




  • The benefit driving is the tiptop fundamental of the social economy development .

    利益驱动是社会经济发展的 最高 原则,是 马克思 主义 唯物 史观的基本 观点

  • He kept his villa in tiptop shape .

    他把他的别墅保持在 顶尖的样子。

  • Young couples or couples often put two large Italian lock together locked in tiptop iron around to show to tie the knot which has become locked in the museum .

    年轻的情侣或夫妇常把两把大锁扣意一起锁在 绝顶 铁上,以示永结同心,所以这里已成锁的博物馆。

  • Results The first symptom was fever the tiptop temperature ≥ 38 ℃ .

    结果发热均为首发症状, 最高温度≥38℃。

  • The temple building representing idiographic image of Tibetan Buddhism is the most important building style in Northwest Sichuan Plateau area and embodies widely the characteristic and tiptop achievement of architecture art and technique .

    代表藏传佛教具体形象的寺庙建筑在 这样 背景成为了这一区域最重要的建筑形式之一,集中而广泛地体现了这一地区建筑艺术与技术的特点与 最高成就。

  • The core nature of learning individuality is learners'creativity in learning since it is the tiptop manifestation of learners'individuality development .

    学习个性的核心品质是学生学习的创造能力,因为它是学生学习个性发展的 最高表现和最高层次。

  • The new stratum is the necessary outcome and requirement that carries out the basic creed of primary phases and it is the important approach of realizing tiptop creed that the basis creed be carried out .

    基本纲领的实现是实现 最高纲领的重要步骤,新社会阶层是实现初级阶段基本纲领的必然产物和必要条件。

  • The content distribution of the components was prodigiously different in pear fruit . The tiptop content of arbutin was distributing in the fruit peel and obtained 3-5 times to fruit core and 10-40 times to fruit pulp .

    这些成分在果实中的分布差别很大,熊果苷在果皮中含量 最高,分别为果心和果肉的3-5倍和10-40倍。

  • Army Four-class Martial school System was the tiptop achievement of late Qing dynast martial education development .

    陆军四级制军事学堂体系的建立,是清末军事教育发展的 最高成就。

  • The sponsor CEPIA is the tiptop organization in China and advances international communications and cooperations in inter-industries .

    而中国工程塑料工业协会是国内 最高水准的行业机构,并在行业间开展国际交流与合作!

  • Basing on reviewing on each definition of sovereignty it analyzes the characters of national sovereignty such as tiptop and egalitarian characters power and inter power tangling with national benefits and consolidation of rights and obligation and so on .

    在考察各种主权定义的基础上,以权力和权利界定国家主权,分析国家主权具有的 最高性与平等性、权力与权利交织、与国家利益缠结、权利与义务相统一等特征。

  • This article first analyses the characteristics of the current distributing ERP system then proposes a design and implementation of TIPTOP II which focuses on solving the issues mentioned above .

    本文对现有的分销型ERP的特点进行了分析,并 针对 现有 TIPTOP系统的缺陷,设计并实现了TIPTOPⅡ。

  • The depth groundwater table affected by irrigation greatly changes seasonally and periodic fluctuation between tiptop and lowest groundwater table regularly .

    地下水埋深受灌溉的影响呈季节性升降变化, 最高水位和 升降 范围年际间 保持 相对 稳定

  • An ace reporter ; a crack shot ; a first-rate golfer ; a super party ; played top-notch tennis ; an athlete in tiptop condition ; she is absolutely tops .

    一流的记者;一流的射击;打高尔夫球一流的人;先进的党;打的一流的网球;处于 最佳状态的运动员;她绝对是一流的。

  • So we can say teaching according to the law of beauty is a tiptop ideality of teaching .

    可以说,按照美的规律进行教学是教学的 最高理想。

  • Studies the density restriction of tilapia in the closed aeration culture water and the chlorella influence find that the tiptop biomass of tilapia fry was4 .

    在封闭曝气养殖水体内研究罗非鱼的密度制约作用和小球藻的影响,发现罗非鱼苗的 最高生物量为4。

  • VPN represent net work develops evolution tiptop modality of today it integrates tradition data network function advantage and shared data network structrure advantage .

    VPN代表了当今网络发展演化的 最高形式,它综合了传统数据网络的性能优点和共享数据网络的结构优点。

  • As the basic rule of the school management law is the tiptop basis for managing the school and the root of the school management .

    作为学校管理的基本准则,法是 治校 最高依据和学校管理的法源;

  • Keep in mind that this is the house of preventative measures-in other words all the things you do to keep yourself in tiptop health .

    请记住,这是预防措施的家-换句话说,所有的东西你自己保持在拔 尖儿的健康。

  • Eustatic change is pertaining to worldwide changes of sea level that affect all the oceans . The depth groundwater table affected by irrigation greatly changes seasonally and periodic fluctuation between tiptop and lowest groundwater table regularly .

    全球性海面升降变化是指一切海洋的世界性海平面的变化。地下水埋深受灌溉的影响呈季节性升降变化, 最高水位和 升降 范围年际间 保持 相对 稳定

  • She hurried into the classroom with a tiptop under her arm .

    她匆匆忙忙地走进教室,胳膊下夹了一 手提 电脑

  • The most difficult problem that we catch on to Western and Marx 's philosophy is the Chinese interpretation of its tiptop category Being .

    自西 以来中国人理解西方哲学和马克思主义哲学所遇到的最大困难是西方哲学中的 最高范畴 Being的汉译和理解问题。

  • As to the education result the advantages lies in the unification of aesthetic feeling and moral feeling to avoid subject 's one-sidedness and can make the subject get to the tiptop of lives .

    在诗乐教化结果上,审美情感和道德情感圆融合一而不至于主体偏枯,并能使主体抵达生命的 最高 人生 境界

  • To firmly grasp educating and training tiptop talents ;

    紧紧抓住培养 拔尖人才不

  • The protein content of serum attained the tiptop at 10d in the experiment of 100 mg / kg .

    血清蛋白含量的极大值出现在 100mg/kg组的第10d。

  • ZHOUSHAN is sea area which fertility is tiptop in our country .

    舟山海域也是 各种 鱼虾 繁殖 栖息 良好 场所,是我国海洋生产力 最高的海域。

  • In the teaching and learning activities the harmony is not only a kind of guiding ideology but also is a dynamic process and a tiptop state that is pursued by teaching and learning .

    在教学活动中,和谐既是一种教学指导思想,又是一个动态的过程,也是教学所追求的 最高境界。

  • Going one step further some broadband providers store streaming media on local servers thus making it available to you the customer at tiptop speed .

    去的进一步走,一些宽带供应商在本地的服务器上存储流的媒介,这样使它可得到到你,顾客,以 绝顶速度。