


  • It allows you to focus on different objects in the frame ; increase resolution for a higher quality picture ; and achieve special effects like slow motion and time-lapse video .

    该应用让你能够对取景框内的不同目标实现对焦、提高分辨率以获取高质量的画面,还能实现诸如慢动作和 延时 动态视频这样的特殊效果。

  • Time-lapse seismic feasibility study take into account the rock physics seismic data quality and reservoir information and conditions .


  • He left the lens open because it was night and all he got were some time-lapse photos with no definition .

    他离开了镜头打开,因为是晚上,他要了一些 时间 推移的照片,没有定义。

  • The application conditions and limitations of the technology should be considered when carrying out time-lapse seismic projects .

    在开展 时延地震项目时,应充分考虑该技术的应用条件和局限性。

  • As imaging improves more reverse-astronomers will look down at our own planet with something like a super-powered time-lapse Google Earth .

    成像技术的发展,越来越多的“逆向天文学家”将会把视线下投,用功能超强、 延时 拍摄的“谷歌地球”之类的工具俯瞰居住的星球。

  • This research is to Ms Payne 's knowledge the first systematic study by time-lapse recording of blastocyst formation .

    据Payne女士称,该研究是首次利用 实时 监控录像对囊胚形成进行系统的研究。

  • In time-lapse images fields of rubble become fields of grass .

    电影画面中, 随着 时间 流逝,瓦砾场变成了草场。

  • Characteristics of cross-joint flush valve : they are time-lapse self-closing beeline of water route . Gate valves serve as efficient stop valves with flow in either direction .

    卧式冲洗阀特点: 延时自闭、可以适应各种水流路径成,有手柄式、按钮式、脚踏式。闸阀可作为流体双向有效的关闭阀。

  • The time-lapse recording showed that at this stage the blastocoele collapsed at least once in25 of the26 embryos ( 96 % ) .

    实时 监控录像显示在此阶段26枚胚胎中有25枚(96%)至少发生一次囊胚腔萎缩。

  • The paper proposed a new method for time-lapse seismic non-repeatability analysis and quality control for cross-equalization processing .

    文章提出了一种 地震非一致分析和互均衡质量监控的新方法。

  • This video tour of the planet is a compilation of time-lapse images shot from the International Space Station ( ISS ) .

    这一段星际游历视频是由国际空间站(ISS) 缩时 摄影 拍摄出的 众多图像编辑而 的。

  • Characteristics of vertical time-lapse self-closing flush valve : they are time-lapse self-closing beeline of water route .

    立式 延时自闭冲洗阀特点:延时自闭、水流路径成一字型,有手柄式、按钮式、脚踏式。

  • To fully understand glacial dynamics the project will incorporate historical images satellite imagery and time-lapse photography .

    为了充分理解冰川的动态,这个项目将结合使用历史图像、卫星成像以及 延时 慢速摄影。

  • Time-lapse roller press system ensures the high precision of the glass press .


  • Outside experts are somewhat more restrained but Broad is still getting plenty of attention helped along by the nearly 5m views that time-lapse videos of its lightning-quick construction methods have attracted on YouTube .

    虽然外部专家的看法相对更为谨慎,远大集团仍然吸引到了足够多的关注,YouTube上有关该公司闪电般施工模式的 延时视频浏览量接近500万次也起到了一定的推动作用。

  • Rocket Launch Cape Canaveral Florida 1972 A time-lapse photo captures the brilliant arc of light streaking through the night sky after a rocket blast-off in Cape Canaveral Florida .

    火箭发射, 卡纳维拉尔角,佛罗里达州当火箭从佛罗里达州的卡纳维拉尔角发射之后,一 通过 过程摄影照 的相片抓拍到了夜空中一道壮丽的弧形亮光。

  • A time-lapse image blurs the silty mocha-colored waters of the Colorado River as it flows through sheer cliffs in Grand Canyon National Park .

    科罗拉多河滚滚而过大峡谷国家公园的峭壁悬崖,这张加时曝光的照片模糊了 摩卡色的泥浊河水。

  • Research on Influence of Time-Lapse Transmit Jamming on RD Imaging Arithmetic and Performance


  • The behemoth appears to be wasting away at time-lapse speed .

    昔日的庞然大物正在加速 衰落

  • Time-lapse is another technique that can take amateur video to the next level .

    延时 拍摄是另一种让业余级别视频得以提升水平的技术。

  • Detection of moving weak target based on time-lapse Elimination of ambiguity function

    基于模糊函数 延时对消的弱运动目标检测

  • The resulting time-lapse video reveals her growth from a newborn baby to a ten-year-old girl in the space of just one minute and twenty-three seconds .


  • Time-lapse seismic monitoring study on heterogeneous thin reservoirs for enhanced exploitation

    非均质薄储层强化开采 时延地震监督分析

  • Petrophysical measurements are the basis of time-lapse seismic monitoring of reservoir waterflood recovery .

    岩石物理测量是油藏水驱开采 地震监测的基础。

  • He used time-lapse photography to record how pedestrians used public spaces and is described in Wikipedia as a sociologist journalist and people-watcher .

    他运用 低速摄影技术,记录下行人如何使用公共空间并被维基百科誉为社会学家、新闻工作者和人群观察者。

  • Multiscale Total Variation Method and Its Application in Time-Lapse Seismic

    多尺度全变分方法及其在 时间 推移地震中的应用

  • The method is particularly valuable to theoretical study and feasibility analysis of time-lapse seismic monitoring on reservoir performance .

    特别是对油藏动态 地震监测的理论研究与可行性分析具有重要的意义。

  • Life in Color : Yellow A time-lapse photo captures the wispy steam and yellow glow of the Georgia-Pacific paper mill in Brunswick Georgia at night .

    生活在色彩之内:黄色。一幅在 时间失误的照片捕捉到飘渺的水蒸气和黄色光芒的乔治亚――太平洋造纸厂于 Brunswick(德国中部),乔治亚,在夜晚。

  • Studying the feasibility of time-lapse seismic prospecting is important to effectively carry out the seismic reservoir monitoring .
