Z disk

[ziː dɪsk][zed disk]


  • The ν value algebroid function w ( z ) in the unit disk and its Borel points were discussed .

    研究单位 内ν值代数体函数w( z)及其Borel点。

  • So the matter what kind of trick you might want to use it 's actually a theorem in topology that you cannot find a surface bounded by this disk without intersecting the z axis .

    你想使用的方法,实际上是一个拓扑学的定理,你不能找到一个不与 z轴相交的,且以这个 圆盘为界的曲面。

  • In this paper we study the invariant subspaces of the operator Mz on the Sobolev disk algebra R ( D ) and characterize the invariant subspace with finite codimension .

    本文研究了Sobolev 圆盘代数R(D)上的 乘法算子 M z的不变子空间,完全刻画了余维有限的不变子空间的结构。

  • The 1-D non-LTE radiative hydrodynamic laser irradiated code JB-19 is used to calculate the laser - produced plasma conditions of high z gold disk .

    本文用一维非平衡辐射流体力学激光打靶程序 JB&19模拟了强激光与高 Z的金靶相互作用形成的等离子体状态。

  • The Hadamard product of analytic function in the unit disk | z | < 1

    单位 Z丨<1中解析函数的Hadamard乘积

  • The Influence of Velocity Distribution and Thickness Effect of Galactic Disk on the z-Distribution of Normal Pulsars

    速度分布和 银盘厚度效应对正常脉冲星 Z 分布的影响

  • The sarcomere of NaCl treatment remained original structure basically except that it seemed less pronounced and had slightly weakening at Z disk .

    NaCl处理的肉样肌节基本上保持原有轮廓,只是稍微模糊,且在 Z 处出现轻微弱化。

  • At the level of the Z lines between adjacent cardiac muscle cells the intercalated disk composed of3 main junctional specializations complexes .


  • There was a separate z / FS file system allocated on a single volume ( disk ) for the Domino execution data ( excepting client mail databases ) and the Domino Directory ( Names . nsf ) .

    一个位于单独卷( 磁盘)上的单独的 z/FS文件系统,用于Domino的执行、数据(除了客户机邮件数据库)和Domino目录(Names.nsf)。

  • The sarcomere struture of HMP also remained basic structure except the weakening at Z disk .

    肉样经HMP处理后,肌节基本上保持原有结构,只是 Z 处稍有弱化发生。