time schedule

[taɪm ˈskɛdʒul][taim ˈʃedju:əl]


  • Facilities administration control and time schedule

    设备管理控制和 时间 调度 程序

  • On-site correction or requiring for correction within time schedule ;

    当场予以纠正或者要求 限期改正;

  • Please assemble at Mission Hills San Tin parking lounge according to the specified time schedule .

    请于指定 时间在观澜湖高尔夫球会 新田停车场休息室集合。

  • Early November fits my time schedule .

    十一月上旬的话,符合我的 日程 安排

  • A crontab line contains two main sections a time schedule section followed by a command section .

    一个crontab行包括两个主要部分,即 时间 调度部分及其后接的命令部分。

  • Extra type approvals were needed for that and we were unable to prioritize that without jeopardizing the time schedule .

    我们需要额外的许可,而且我们无法做到在不影响更新 计划 同时,做到这点。

  • I am here to ask your opinion about the time schedule of the next six day .

    我来这儿想征求一下您对以后六天的 日程 安排的意见。

  • I 'll let you know the time schedule later .

    以后我再把 日程 安排告诉您。

  • This process can run ( repeatedly ) on a time schedule or it can be invoked ( repeatedly ) as a service from a business process or any other service consumer .

    这个过程可以按 时间 计划(重复地)运行,或者由业务流程或任何其他服务使用者作为服务(重复地)调用。

  • All variation requests shall be in writing clearly defining the variation required including but not limited to remuneration and time schedule .

    所有额外工作的要求应以书面形式纪录,幷清楚界定客户所要求的额外工作,包括但不局限于报酬和 时间表

  • The execution of the data-consolidation process is started based on a defined time schedule or through a service invocation .

    可以根据已定义的 时间 计划或通过服务调用来启动数据整合过程的执行。

  • In accordance with the characteristics of expansion project of Huanglongtan Power Plant the optimized plan for the construction was designed and the project time schedule was guaranteed .

    根据黄龙滩电厂扩建工程的特点,设计了工程建设的优化方案,确保了 工期目标。

  • We should work according to the overall schedule chart ( the construction time schedule ) of the project .

    我们应该按照工程项目的总进度表(设 进度 )作。

  • Listen to the commands respect the time schedule and develop a group spirit .

    听从指挥,遵守 时间,发扬团结协作精神。

  • Initially submit the IL conversion implementation plan and time schedule ;

    项目初期,提交白炽灯转型实施方案及 时间 计划 安排

  • To set the one time schedule complete the one-time occurrence group on the dialog .

    若要设置“执行一 计划,请完成对话框上的“执行一次”组。

  • During construction the effective measures were taken to ensure controlling well over the construction quality time schedule and investment .

    建设过程中采取有效措施,保证了工程建设质量、 进度工程投资得到了有效控制。

  • Traditionally the consolidation process runs on a relatively fixed time schedule most often during maintenance windows on a weekly or daily basis .

    通常,以相对固定的 时间 计划来运行整合过程,常常在每周或每天的维护窗口内执行。

  • Based on past experience should a provider be obligated to launch a system on-line within rigid time schedule quality would always be sacrificed .

    我们根据以往的经验,如果硬性规定供应商在很 时间仓促开发,将以牺牲系统的质量为代价。

  • When you have bought something always pay according to the agreed amount and time schedule .

    买了东西就一定依照约定的价格和 时间 付钱

  • If the owner has a special requirement of runtime the professional maintenance staff must follow the time schedule of the owner to do the maintenance .

    业主方在电梯的使用和运行时间上有特殊要求,公司专业维保人员必须严格遵守业主方的 时间 安排进行维修、保养工作。

  • Attention please . There 's been a change in our time schedule this week .

    大家注意了,本周我们的 时间表有所改动。

  • The consolidation is decoupled from business processes that often run in a less rigid time schedule .

    整合与业务流程是相互分离的,后者通常并不按照很严格的 时间 计划运行。

  • DELIBERATE Fire is that type of slow fire which is executed on a prearranged time schedule .

    属于慢射的一种,按照有预定 计划 进行的发射模式。

  • When you are selling and have accepted a purchase or an order or when the buyer has paid always deliver the good or service according to the agreed quantity quality and delivery time schedule .

    接受了别人的购买或订单或别人付了钱时,就一定把货物或服务按照约定的数量、质量及 时间供应。

  • The disciplinary experts will conduct the audit within required time schedule and fill out the form of audit comments .

    行业专家应该在 安排 时间内完成审核,并且填写审核意见表。

  • When making appointment with advisor the student needs to respect the advisor 's time schedule .

    当和系主任预约的 时候,学生需要遵从系主任的 时间表

  • Before installation and operation of equipment the supplier shall provide suggestions for equipment installation plan as reference for the user including time schedule installation procedures equipment used in installation and requirements on public system .

    在设备装运之前,供货商应对设备安装计划提出建议以备用户参考,包括 时间 计划、安装程序、安装所需设备以及对公用系统的要求。