time chart

[taɪm tʃɑrt][taim tʃɑ:t]


  • To show more or less time on the Gantt Chart click the Zoom In or Zoom Out on the Standard toolbar .

    如果要在“ 甘特图”上显示更多或更少的 时间,请单击“常用”工具栏上的“放大”或“缩小”按钮。

  • By default this chart type will be used each time you create a new chart .

    在缺省情况下, 每次创建新 图表时都将使用该图表类型。

  • Based on time and complexity a chart is presented for confirming the situation of supply exceeding demand of human resources .

    基于 时间性和复杂性两个维度,提出了企业人力资源供大于求状态的四象限辨认

  • Time line chart : This chart shows the changes in number of queries and users along with the average and worst response time .

    时间折线 :该图显示了查询数和用户数的变化,以及平均和最差响应时间。

  • Party workers had little time to chart a detailed way out of their troubles .

    党务工作人员几乎没有 时间 拟订出摆脱困境的具体办法。

  • Meanwhile the time chart of valves deduced by analyzing the deformation of the stacking valve group and the flow field characteristics near the valve group validated the model .

    对叠加阀片组的变形及阀片附近区域油液的流场特性进行分析,得出阀片的 时间历程 验证了模型的正确性。

  • The action invoked on clicking this Time Chart link is the view_timesheet_chart action of the employees controller .

    点击“ Time Chart”链接将会调用employees控制器的viewtimesheetchart动作。

  • In the time operation chart use SEIZE FREE FREE-AFTER NEXI-SOLT-AVAILABLE functions to identify tasks and synchronize resources ;

    时间表操作中利用SEIZE,FREE, FREE-AFTER,和NEXI-SOLT-AVAILABLE功能(函数)确定任务和同步资源。

  • The operation gimmick of the banker reflected on the time sharing chart which creates the opportunity for retail investors to judge the bankers ' intentions .

    庄家的操盘手法表现在分 的价格走势上,这就给投资者判断庄家意图创造了机会。

  • A special designed real time T-H chart was proposed to directly represent the thermal and psychrometric status .

    专门设计的 实时温、湿度状态 能直观地表达各个测点的热湿状态。

  • A realizing method on the random changing tool from modern machining center was studied by SIEMENS S7-200 PLC controller . The control process of tool storehouse fixed position was mainly introduced . At the same time its flow chart and ladder diagram was furnished .

    基于西门子S7-200PLC控制器,研究现代加工中心随机换刀方式的实现方法,通过编程方式着重介绍刀库定位的控制过程, 同时给出相应的控制流程 和梯形图程序。

  • By employing a relatively detailed thermal load time retardation chart with the unit heat supply area net value of the nuclear heat supply system assigned as an optimization objective an optimization of the nuclear heat supply plant thermochemical factor was conducted .

    利用较详细的热负荷 延时 ,以核供热系统单位供热厂热面积净现值为优化目标,对核热电化系数进行优化。

  • Edit the working time for this chart .

    编辑此 图表的工作 时间

  • The Chart control is primarily useful any time you need to chart live data or monitor a specific metric critical to your business .

    当需要用 图表表示动态的数据或监视对你的业务而言非常重要的元素 。图表控件会相当的有用。

  • The article brings forward the method of detection noise removing based on the theory of signal detection and signal detecting on the time frequency chart gotten by time frequency analysis tools .

    基于信号的检测理论,在利用时频分析工具得到的 上进行信号检测,提出了检测去噪法。

  • Founded on the advantages of VI correlation analysis in time field and Power chart in frequency field have been realized after traditional functions have been realized .

    充分利用虚拟仪器的强大功能,在实现传统仪器功能的基础上,对采集结果作了 时域下相关性分析和频域下的功率 分析。

  • Now Time Inc. gets to chart its own course with new management and already has begun bulking up its Web properties ( including this site which launched just last week with more than a dozen new staffers ) .

    而如今,依靠新的管理层, 时代得以 规划自己的道路,而且已经开始壮大自己的网络财产(包括上周刚刚上线、聘请了十几名新员工的全新Fortune网站)。

  • Show the progress achieved by reference to a revised time chart .

    根据已修改过的 展示已达成的进度。

  • What 's more by revising log-ging techniques and interpretations workers can spot bursts during injection profile logging more easily and improve the accuracy of transition time on asymmetric chart .

    在此基础上,通过改变测井工艺以及改进解释方法,还可以较好地识别出注入剖面测井中的“反吐”现象和提高在非对称 中渡越 时间的求解精度。

  • Hence the solution of APF digital control system is introduced in the mean time that the flow chart of this solution is presented in which the initial design concept has been established for hardware design and software control procedures .

    并以DSP芯片 TMS320F2812控制核心,提出了有源电力滤波器全数字化控制系统的实施方案,对控制系统的硬件电路设计和软件控制 流程给出初步设计方案。

  • Enabling the time chart and the data logging function are as easy as clicking on switches next to the graph .

    还使 时间表和数据日志的功能象点击在表格一旁的切换键一样简单方便。

  • A comparison of the two displaying methods of cooling-load rate distribution that is time frequency chart and probability distribution curve is made .

    时间频数 、概率分布图这两种负荷率分布的表示方法进行了比较。

  • A time chart with target dates for accomplishing key tasks can help with scheduling the time needed to complete a review .

    制定完成关键性工作的 时间表有助于统筹评价的时间。

  • But regaining the competitiveness lost in the 2000s is going to take a long time ( see chart ) .

    但要重新获得本世纪头十年里失去的竞争力,将需要很长 时间(见 图表)。

  • The effects of strain and stress rates hold time and loading chart on cyclic softening / hardening feature and ratcheting were discussed .

    讨论了材料在不同加载速率,不同保持 时间和不同加载波形下的循环软/硬化行为和 棘轮行为特征。

  • And the chaos phenomena of the locomotion of the double turbination chaos attractor is described with the help of the phase chart and time domain chart got from simulation experiment .

    通过仿真得到相图和 时域 ,从而描述了双涡卷混沌吸引子是非周期有序运动的混沌现象。

  • What 's more a time chart displays the data from all active channels at a specific wavelength over time .

    而且,一个 时间表显示来自于随时间过去一个特别波长的所有的活动通道的数据。

  • Three months after the introduction of improved measures the author uses two kinds of comparison which are quality indicator and time column chart to verify effects of quality improving .

    改进措施实施三个月后,作者运用改进前后实验室的质量指标对比和 时间 对比两种方式,对实验室的改进效果实施效果验证。

  • Thus for every employee there will be a link to view his time as a chart .

    这样,每个雇员都可以查看自己的 工时 图表

  • RIM still has time to chart a more effective course but not much as the declines of both Nokia and Palm showed .

    RIM仍有 时间制定一条更富有成效的路线,但正如诺基亚和Palm的例子所证明的,这个时间没有多长。