tissue respiration

[ˈtɪʃu ˌrɛspəˈreʃən][ˈtisju: ˌrespəˈreɪʃən]


  • The Effect of Vitamin C on the Cardiac Tissue Respiration

    维生素丙对心肌 组织 呼吸的影响

  • Long-term application of Dopamine in patient with heart failure may influence oxygenation of tissue . Active surveillance of effects of respiration and immunity should be considered in such patients .

    心衰时较长时间应用多巴胺可影响 组织氧合,心衰病人应用多巴胺时需充分考虑其对 呼吸和免疫的影响。

  • Thus it can he seen that both wound respiration and aging tissue respiration are characteristic of cyanide & resistant respiration .

    可见,创伤呼吸和陈化的 组织 呼吸都包含有抗氰呼吸的成分。

  • It was found that BAP and ZT being in high concentration could inhibit tissue total respiration remarkably by means of inhibiting cyanide-resistant respiration pathway .

    结果表明,高浓度的ZT和BAP能够抑制 组织 呼吸 强度.结合 KCN+ZT/BAP处理的实验结果,认为ZT和BAP对 组织 呼吸 强度的抑制主要是通过抑制抗氰呼吸途径来实现的。

  • The exchange of gases between the blood and other tissues in the body is another form of respiration called internal respiration or tissue respiration .

    血液与人体其他组织之间的气体交换是另一种呼吸,叫做内呼吸,或 组织 呼吸

  • The effect of chloroquine and emetine on tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation of liver mitochondria in rats

    氯喹和依米丁对大白鼠 组织 呼吸和肝线粒体氧化磷酸化作用的影响