He was greeted with an ovation that rivaled the cheer for Hall of Famer James Worthy when he brought out the ceremonial game ball before tipoff .
他所受到的欢呼 甚至 远 超过 球迷给予名人堂成员沃西。沃西 手拿象征性的比赛用球为比赛 跳球。
Another tipoff is that the size is the number of characters in the link target 's name .
另一 点是,大小是链接目标的名称中的字符数。
If the informant offers the tipoff in his ( its ) real name he ( it ) shall be given a reply about the handling result and other information .
对 实名 举报的,应当将处理结果等情况予以回复。
The supervisory organ shall accept the tipoff and investigate and deal with the violation according to law .
监察机关应当受理 举报并依法调查处理;
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