time of pulse

[taɪm ʌv pʌls][taim ɔv pʌls]

[计] 脉冲时间, 脉冲宽度

  • The chronometer which has four channels records the time of input pulse from each channel .

    该测时仪的四个输入通道分别记录该通道输入 脉冲 信号 时刻值。

  • From the variation of the rise time of photoacoustic pulse wavefront after a propagating a certain distance the parameter B / A of liquid is determined .

    根据光声 脉冲传播一定距离后前沿上升 时间的变化,测定了液体的B/A。

  • This solution uses programmable ASIC widget to fulfill synchronism between the input signal pulse and MPU clocking signal . It also solves the measuring errors caused by the randomness of starting time and stopping time of the input pulse and strobe signal .

    提出利用可编程ASIC器件来实现输入脉冲信号与MPU定时信号同步的实现方法,解决了输入 脉冲和给定闸门时间起止 时刻随机性引起的测量误差。

  • Results There was no significant difference between the two groups in T_ 99 and T_ 95.After reinstitution of manual ventilation with 100 % oxygen SpO_2 still continued to decrease to its lowest value after 5 to 30 seconds because of the lag time of pulse oximeter response .

    结果SpO2降至99%和95%所需的时间在两组之间无明显差别。由于 脉搏氧饱和度仪的反应迟滞 时间,再建人工呼吸后小儿的SpO2在5~30秒内仍然继续下降,并达其最低值。

  • Based on the controlled trajectory model of rotating projectile a strategy is presented on controlling firing time of pulse jet by using of magnetic sensor .

    文中在旋转弹有控弹道模型的基础上,提出了一种借助于地磁传感器测量,来控制 脉冲推力器 适时点火的策略。

  • The minimum time of pulse combustion is determined by the FLUENT simulation of the thermal processes in the furnace chamber of XR-II .

    利用FLUENT软件,通过对XR-II炉内热工过程进行模拟,确定了最短 脉冲燃烧 时间

  • Experimental curves of etching depth versus repeated rate and radiation time of laser pulse are given .

    同时给出了刻蚀深度与 脉冲速率及脉冲 时间的实验曲线。

  • The finite during period of radiated electromagnetic field is decided by the time width of exciting pulse .

    激励 信号 时间宽度决定了电磁场能量的衰减快慢。

  • This radar use FMICW signals time synchronization consists of pulse synchronization and frequency-modulation synchronization .

    该雷达采用调频中断连续波(FMICW)信号, 时间同步包括 调制 脉冲的同步和调制频率的同步。

  • The relation between the setting time of the driving pulse of function synchronization and the power source of bulbs is given and a function synchronizing device is designed .

    给出了电视信号与电源的函数同步驱动 脉冲 时间定位关系式,设计了电光电视函数同步装置。

  • Mean Arrival Time of Pulse Signal Propagating Through Ionospheric Irregularities

    穿过电离层电子密度不均匀体的 脉冲平均到达 时间

  • With the same process system effective bandwidth the PCSF technique made bandwidth traverse faster time of sent pulse cluster shorter data rate higher and Doppler sensitivity lower . And a two stage pulse compression process is employed to achieve a variable range resolution .

    PCSF雷达信号在系统有效工作带宽一定的情况下可以减少 脉冲串数目,提高目标数据率及降低多普勒敏感度,并且经过两级压缩处理还可以获得两级分辨率。

  • The loss is small and the time of pulse can be changed according to electrical circuit . So the pulse magnetization is regarded as one of the most promising method in practical field .

    为了获得磁场,我们首先要对超导块材进行充磁,脉冲充磁方法简单、充磁 速度 ,损耗小, 脉冲 持续 时间由电路参数决定,被认为是最有可能在实际应用中磁化超导块材的方式。

  • According to the Q-switched operation rate equation using pulsed laser-diode ( LD ) pumping the build-up time of laser pulse the output pulse width and the energy extraction efficiency are discussed .

    结合脉冲泵浦调Q速率方程理论模型,讨论了从激光器的 脉冲建立 时间,输出脉冲宽度、能量提取效率等问题。

  • Isobaric identification with GF-TOF method is based on the different time of flight caused by the different energy loss . The resolution of GF-TOF is mainly affected by two factors . First the rises time of current pulse from start and stop detector .

