


  • People began to think that their Yugoslavian coach was a competent one .

    人们开始认为这个 南斯拉夫教练是能胜任的。

  • The Study of America 's Yugoslavian Policy during Tito 's Period

    铁托执政时期美国对 南斯拉夫的政策研究

  • Observation on the Characteristics and Features of Yugoslavian Wheat Varieties and Their Utilization


  • Yugoslavian System of Socialist Autonomy


  • By Eastern European militia near the former Yugoslavian border .

    在前 南斯拉夫边境附近遭东欧民兵 杀害

  • The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid . & A sign in a Yugoslavian hotel .

    愉快地抚平内衣是女服务员的工作& 南斯拉夫一家旅馆的提示。

  • And then you said why do they call it a check ? Why not a yugoslavian ?

    接着你说:“他们干嘛称这是帐单,而不 南斯拉夫’?”

  • Utilization and Study on Maize Germplasm of Yugoslavian in Xinjiang


  • SCP demands YCP admit the Yugoslavian government-in-exile legally and be subordinated to its leadership but YCP refuses it ;

    苏共要 南共承认流亡政府的合法性并服从其领导,南共则加以拒绝;

  • Revelation of Yugoslavian Operation Countermeasure against NATO s Air - attack ; Application of CCHP system in the South Beijing Railway Station

    联盟抗击北约 空袭作战对策及启示冷、热、电三联供系统在北京南站的应用

  • A Brief Discussion on the Differences between Chinese Anti-Japanese War and Yugoslavian Resistance Movement

    略论中国抗日战争和 南斯拉夫抵抗运动的差异

  • Major Errors of the Yugoslavian Communist League in Handling Ethnic Issues


  • The Yugoslavian Revisionism during the60 's might be considered as an earlier experiment of this .

    60年代发生在 南斯拉夫的修正主义 事件,则是 改革开放的一个较早的实验。

  • At the height of the Yugoslavian war Bosnian Serbs rocketed the base for the foreign media-the television station in the Bosnian capital sarajevo & in a deliberate act of intimidation which caused many casualties .
