tinting paste

[化] 调色漆

  • Based on the characteristics of universal machine tinting paste the title article has discussed the selection of pigments production technology quality control and application and indicated that the conventional pigment dispersion cannot be used to replace simply the universal tinting paste in machine tinting system .

    根据通用 色浆的特性,分析了其颜料的选择、生产工艺、质量控制、应用范围,指出不能简单用普通颜料分散体来代替通用型机械 色浆在调色机中使用。

  • By experimental testing the authors have investigated the effect of physical pa-rameters such as the ground fabric add-on of the tinting colours in the coating paste the cost of reflect material and the distribution of micro glass-bead on the resultant reflecting behavior .

    通过测试,讨论了不同基布、 色浆中着色剂用量、反射材料用量、玻璃微珠分布等各种物理性能对反射性能的影响。

  • Difference between Universal Machine Tinting Paste and Conventional Pigment Dispersion

    通用型机械 色浆与普通颜料分散体的区别