time reversal

[taɪm rɪˈvə:səl][taim rɪˈvɜ:səl]


  • Time reversal mirror-based underwater acoustic communication scheme

    基于 时间 反转镜的水声通信方案分析

  • Research on Time Reversal Mirror Passive Localization and Noise Suppression Technology Based on Vertical Array

    垂直阵 被动定位及噪声抑制技术研究

  • The principle of time reversal and the process of active detection using this technology were analyzed .

    分析了 的原理,并进一步分析了时 法用于主动探测的过程。

  • Hence we affirm that the mansions of time reversal physics in classic mechanics quantum mechanics and quantum field theory will be destined to collapse .

    为此我们断言:经典力学、量子力学和量子场论中的 时间 反演物理学大厦,必将面临全部崩塌的命运。

  • Application of Time Reversal Acoustics in Shallow Water Environment

    时间 反演在浅海波导环境中的应用研究

  • I still look forward to time reversal have you with me Quwang Cape horizon .

    我依然期待着 时光 逆转,带我去往有你的海角天边。

  • Underwater Multi-user Communication Based on Distributed Time Reversal

    基于分布式 时间 反转 的水声组网通信

  • The fundamental equations of physics have a property which is referred to as time reversal symmetry

    物理学的基本方程式里面有种被称为 时间 反演对称性的特性

  • Time reversal principle and its application to passive communication were introduced .

    分析了 的理论基础,并对其用于 浅海被动通信进行了仿真研究。

  • The time reversal method has been used to overcome the problems of weak reflected signals and low detection accuracy .

    针对检测过程中反射信号弱、检测精度低的问题,使用了 时间 反转法对 管道中的信号进行二次 加载和计算。

  • Research of Two-sensor-array Time Reversal Localization Technology Using of Adaptive Interference Counteraction

    自适应干扰抵消应用于二元阵 时间 反转镜定位研究

  • Time reversal imaging method for composite delamination monitoring

    复合材料板脱层损伤的 时间 反转成像监测

  • The relation between spatio-temporal inverse filter and time reversal is analyzed and the iterative time reversal is presented .

    在分析空&时逆滤波和 处理关系的基础上,提出了一种迭代时反的方法。

  • Bottom Target Detection with Iterative Time Reversal

    利用 时间 反转迭代方法的沉底目标探测技术

  • The iterative time reversal processing and the decomposition time reversal operator method are studied .

    研究了迭代 处理和时反算子分解方法。

  • Underwater Sensor Network Physical Layer Design Based on Time Reversal

    适用于 固定节点的水下传感器网络物理层设计

  • KEY WORDS : time and space translation symmetry ; time reversal symmetry ; conservation law ; symmetry breaking .

    关键词:时间和空间平移对称性; 时间 反演对称性;守恒律;对称破缺。

  • After that analysis the principle of the time reversal mirror from the normal wave theory and ray theory .

    之后,从简正波理论和射线理论分析 时间 反转 干扰的原理。

  • The finite element method is used to investigate the effect of a time reversal method on the guided wave inspection in pipes .

    为克服现有导波检测技术对管道小缺陷检测的不足,给出了一种基于 时间 反转理论的管道缺陷超声导波无损检测方法。

  • Active Detection to Underwater Target Based on Time Reversal Technique

    基于 处理法的水下目标探测研究

  • Time reversal T is not unitary .

    时间 反演T不是幺正的。

  • Time Reversal Symmetry and Discrete Rotation Symmetry in Magnetic Particles

    磁性粒子的 时间 反演对称性和旋转对称性效应

  • Time reversal invariance is a very useful symmetry in subatomic physics .

    时间 反演不变性在亚原子物理中仍然是一种很有用的对称性。

  • Review of the Current Application of Nonlinear Acoustics and Time Reversal Acoustics in Material Defects Identification

    非线性声学和 时间 反转声学在材料缺陷识别中的应用现状评述

  • The capability of time reversal processing for echo-to-reverberation enhancement is studied using computer simulation under the condition that target is in the middle of the shallow water guide .

    针对典型的浅海波导环境,通过计算机仿真研究了目标位于波导中间深度条件下 时间 反转处理增强信混比的能力以及目标深度的变化对信混比增强能力的影响。

  • A variety of damage signals are processed and compared in time reversal method .

    对各种损伤信号进行 时间 反转处理,并进行了比较。

  • The further conditions which are given by the space-refletion invariance and the time reversal invariance are also discussed .

    讨论了空间反射不变性和 时间 反演不变性给出的进一步的限制。

  • Study on the Positioning Method of Damaged Materials with Ultrasonic Time Reversal Techniques

    材料缺陷的超声波 时间 反转定位方法研究

  • Time reversal is a unique self-focusing technique for spatial and temporal focusing of sound in unknown environments .

    【中英文摘要】 法是一种新颖的自适应聚焦技术,它可以使声信号在未知环境下实现时空聚焦。