This paper studied the mutagenic effect of three rubber additives ( ETU . TMTD . PBNA ) by mice fetal liver micronucleus testing .

    通过小鼠胎肝微核试验检测三种橡胶添加剂ETU、 TMTD、PBNA通透胎盘的致突变作用。

  • The Mathematical Model of the Synthesis of Vulcanization Accelerator TMTD

    硫化促进剂 TMTD合成的 经验模型

  • This work was undertaken to study the properties of compounded rubber and vulcanizate of BIC ( sample Jin-20 ) by using two different vulcanization systems ( CZ-S ) and TMTD .

    本文通过(CZ-S)和 TMTD两种不同的硫化体系,研究了BIC(锦-20)的混炼胶和硫化胶性质。

  • The results showed that ETPI could be vulcanized with conventional sulfur - accelerator vulcanization system . Among three conventional kinds of accelerator M CZ TMTD vulcanization curve of ETPI with CZ as accelerator was the most ideal .

    结果表明,ETPI可用传统的硫黄-促进剂体系进行硫化,在3类常用促进剂(M,CZ, TMTD 中,以CZ为硫化促进剂时的硫化曲线最为理想。

  • Measures for cutting down consumption of dimethylamine in TMTD plant

    降低 TMTD装置二甲胺消耗的措施

  • The effect of TMTD on the curing behaviour physical properties heat aging property and permanent set at high temperature of CO / ECO was investigated .

    研究 促进剂 TMTD 用量对均 橡胶 CO)/共聚型 橡胶(ECO)并用胶硫化特性、物理性能、耐热老化性能和高温压缩永久变形的影响。

  • Study of synthesis for TMTD by catalytic oxidation with PDS as catalyst

    PDS催化氧化法合成 TMTD的研究