tinea pedis


  • Observation of the Effect in the Treatment of Tinea Pedis by 1 % Ciclopirox Olamine Ointment

    1%环吡酮软膏治疗 足癣的疗效观察

  • Efficacy and Safety of 2 % Liranaftate or 1 % Bifonazole in the Treatment of Tinea Pedis

    2%利拉萘酯软膏与1%联苯苄唑软膏治疗 足癣的对照研究

  • A new formulation of 1 % terbinafine solution applied topically twice daily for 1 week was compared with 1 % clotrimazole solution twice daily for 4 weeks in the treatment of interdigital tinea pedis .

    新剂型1%特比萘芬溶液每天外用2次,疗程1周治疗趾间型 足癣与1%克霉唑溶液每天外用2次,疗程4周进行比较。

  • The unstandard treatment induces the recurrence of tinea pedis and the production of drug-resistance fungus species .

    其致病真菌主要是 红色 ,不规范治疗导致疾病复发和耐药菌的产生。

  • Observation on the therapeutic effect of treating tinea pedis with oral terbinafine combined with Huatuo paste

    特比萘芬口服联合华佗膏外用治疗 足癣疗效观察

  • Methods Butenafine hydrochloride cream was applied to the affected area once a day for 4 weeks for patients with tinea pedis and 2 weeks for patients with tinea corporis and cruris . Clinical symptoms were observed and fungal culture was done .

    方法盐酸布替萘芬乳膏擦患处,每日1次。疗程体 股癣为2周, 手足 为4周,记录临床症状,并做真菌培养。

  • Naftifine / ketoconazole cream in treatment of 209 patients with tinea pedis

    萘替芬酮康唑乳膏治疗 足癣209例

  • Objective To observe the clinical efficiency of Terbinafine and Traditional Medicine Solution Compound in Treating Keratotic Tinea Pedis .

    目的观察盐酸特比萘芬(兰美抒)口服联合中药复方透骨草浸泡治疗角化过度型 足癣的临床疗效。

  • RESULTS : When miconazole cream plus powder and miconazole cream treated tinea pedis different total cured rates were 73 % and 57 % different total effective rates were 97 % and 90 % different total mycological cured rates were 97 % and 90 % .

    结果:咪康唑乳膏加散剂和咪康唑乳膏治疗 足癣,总痊愈率分别为73%和57%,总有效率分别为97%和90%,真菌消除率分别为97%和90%。

  • Therapeutic effect of Huatuo cream in treatment of tinea pedis

    华陀膏治疗 足癣疗效观察

  • Conclusion : Liranaftate Cream in the treatment of tinea pedis has significantly effect .

    结论:利拉萘酯乳膏治疗 足癣效果显著。

  • Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect and antifungal effect of tinea pedis that dampness and heat syndrome by the Chuxuan Zhiyang Lotion .

    目的:观察除 止痒洗药治疗湿热浸淫型 足癣的临床疗效,探讨其抗真菌的作用机制。

  • A Study on the effect of health education about tinea pedis ′ s prophylaxis and treatment

    健康教育在 足癣防治中的作用研究

  • Half a year later another questionnaire about the knowledge of tinea pedis the habit of life and on_the_spot investigation on tinea pedis 's prevalence rate of them were made again in the same way .

    半年后同法第2次对全部研究对象进行生活习惯、 足癣知识的问卷调查及足癣患病率现场调查。

  • Conclusion : The effect of detoxifcation lubricant spray in treating Cornification Excess Type Tinea Pedis is god . Detoxifcation lubricant external treatment has quite predominance in treating this disease and it is valuable to further research and popularize .

    结论:解毒润肤喷剂治疗角化过度 足癣效果良好,解毒润肤外治法在治疗本病上有相当的优势,值得进一步研究及推广。

  • Conclusion This study suggest that sertaconazole 2 % cream were safe and effective in the treatment of tinea pedis and tinea corporis and cruris .

    结论2%硝酸舍他康唑霜治疗 足癣和体股癣均安全有效。

  • The control group involved twenty healthy people without tinea pedis autoimmunity diseases and family history .

    对照组: 来自健康志愿者,共20 足癣 疾患和自身免疫性疾病及家族史。

  • Short-tem Oral Administration of Terbinafine Combined with Topical Application of Econazole in Treatment of Tinea Pedis : A Randomized and Controlled Clinical Study

    口服特比萘芬加外用益康唑短程联合疗法治疗 足癣的临床对照研究

  • The System Review of Oral Treatments for Tinea Pedis

    口服 真菌 药物 治疗 足癣的系统评价

  • METHODS : Patients ( 188 ) with tinea manuum and tinea pedis were randomly divided into 2 group .

    方法:手、 足癣病人188例随机分2组,其中特比萘芬软膏外涂102例为治疗组(男性46例,女性56例;年龄38a±s16a);

  • Effect Observation of 60 Cases of Cornification Excess Type Tinea Pedis Treatment Using Detoxifcation Lubricant Spray

    解毒润肤喷剂治疗角化过度型 足癣60例疗效观察

  • Methods : Using detoxifcation lubricant spray to treat the 60 patients with Cornification Excess Type Tinea Pedis for 14 days . Separate and identify the pathogenic bacterium by cultivating epiphyte before and after the treatment rate the observation execute a statistics analysis and assess the effect .

    方法:对60例角化过度型 足癣患者用解毒润肤喷剂治疗14天,于治疗前、治疗后进行真菌培养分离鉴定病原菌及观察评分,并进行统计学分析,评定疗效。

  • Methods All the 160 patients with superficial mycoses ( 18 with tinea manum 74 with tinea pedis 47 with tinea cruris 21 with tinea corporis ) were divided into Group A and Group B at random .

    方法将160例浅部真菌病患者(手癣18例, 足癣74 ,股癣47例,体癣21例)随机分为A,B两组。

  • Objective : To recognize the advantage of detoxifcation lubricant external treatment in treating Cornification Excess Type Tinea Pedis through the effect observation and evaluation of 60 cases if this disease treatment using detoxifcation lubricant spray .

    目的:通过对解毒润肤喷剂治疗角化过度型 足癣60例的疗效观察和评价,认识中医解毒润肤外治法在治疗本病中的优势。

  • Methods : Patients with tinea manus and tinea pedis were orally administered with itraconazole 200 mg bid or 200 mg qd all for seven days . The efficacy was evaluated after 1 week and 3 weeks .

    方法:手足 和体股癣患者,口服伊曲康唑200mg,为2次/d和1次/d连用7d,停药1周和3周评价疗效。

  • Clinical Observation and Experimental Study of Treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Tinea Pedis ; Advances in research on therapeutic drug monitoring of triazole antifungal agents

    抗真菌颗粒剂治疗 足癣的临床观察和实验研究三唑类抗真菌药物治疗药物监测的研究进展

  • The most common fungal infection disease was tinea pedis followed by tinea versicolor onychomycosis tinea shares . 6 .

    真菌性感染中最常见的疾病为 足癣,其次依序为花斑癣、灰指甲、股体癣。

  • A double blind randomized controlled clinical trial of butenafine in treatment of 67 patients with tinea pedis

    布替萘芬擦剂治疗 足癣67例的随机双盲对照 中心临床试验

  • Evaluation of efficacy and safety of 2 Sertaconazole nitrate cream in the treatment of tinea corporis & cruris and tinea pedis

    2%硝酸舍他康唑乳膏治疗体股癣和 足癣疗效和安全性评价

  • Objective To find out the prevalence and distribution of local tinea pedis pathogeny .

    目的了解 足癣的流行及 成都地区病原菌分布情况。