time optimal problem

[taɪm ˈɑptəməl ˈprɑbləm][taim ˈɔptəməl ˈprɔbləm]


  • With the criterion of the minimum fuel or the time used in transition maneuvers of flight test this paper studies the optimal ordering problem of flight test maneuvers by genetic algorithm ( GA ) which is based on the mechanics of natural selection and genetics .

    以试飞科目间总的过渡耗油、 耗时最省为性能指标,应用基于生物界自然选择机制和自然遗传机制的遗传算法,对试飞科目的 最优排序 问题进行了研究。

  • But the long searching time and easy to fall into local optimal solution is also the fatal shortcomings of the basic ant colony algorithm . For this problem this paper proposes an improved ant colony algorithm based on studying the genetic algorithm as we called G-ACA .

    但搜索 时间长,易陷入局部 最优解等也是基本蚁群算法的致命的缺点,针对此 问题,本文在研究了遗传算法基础上提出了一种改进的蚁群算法&G-蚁群算法。

  • For the first time tabu search is used to solve the optimal switching device placement problem .

    首次应用禁忌搜索算法来求解 配电网的开关 优化 问题

  • In this paper the time optimal control problem for nonlinear integral control systems with weak singularity kernel is discussed and it is proved that the Pontryagin maximum principle is still applicable to this system .

    本文讨论具弱奇性核的非线性积分系统的 快速控制 问题,证明了最大原理对这种系统依然适用。

  • A Time Optimal Control Problem on Time-Discrete System

    一个离散的 时间 最优控制 问题

  • In the paper many further discussions about the optimal control problem the approximate optimal solution to generalized time optimal control problem and stability of the degenerate systems with delay are considered and some important and meaningful results are obtained in it .

    而本篇论文则是对具有时滞的退化系统的最优控制问题,广义 时间 最优控制 问题的近似最优解和稳定性问题进行了讨论并且得出了一系列的重要成果。

  • Using the modern time series analysis method in the time domain the optimal estimation problem for ARMA signals with white measurement noise is treated . A unified optimal recursive filter smoother and predictor are presented .

    时域上的现代时间序列分析方法处理被白噪声污染的ARMA信号的 最优估计 问题,提出了统一的最优递推滤波器、平滑器和预报器。

  • Time is * An iterative algorithm of optimal control for the non-homogenous bilinear quadratic problem

    连续 时间 齐次双线性二次型 最优控制迭代算法

  • By grouping this machine setting this paper proves that the heuristic based on weighted shortest processing time among the available jobs is also asymptotically optimal even for the multi - processor flow shop weighted completion time scheduling problem .

    本文使用分组机器模型的方法证明:即使对于多机FlowShop加权完成时间调度 问题,基于有效作业加权最短处理 时间的启发式算法也是渐近 最优的。

  • On time optimal control problem of population evolution process

    人口发展过程的 控制 问题

  • Dynamic economic dispatch plays important role in power systems operation and control . Coupling with space and time it is a complicated optimal decision problem .

    动态经济调度在电力系统运行中占据重要作用,这是一个在 时间和空间上相互耦合的复杂 优化决策 问题

  • The model of hybrid systems restricted to time deterministic discrete transitions is presented . The quadratic optimal control problem for the hybrid systems is investigated based on mixed dynamical programming methods .

    针对连续模态驻留的 时延是确定性的分段线性混杂系统 最优控制 问题,首先给出该类混杂系统模型,采用一种新方法,即混合动态规划方法来研究混杂系统的最优控制。

  • A linear - time algorithm for the F-type optimal broadcast problem in tree networks

    树网络上f模式 最优广播 问题的线性 算法

  • For waiting expense and delaying expense affecting distribution cost in vehicle scheduling problem with time windows the minimum expense is the optimal aim considering distribution route . And design improved two-stage algorithm to solve the problem .

    由于,有 时间窗的车辆调度问题中产生的等待费用和延迟费用影响配送成本,为此,在考虑配送线路前提下;将最小费用作为 优化目标,并设计了改进两阶段算法对该 问题求解。

  • We establish the Pontryagin 's maximum principle for the time optimal control problem governed by the 2-dimensional Boussinesq system as well .

