




  • Decorate a Christmas tree with tinsel

    光亮 金属 装饰圣诞树

  • A Christmas tree decorated with tinsel .

    一棵饰有 金银 的圣诞树。

  • And the tinsel and the holly were decorating the drug store .

    杂货店又被装饰 冬青树和 闪闪

  • YOUR window half-opened and veil half-raised you stand there waiting for the bangle-seller to come with his tinsel .

    你站在半开的 窗牖前,面纱微微撩起,等待着货郎来卖手镯脚铃。

  • A tree covered with tinsel and gaudy paper chains graced one corner .

    一棵覆盖着 金属 和纸链的树让角落增光。

  • I walked in and there was a mountain bike sitting there for me with a little bit of tinsel on the handlebars !

    我走了进去,看到一辆山地车,一些 圣诞 装饰品 缠绕在车把上!

  • The capacity of the economy to produce goods and services would be undiminished and after a period of adjustment during which tinsel factories would be retooled and Christmas tree plantations replanted all would be well .

    经济生产商品和服务的能力将不会减弱,在经过一段时期的调整以后 届时 金属 箔片工厂将会更换设备,圣诞树种植园将种植其他树木一切都会恢复正常。

  • Christmas is not in tinsel and lights and outward show .

    圣诞节不在于 金属 和灯光的 装饰,不 在于外在的布置。

  • Primping the room for Christmas was like using wrapping paper for a tourniquet or sewing up a wound with tinsel .

    为圣诞打扮房间就像给压血带裹上纸或用 金属 缝合伤口。

  • She wore a dress trimmed with tinsel .

    她穿着饰有 亮片的连衣裙。

  • Her dress was fully covered with tinsel which glittered to all directions .

    她的礼服上 满了 亮片,真是光芒四射啊。

  • Improvement of the Lifter for the Tinsel Embroidery Device in the Computer Embroidery Machine

    电脑绣花机 装置中升降机构的改进

  • The room was lavishly decorated with tinsel and holly .

    房间用了大量的 金属 和冬青枝装饰,十分奢华。

  • Made of or decorated with tinsel . The stone pillar has a decorating spiral stripe .

    这根石柱有一条 螺线的装饰条纹。

  • Ireland-Throughout December trees are purchased and decorated with brightly colored lights tinsel and baubles .

    爱尔兰&整个十二月都有树买,且用闪光的 彩灯、金纸和小饰物点缀其上。

  • Christmas can be celebrated in the school room with pine trees tinsel and reindeers but there must be no mention of the Man whose birthday is being celebrated .

    在教室里,可以用圣诞树、 锡箔 装饰和驯鹿来庆祝圣诞节,却绝对不能提及那个出生日被纪念的人。

  • Tinsel has even been put up inside commercial aircraft that fly from mainly Buddhist Colombo to predominantly Hindu Jaffna .

    从佛教城市科伦坡飞往印度教圣地贾夫纳(斯里兰卡北部港口)的飞机里,也挂了 一些 金箔和银箔的 圣诞 装饰品

  • And you turn it into tinsel .

    而你将一切变得 华而不实

  • We ran out of tinsel before we 'd finished decorating the tree .

    我们还没把 圣诞完全装饰好, 闪光 金属 已经用完了。

  • There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles glittering with tinsel and coloured balls .

    那儿有一个圣诞树上挂着几百支蜡烛,闪烁着 金属 和黑色球。

  • Glittering with gold or tinsel . Appeatance : Shine with grey or dark grey metallic lustre .

    闪闪发亮的发出 金光金属光泽的外观:表面呈灰色或暗灰色金属光泽。

  • Around four of the pillars stalls of merchants all sparkling with glass and tinsel ;

    头四根大柱的周围有 店铺,闪烁着玻璃 金属 箔片 亮光

  • There are corridors lined with nothing but tinsel streets throbbing with competing LED light shows stockings of every size plastic Christmas trees in blue and yellow and fluorescent pink plastic pine cones in gold and silver .

    有些走廊 专门 展示 金属 ,除 之外什么都没有,还有些走廊里就像有比赛一样的LED灯光展,还有各种尺码的袜子、蓝的黄的荧光粉的塑料圣诞树、金色银色的塑料松果。

  • Go out of the house to see the moon and 't is mere tinsel ;

    款步出屋为的是赏月,看到月明如 想的到 旅人路途 伴月而行的 快乐

  • Besides the holly and ivy pine or spruce trees are set up in people 's houses and decorated with tinsel electric lights and baubles ;

    除了冬青树和常青藤外,松树和云杉也会被人们放置在房子里,在上面装饰上 金属 、电灯泡、小玩意等;

  • Kate : A tree full of empty beer cans is not my idea of Christmas . Now hold this tinsel . You 're staying home .

    凯伊:一颗装饰满空啤酒罐的圣诞树不是我理想的圣诞节,现在,拿着这个 金银 ,你要留在家里。

  • You will see the flashing strobes colorful tinsel and swirling images projected onto the concrete walls .

    你可以看到不断变换闪烁的灯光,多彩的 装饰和打旋的图像投影在墙体上。