time bill

[taɪm bɪl][taim bil]


  • Every time Bill and I make plans to see each other he 's always late and keeps me waiting at least twenty minutes .

    每次我和 比尔约好见面,他没有一次不迟到的;我至少要等他二十分钟。

  • Another time Bill came home with an over-sized plastic slide .

    还有一 比尔带回了一座超大规格的塑料滑梯。

  • They talked with Gates about world economy and the defects of Windows operating system . At the same time Bill Gates was invited to visit Quebec at an appropriate time .

    话题涉及世界经济和视窗操作系统的缺点, 同时 比尔·盖茨还被邀请在合适的时侯访问魁北克。

  • Next Time Read The Bill !

    下次 投票前请看看 议案内容!

  • Do you accept at sight draft or time bill ?

    你们接受即期汇票还是 远期 汇票

  • A formal indication by a debtor of willingnessto pay a time draft or bill of exchange .

    承兑,认付负债人的正式表明愿意偿还一定 汇票或 汇票

  • Each time we mentioned Bill 's name she would fly into a passion .

    每当我们提到 比尔的名字时,她总要大发脾气。

  • Because both boys were desperate to get more time and because Bill already had an insight into what they could achieve financially the two of them decided to set themselves up as a company .

    因为这两个孩子迫切需要更多的上机 时间,还有 比尔早已洞察到他们在经济上会有所收益,于是他们俩决定自己组建公司。

  • Days later another store reported a similar episode . This time the bill was $ 19 to close 125 accounts .

    几天之后类似一幕在另一家商店重演, 这次是付清了将近125笔 账单,价值19600美元的匿名捐赠。

  • With the using of this system the work intensity of dispatcher and transfer time of work bill is greatly reduced and the correctitude and efficiency of working bill and operating bill are effectively improved .

    此系统的应用,大大减轻了工作人员书写工作 的劳动强度,有效缩短了工作票的传递 时间,提高工作票和操作票的正确率和效率。

  • They will have time to debate the bill .

    他们将有 时间就这 议案展开辩论。

  • At the same time some feel the bill does not go far enough on the national security front .

    与此同时,一些人感觉这 法案在国家安全方面的 效力还远远不够。

  • Every time we invite Bill to dinner he shows up with one of his clinging vines .

    我们 每次比尔吃饭的时候,他总是带着一位贴在身上撒娇的女人。

  • It is time Eric and Bill persuaded the hors to move .

    该是埃里克和 比尔催马上路的 时候了。

  • The time comes to settle the bill and leave and we walk back to the college together .

    最后到了 结账离开的 时候,我们一起走回学院。

  • It is good that the coalition will make time for a communications bill to implement the findings in this parliament .

    同样令人高兴的是,联合政府将留出 时间,通过一部传媒 法案贯彻本届议会的调查结果。