    GF-TOF方法对同量异位素的分辨取决于△E的不同而产生的时间不同,时间分辨仅来源于定时探测器电流 脉冲上升 时间的快慢和离子在 气体介质中的能量离散。

  • Long-range laser ranging technology generally based on time-of-flight method . The distance of non-cooperation target was detected by measuring round-trip time of laser pulse travelling between emission point and the target .

    中远距离的激光测距技术一般采用 脉冲飞行时间法,通过测量发射点与目标之间激光往返的 时间,获得口标物距离信息。

  • For the self-magnetic field MID with relatively simple structure the stability of self-magnetic field generated by electron flow is obtained by adjusting the diode gap and the delay time of bipolar pulse .

    对于具有简化结构优点的自磁绝缘离子二极管,通过调节阴阳极间距保证电子流造成的自磁场稳定形成,同时控制合适的双极 脉冲延迟 时间,电磁场共同作用形成了稳定的稠密阳极等离子体。

  • The analytical expression of time shift of the pulse central position induced by Raman effect in dispersion managed solitons is deduced and Raman timing jitter due to pulse width fluctuation is also discussed .

    给出了色散管理孤子中Raman效应所引起的 脉冲中心位置 移的解析表达式并讨论了孤子脉宽的波动所引起的Raman定时抖动。

  • The switches are crucial components in pulsed technology and pulsed power technology whose parameters and characteristics have the most sensitive and direct impact on the breakdown delay time and amplitude of pulse .

    开关元件是脉冲技术和脉冲功率技术中重要的元器件,其参数和特性对 脉冲的上升 时间、幅值等产生最直接、最敏感的影响。

  • In this paper a pulsed magnetic fields stimulation instrument is designed and realized which provides a pulsed magnetic field with the range of maximal intensity from 0.01 ~ 2T frequency from 0.2 ~ 100Hz and time width of pulse from 0.01 ~ 1ms .

    研制的 脉冲磁场刺激仪主要指标是:最大磁感应强度0.01 ̄2T,频率0.2 ̄100Hz, 脉冲宽度0.01 ̄1ms。

  • It can obtain the accurate time series of pulse flame temperature.3.Making the chaos test on pulse combustion time series of flame temperature by the largest Lyapunov exponent method and using improved algorithm of the small amount of data method to c implement chaos detection .

    运用最大Lyapunov指数法对 脉动燃烧火焰温度 时间序列的进行了混沌检测,并采用小数据量改进算法来具体实现检测。

  • Delay Time of Output Pulse in Nonlinear Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches

    非线性光导开关输出 脉冲延迟 时间 研究

  • Design the fast calculation of modulus of 16 bit fix-point complex number and time logic of pulse compression system based on FPGA ( EP1K100QC208 ) .

    基于FPGA( EP1K100QC208)的16位定点复数的快速求模设计及系统 时序和控制逻辑设计。

  • Multi - pulses CARS needs to adjust the delay time of probe pulse to obtain time-resolved spectroscopy and relatively long detection time . Thus it is requirement on laser system and molecular long term stability .

    多脉冲CARS需要调节探测 时间延迟得到时间分辨光谱,探测时间相对较长,并且对激光系统和待测样品的稳定性要求较高。

  • Nanosecond time measurments of single pulse

    单次 脉冲毫微秒 时间测量

  • The pulse duration and delay time of Q-switched pulse was numerically calculated from the rate equations of the semiconductor film passive Q-switched . 3 .

    建立采用半导体薄膜 双波长激光被动调Q的速率方程组,数值求解得到双波长 激光脉冲时间宽度和延迟 时间

  • In this paper a gas CO_2 laser with multi-pulses output is studied . An optimal mathematical model is presented which is matched with the time of discharge pulse time interval in every discharge range .

    该文研究多激光脉冲输出的气体CO_2激光器,给出 其各个放电区放电 脉冲时间间隔的最佳匹配数学模型。

  • This paper mainly introduces the computation of time interval of pulse delay in the design of pulse positioning of rise and fall frequency of step motor with microcomputer control .

    主要介绍微机控制步进电机升降频脉冲定位设计中, 脉冲间隔 时间的计算方法。

  • Pulse laser range finder holds the characters of short continuing time of laser pulse relatively centralized power referring to time and high instantaneous power which is well applied to long-distance range detection .

    脉冲式激光测距仪具有激光 脉冲持续 时间极短、能量在时间上相对集中、瞬时功率很大的特点,适用于远程激光测距。