




  • She tipped the barmen 10 dollars and bought drinks all round .

    吧台服务员10美元 小费,还请在场的所有人喝了酒。

  • He is tipped to be the country 's next foreign minister

    他被 认定 成为该国下一任外交部长。

  • United are still my tip for the Title .

    我仍然 认定联队会 夺冠

  • I 've a tip for the races

    我有一条关于赛马比赛的内部 消息

  • Do you really think it 's customary to tip the waiters ?

    你真的认为给侍者 小费是约定俗成的吗?

  • He was widely tipped for success .

    大家 认定成功。

  • A sarcastic remark was on the tip of her tongue .

    挖苦的话到了她 嘴边却没说出来。

  • If the trial were evenly poised the newspapers might tip the balance against them .

    如果选拔赛双方打平,报界可能会 使形势朝着不利于他们的 方向 倾斜

  • We live in a street off Soho Road and there 's rubbish tipped everywhere .

    我们住在 离索霍路不远的一条街上,那里到处都是乱 的垃圾。

  • Hurricane Andrew has passed over the southern tip of Florida .

    飓风“安德鲁”已越过佛罗里达州 南端

  • He leaned away from her and she had to tip her head back to see him

    他倾着身子避开她,她不得不把头向后 着看他。

  • Tip away the salt and wipe the pan .

    把盐 倒掉,把锅擦净。

  • The Head Porter was keeping all the tips .

    行李员领班扣留了所有人的 小费

  • A good tip is to buy the most expensive lens you can afford .


  • The flat is an absolute tip .

    这套公寓简直就是个 垃圾场。

  • She took out the plate stared blankly at the dried-up food on it and tipped it into the bin

    她拿出盘子,茫然地望着上面已经干掉的食物,然后 进了垃圾桶。

  • Unless we 're all a lot more careful the people who have died so far will be just the tip of the iceberg .

    除非我们都加倍小心,否则死者的人数会比现在 多得多

  • Today 's slightly shorter race could well help to tip the scales in his favour

    今天距离稍短的赛跑可能会对他占据优势大有 助益

  • Officers had found a large bread knife on the rubbish tip

    警察在 垃圾 发现了一把很大的面包刀。

  • It was on the tip of Mahoney 's tongue to say the boss was out

    马奥尼想说老板出去了,话到 嘴边却没说出口。

  • I took a load of rubbish and grass cuttings to the tip .

    我把一堆垃圾与修剪下的碎草运到了 垃圾

  • How do you stop people tipping ?

    你怎样阻止人们 垃圾呢?

  • Tip the vegetables into a bowl

    蔬菜 进碗里。

  • A young boy is standing on a stool reaching for a cookie jar and the stool is about to tip

    一个小男孩正站在凳子上,伸手够一个曲奇罐子,凳子眼看就要 了。

  • The sleeves covered his hands to the tips of his fingers

    袖子遮住了他的手,一直盖到 指尖

  • It shows how to prepare a CV and gives tips on applying for jobs .

    它说明了如何准备简历,并就如何申请职位提了些 建议

  • I gave the barber a tip

    我给了理发师 小费

  • The north pole is slightly tipped towards the sun .

    北极略微向太阳 倾斜

  • She poked and shifted things with the tip of her walking stick

    她用手杖 翻拨挪动东西。

  • tips for busy managers

    给繁忙的经理们的 忠告