


  • Timothy Adams is a former US Treasury undersecretary for international affairs and is managing director of the Lindsey group .


  • Timothy Walsh says he offered his team to help in the investigation but Indian officials rejected the invitation .


  • Who brought him good news from Corinth and also by Timothy .

    是谁把他的好消息科林斯,也由 蒂莫西

  • ' Hey listen to me all that 1980 nonsense is over . ' — ' If only Timothy if only . '

    “嗨,听我说,所有那些1980年的无聊之事都结束了。”——“要是这样就好了, 蒂莫西,要是这样就好了。”

  • Timothy richard 's relief won official recognition and support from Qing dynasty .

    他救灾的 善举得到了清朝官员的承认与支持。

  • I want to introduce you to Timothy good .

    我给你介绍 timothygood。

  • This epistle was written so that Timothy would know how to instruct the churches in doctrine and behaviour .

    保罗写这封书信的目的,乃是要教导 提摩太如何带领会众认识纯正的道理和圣洁的行为。

  • But as the economist Timothy Taylor comments enough people experience disappointment to leave lasting shadows .

    但正如经济学家 蒂莫西•泰勒 TimothyTaylor)所 ,生活中有 多人经历深切失望,这种失望给他们留下持久的阴影。

  • The children a10-year-old boy and a12-year-old girl named Ramie and Timothy remained in critical condition on Tuesday .

    她的两个孩子,分别是10岁的男孩Ramie和12岁的女孩 Timothy 周二时,这两个孩子仍在重症监护病房。

  • He paired up with timothy but they lost eventually .

    他与 莫西配对,但最后他们还是输了。

  • Although with Timothy Geithner surreptitiously printing $ 650 billion this latter advantage is waning .

    虽然 TimothyGeithner(美国财神)印了6500亿美元,但我们的优势还在不断减弱。

  • This was the gift that Timothy knew his parents had been lavishing on him all along .

    这是送给他的父母都知道, 蒂莫西他一向信任。

  • US Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner has said that World Bank members have agreed to two new developments .

    美国财政部长 盖特纳称,世界银行成员国同意其两项新发展措施。

  • His name is Timothy young .

    他的名字叫 蒂莫西杨。

  • I think timothy 's smoking !

    我想 提摩西冒烟啦!

  • I want you to know that our brother Timothy has been released .

    23你们该知道,我们的兄弟 提摩太已经释放了;

  • Timothy Coetzee is the Chief Research Officer for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society .


  • And yet Timothy said he felt conflicted about taking a leadership spot .

    但是, 提摩西也说他对担任领导职位感到有些矛盾。

  • Timothy is also to devote himself to the public preaching and teaching of God 's Word to others .


  • Timothy Walsh leads the NDM-1 research at University of Cardiff .

    蒂莫西·沃什 TimothyWalsh)领导了卡迪夫大学的NDM-1研究。

  • Timothy is really down-to-earth ; if you want some advice you ought to talk to him .


  • Margaret and Timothy are at the art gallery . They are looking at the exhibits .

    玛格丽特和 提摩西在画廊里。他们正在观赏展览。

  • Timothy 's camp is just up over this ridge .

    过这 应山就是约翰森的宿营地了。

  • How do you do ? I am Timothy hudson .

    你好,我是 提摩西。赫德森。

  • On May16 Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced that the federal debt had reached its statutory limit .

    5月16日,财政部长蒂莫西∙盖特纳 TimothyGeithner)宣布联邦债务已达到法定上限。

  • Unfortunately her youngest son Timothy is sick .

    不幸的是,她的小儿子 蒂莫西生病了。

  • Timothy was crying mostly from exhaustion and his nose was running .


  • He is obviously not in a position to run the IMF US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said .

    美国财长 盖特纳说,“他明显不 适合继续担任这一职务”。