time deposit

[taɪm dɪˈpɑzɪt][taim diˈpɔzit]


  • Rapid growth in RMB deposits is effectively sucking Hong Kong dollar liquidity out of the system and forcing Hong Kong banks to offer much higher Hong Kong dollar time deposit rates than would be warranted by the current US interest rate context .

    人民币存款的迅速增长实际上正在将港元流动性吸出银行系统,迫使香港银行为港元 定期 存款开出较高的利率&远高于当前美国利率背景所能确保的水平。

  • Time deposits offer higher rates of return than most comparable investments because the invested money is tied up until the maturity of the time deposit .

    定期存款比一般投资的回报率要高,因为投资的 存款 直到到期才能支取。

  • Time deposit a savings account or CD held for a fixed-term with the understanding that the depositor can only withdraw by giving written notice .

    定期 存款设有固定时期的储蓄户口或存款证,存款人必须提交书面通知,才可以提取存款。

  • This paper has simulated the buried depth time and deposit thickness of the submarine pipeline under the different sets of wave current interaction .

    本文先后模拟了海底管道在不同波、流作用下的自然埋深和 时间,以及 厚度。

  • The time deposit certificates of entities can only be opened and used for loans against a pledge .

    单位 定期 存单只能以质押贷款为目的开立和使用。

  • To do regular transactions including FCY Exchange Inward & Outward Remittance Time Deposit ;

    一般性的操作包括外汇,汇款及 定期 存款

  • Second step lets loose the situation according to the rate on loan lets loose the part long-term deposit interest rate like one year time savings deposit agreement to male deposit and so on ;

    第二步,根据贷款利率放开情况,将部分长期存款利率放开,如一年 储蓄 存款,协定对公存款等;

  • This article starts with the time of deposit insurance appliance . then by analyzing the bank 's safety and regular system it states that the appliance of deposit insurance must be sufficiently prepared rather than in haste .

    从引入 存款保险的 时机入手,从银行安全与健全银行体制角度进行分析,从而说明引入显性存款保险必须做好充足准备而不能仓促行事。

  • Account means one account or more of your foreign currency cheque savings and time deposit RMB cheque savings and time deposit or any other accounts which may be accessed through Citibank Online as may be determined by us from time to time .

    “帐户”指您的一个或多个外汇支票、储蓄和 定期 存款,人民币支票、储蓄和定期存款或者我们不时确定可以通过花旗网上银行进入的任何其他帐户。

  • Their capital mainly comes from high-cost time deposit which results in poor quality of assets high rates of adversely classified credits and heavy losses .

    其资金主要来源于成本较高的 定期 储蓄 存款;经营结果表现为资产质量低,不良资产比例高,经营亏损严重。

  • The interest rate for a six-month time deposit is2.1 percent .

    六个月 定期 存款的年利率是2.1%。

  • However under the CBRC measures CLCS are permitted to have certain financial options such as absorbing time deposit accept security bonds making inter-bank borrowings subject to certain approvals .

    然而,根据《金融租赁公司管理办法》,金融租赁公司可以有某些金融期权,例如依照某些核定可以吸收 定期 存款、接受保证金、进行银行同业拆借。

  • If the report of loss is approved the amount indicated in the original time deposit certificate and the interests incurred shall continue as a pledge .

    挂失生效,原 定期存单所载的金额及利息应继续作为出质资产。

  • Dear auspicious : I am in all the time deposit this idea expectation can get accrual .

    亲爱的吉:我 一直储蓄这个想法,期望能得到利息。

  • Short notice and time deposit

    短期通知及 定期 存款

  • The Design and Implementation of Time Deposit Production System

    银行 定期 存款产品系统设计与实现

  • A fixed deposit also referred to as a time deposit term deposit or Certificate of Deposit ( CD ) is a kind of savings deposit with a definite length of maturity . storage limit register

    定期存款,也称为期限存款或 定期 存单,是存款期限固定的一种储蓄存款。存储范围寄存器,存储极限寄存器

  • At the time of withdrawal with the valid certificate of student in non-compulsory education you will enjoy the same interest rate as lump sum time deposit .

    支取时凡能提供学校出具的非义务教育学生身份证明,均能享受定期 整存整取同档次利率。

  • Quantity of papain 100mg ; time of deposit 8h .

    给酶量,100mg: 放置 时间,8h。

  • Certificate of deposit : Certificate of an interest-Bearing time deposit with a Bank .

    定期储蓄存单:在某银行中的有息 定期 储蓄 存款单。

  • Section One inquires into the following topics : legal nature of deposit classifications of deposit forming time of deposit contract legal nature of deposit contract and bases of determining rights and obligations of deposit contract .

    第一节探讨了存款的法律性质、存款的分类、存款合同的成立 时间存款合同的法律特征、存款合同的法律性质和确定存款合同权利与义务的依据等问题。

  • Hong Kong residents can open renminbi accounts within the territory but banks offer very low interest – an annual rate of just 0.8 per cent on a six-month time deposit for example .

    香港居民也可在当地开设人民币账户,但银行提供的利率很低&例如,6个月 定期 存款的年利率仅为0.8%。

  • A Discussion on Count of Large Number Negotiable Certificates of Time Deposit Enfeoff Price

    议大额可转让 定期 存单转让价格的计算

  • Open fund is not time deposit year of its accrual and net value are concerned .

    开放基金不是 定期 存款,它的年收益与净值有关。

  • Choosing a Foreign Currency Time Deposit gives you the benefit of freely choosing the length of the deposit period and the flexibility of simple and convenient renewal options .

    您在选择外汇 定期 存款 ,您可以根据您的需要自由选择存款期限及 存款到期后的展期方式。

  • Meanwhile for ' strategic ' reasons Hong Kong banks continue to fight for market share on RMB deposits by offering uneconomical time deposit rates .

    与此同时,出于战略原因,香港银行仍在通过提供不经济的 定期 存款利率,来争夺人民币存款的市场份额。

  • Savings / time optional deposit in foreign currency are registered deposit without fixed amount without definite maturity whose interest rate varies in line with the length of maturity .

    定活两便 存款外币定活两便存款是一种不确定存期,利率随存期长短而变动的记名式不定额存款。

  • 2 years period time deposit after passing more than one year want to put forward money rate is how to be calculated calculate by current is what still press a year fixed calculate ?

    二年期的 定期 存款,过了一年多以后,要提出来,利息率是怎样计算,按活期算吗,还是按一年的定期算?

  • At the same time in this paper the effects of different parameters of ultrasonic treating time on deposit microstructure was studied .

    本文又同时研究了不同超声波处理 时间作用下 沉积 组织变化情况。

  • You can have both a time deposit and a current deposit account in the one passbook .

    一本 存折里既有 定期账户,又有活期账户。