tit for tat


  • I didin 't invite her to my party because she didn 't invite me to hers . it 's was just tit for tat .

    我没有邀请她来参加我的聚会,因为她没有邀请我,这只是 以牙还牙而已。

  • The champion was tit for tat which begins by co - operating with its fellow prisoner ( staying silent ) but punishes a squealer by confessing on the next turn .

    最后的冠军是 以牙还牙 程序,这个 程序始于同被捕的同伴进行合作(也就是保持沉默),但在下一轮则通过招供来惩罚告密者。

  • An article made of ivory . Bill beat me at chess last week and I beat him tonight-so I am tit for tat .

    比尔上个星期下象棋赢了我,结果今晚我胜了他&因此我们 以牙还牙

  • But it is very difficult to measure the marginal contribution so the strategy of Tit for tat has to be adopted in order to encourage members in an organization to secure the encompassing interests .

    由于成员的边际贡献难以测度,因此只有通过实施“一 ”的策略才能激励成员实现组织的共容利益。

  • John kicked me so Igave him tit for tat .

    约翰踢我,因而我 以牙还牙

  • P2P Blocking Algorithm Based on TIT FOR TAT Strategy

    基于 TIT FOR TAT策略的P2P阻塞算法

  • Mary asked Lily to apologize to her in public and said it 's tit for tat .

    玛丽让莉莉当着 众人 面向她道歉, 说这是 以牙还牙

  • But in the economic and managing system base on survival of the fittest they always emphasize the importance of free competition they insist that the enterprise should gain the competitive dominance by competition and take the tit for tat policy to win the competition chiefly .

    但是以优胜劣汰为主导的经济学和管理学体系中,倡导自由竞争,强调通过竞争对抗获取竞争优势,企业间首选采取 针锋相对的竞争策略。

  • Objective To learn about the privates ' basic knowledge of sexual physiology and to carry out a tit for tat education on sexual health .

    目的了解部队 新兵对性生理基础知识的知晓状况,有针对性地展开健康教育。

  • A combining strategy called TIT FOR TAT always win experiments in a variety of situations .

    一种被称为 TIT FOR TAT 一般 翻译为:一 )的策略组合总是在各种情形的实验中获得胜利。

  • This time we gave tit for tat fought and made a very good job of it .

    这一回,我们 了, 了,而且 ”得很好, 得很好。

  • Our policy is to give him tit for tat and to fight for every inch of land .

    我们的方针是 针锋相对寸土必争

  • In the academic and theoretical circles there is a huge difference on the effect of the loyal agreement of husband and wife too ; the negative theory and the positive theory give tit for tat .

    在学界和理论界,对夫妻忠实协议的效力同样存在巨大的分歧, 效力肯定说和 效力否定说 针锋相对

  • John made me go bankruptcy and I 'll tit for tat .

    约翰把我搞破产了,我要 以牙还牙

  • And if it is the rules of engagement are tit for tat that is a sad commentary on the professionalism of the forces on either side .

    如果两国都 本着 以牙还牙的准则,那么两国军队的专业素质令人可悲。

  • I expect we 'll get the usual tit for tat response .

    我想我们得到的将是那种通常的 以牙还牙 报复

  • There are severe controversies tit for tat . These arguments will somehow embarrass the policy-making and the development of the golf industry in China .

    争论的存在将住一定程度上影响政策的制定,影响 高尔夫产业的发展。

  • In an echo of last year 's war for telephone customers the big utilities have since August unveiled titfortat price cuts .

    对电话客户去年的竞争的一个回应,那个大的公共程序从八月已经公开 针锋相对 进行价格战。

  • Billy hit me so I give him back tit for tat .

    我告诉她, 如果 伤害我,我会 以牙还牙

  • The mode of thinking is tit for tat to the nature spirit of drama in the conflict of wills and it caused the Chinese traditional drama been slow in coming .

    这种思维模式与戏剧的意志冲突精神是 针锋相对的,是导致中国戏曲姗姗来迟的一个重要原因。

  • The west should not now be drawn into an escalating game of tit for tat .

    现在西方不应被 卷入一场不断升级的 对抗游戏中。

  • Tit for tat with the medieval scholasticism the Renaissance is an important direction .

    与中世纪的经院哲学 针锋相对,成为文艺复兴的一个重要的方向。

  • On the other hand other countries in order to protect their own industries to limit the export to China . In this situation China take tit for tat for response .

    另一方面也体现了其他国家为保护本国产业而通过 倾销措施对华出口进行限制,中国对于此的应对措施是 以牙还牙的方式。

  • Our policy also was set long ago & to give tit for tat to fight for every inch of land .

    我们的方针也是老早定了的,就是 针锋相对寸土必争

  • He hit me so I hit him back-it was tit for tat .

    他打了我,我也打了他,这就叫做 以牙还牙