



  • 80 % plaque reduction neutralization test was performed to titrate neutralization antibody before and after viral challenge .

    80%空斑减少中和实验法 检测中和抗体滴度变化。

  • The ID cell is useful to titrate the ecotropic viruses which hardly develop XC plaque and to detect viruses with various host ranges simultaneously .

    这种ID细胞可用于 滴定不能形成XC蚀斑的嗜亲性病毒,并可同时检测不同宿主范围的病毒。

  • A gas in solution diffuses from region of greater to one of less concentration . Titrate the mixed solution with ethanol solution of acetic acid .

    溶液中的气体由浓度较高的区域向浓度较低的区域扩散。用乙酸的乙醇溶液 滴定溶液的 浓度。

  • The results are basically same to the standard value or to the results obtained by classical method which titrate Ni and Co respectively after precipitating separation .

    方法 快速准确相对标准 偏差 小于 2%测定结果与标准值或经典的分离分别测定法的结果均基本 相符

  • With these age referenced ranges a physician in the specialty can also titrate the dose of human growth hormone to reach it optimal level in the patient ( that of a20 year old healthy Chinese ) .

    掌握了这些和年龄相对应的参考范围,本专业的内科医师也能 滴定病人的人体生长激素的剂量,使之达到最佳水平(20岁的健康中国人的水平)。

  • Simulate VB Program of Alkali Titrate Weak Acid and Its Practical Cases

    模拟强碱 滴定弱酸的VB程序及应用实例

  • In this paper it is shown that ac oscillopolarographic titration can be applied advantageously to titrate neostigmine methyl sulfate by sodium tetraphenylborate ( NaTPB ) .

    交流示波极谱滴定可有效地应用于四苯硼钠 滴定甲基硫酸新斯的明。

  • Solid waste Determination of chromium ( VI ) Titrimetric method Add Ferroin indicator and titrate with 0.025 N ferrous ammonium sulphate solution .

    GB/T15555.7-1995固体废物六价铬的测定硫酸亚铁铵滴定法加入亚铁菲绕啉离子, 滴定法测量硫酸亚铁铵溶液。

  • It obviously postponed the fruit hardness dropping maintain fruit TSS and the titrate acid content ;

    可明显推迟果实硬度下降,维持果实较高的可溶性固形物含量(TSS)和可 滴定酸含量。600nl。

  • ALERT ( Alcohol Level Evaluation Roadside Test ) Titrate the mixed solution with ethanol solution of acetic acid .

    路边酒精浓度鉴定试验用乙酸的乙醇溶液 滴定溶液的 浓度。

  • This paper deals with the influence of error in electromotive force ( EMF ) measurement on calculation of titration analysis in which Ag + as the titrant and Cl - as the titrate .

    以Ag+ 滴定Cl-的 沉淀滴定计算分析为例,研究了电动势测定误差对滴定计算分析法的影响 规律

  • It 's crucial to titrate slowly to minimize the GI side effects and keep the patient on board with the treatment program .

    必须缓慢 调整 剂量,这非常关键,以 便于将胃肠道副作用 控制在最小并使患者遵从治疗计划。

  • Titrate the mixed solution with ethanol solution of acetic acid . Determination of cold water solubility of water-soluble dyes

    用乙酸的乙醇溶液 滴定溶液的 浓度GB/T3671.2-1996水溶性染料冷水溶解度的测定

  • Methods According to Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement ( JJF1059-1999 ) analysis of measure uncertainty of the chemical oxygen demand determined by acidic potassium permanganate titrate prescribed in Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water ( 2001 ) was conducted .

    方法根据JJF1059&1999《测量不确定度评定与表示》对《生活饮用水卫生规范》(2001)中耗氧量的酸性高锰酸钾 滴定法的测量不确定度进行分析评定。

  • The results showed that the main factors that have effect on the determination results are the concentration and consumption volumn of the standard titrate solution used for determination .

    结果表明:影响测定结果的主要因素是测定使用的标准 滴定溶液的浓度和消耗的体积数。

  • Mixed reagent of anhydrous soda and boric acid is used to dissolve the sample Cr (ⅱ) reduction solution is used to deoxidize and ( NH 4 ) Fe 2 ( SO 4 ) 3 is used to titrate thus the Ti content is determined .

    利用无水碳酸钠及硼酸混合试剂熔解试样,利用铬(Ⅱ)还原液还原,硫酸高铁铵 滴定测定钛的含量。

  • The procedure of turbidimetric titrations is that put the polymer in its good solvent and titrate with a nonsolvent until appearance of turbidity .

    浊度滴定是将高聚物溶于 其良溶剂中,用非溶剂 滴定至混浊点出现。

  • Determination of Li ~ + Content of LiFePO_4 / C Composite Add Ferroin indicator and titrate with 0.025 N ferrous ammonium sulphate solution .

    磷酸亚铁锂碳复合物中锂含量的测定加入亚铁菲绕啉离子, 滴定法测量硫酸亚铁铵溶液。

  • A buret is used to titrate liquids .

    滴定管用于液体 滴定

  • Individual microRNAs which titrate the level of specific proteins generated by the cell were not previously known to affect VEGF signaling or regulate angiogenesis .

    此前还没有发现可以影响VEGF通路或调节血管发生过程的个别的微小RNA,RNA可通过 滴定细胞产生的特定蛋白水平来 确定

  • Discussion on Titrate Oxalic Acid in Acid-Base Titration

    关于草酸 滴定问题 讨论