    对2维Boussinesq方程 时间 最优控制 问题给出了最大值原理。

  • Mathematics models of oil field programming and decision-making are restricted to two kinds of problem for a long time : traditional single-objective optimal problem and multi-objective optimal problem the former is in the highest flight .

    长期 以来,油田规划决策中数学规划模型的应用局限于两类问题:传统的占主导地位的单目标 优化 问题以及多目标优化问题。

  • Time optimal control problem for a fourth-order linear system with pointwise state constraints

    在逐点状态约束下一个四阶线性系统的 时间 最优 控制

  • So we need more time to find out the feasible and optimal solutions solving the ASP problem with higher degree of complexity .

    这就使得求解具有一定复杂度的ASP 问题 ,需要 花费较多 时间来寻找合适的 最优解。

  • In view of the nonlinearity and multiple time delays the optimal control problem is approximated by an optimal parameter selection problem according to the control parameterization technique . To improve the accuracy of the control parameterization technique the time node is optimized .

    针对 最优控制 问题 存在的非线性及多重 滞后,应用控制参数化方法,将 最优控制 问题转化为最优参数选择问题,并将时间节点当作优化变量进行寻优,提高了控制参数化方法的精度。

  • The fundamental properties of change point and change time for time optimal contral problem for two nonlinear system

    二维非线性系统 时间 最佳控制 问题的转变点与转变时间的基本性质

  • This pager deduces the state transition matrices of CDTLS both in time domain and in sequence domain and presents a method solving the optimal control problem of CDTLS by Walsh transformation .

    本文分析了CDTLS在 时间域及序率域上的传递特性,提出了一种求解该 优化 问题的沃尔什变换算法。

  • At the same time this optimal problem is represented by an AND / OR tree and then its optimal objective becomes to find the binary tree whose ratio of the area is maximum .

    同时优化 问题可以用与或树来描述,从而使有关的优化问题就变成寻找一棵面积比率最大的二叉树的 问题

  • Use intelligent control technology to solve the control problem of process with time varying gain and large inertia ; Use parameter on-line identification technology and optimal predication to solve the output predication problem of process with large time varying time lag .

    利用智能控制技术解决 变增益和大惯性过程的控制问题,利用在线参数辨识和 最优预测解决时变大纯滞后过程的输出预测 问题

  • The existence of time optimal controls is proved by an new method and new computation way of time optimal controls is offered . The deep relation between Meyer problem and time optimal control problem is also presented .

    这不仅给出时间最优控制存在性的新证明,同时为时间最优控制的计算提供了一个新途径,并揭示了 时间 最优控制 问题和Meyer问题的深刻关系。

  • A Time Optimal Control Problem for Gas-Solid Reaction

    一类气固反应的 时间 最优控制 问题

  • The dynamic economic dispatching coupled with space and time is a complicated optimal decision problem in power system .

    电力系统中的动态经济调度问题是 时间上和空间上相关联的一个复杂的 最优决策 问题

  • In this paper a time optimal control problem on time_discrete system was discussed and some good results were obtained .

    讨论了一个具体的离散系统的 时间 最优控制 问题,得到了一些较好的结果。

  • Thermodynamics in Finite Time : The Optimal problem of Reverse Step Carnot Cycle

    有限 时间热力学&逆向阶梯卡诺循环的 最优化

  • To shorten the convergence time the optimal search problem of disparity map is converted to an iterative convergence process of bi-valued neural networks .

    为加快收敛 速度,该算法将视差图的 最优搜索 问题转换为二值神经网络的迭代收敛过程。

  • The algorithm not only to overcome the division of clustering algorithm sensitive to the initial defects but also resolved a separate use of genetic algorithm in a short period of time when it is difficult to find the optimal solution of the problem .

    既能克服划分聚类算法对初值敏感的弊端,又能解决单独使用遗传算法在短 时间 难以找到 最优解的 问题