


  • Yucca extract could decrease the number of the protozoa significantly ( P < 0.05 ) .

    丝兰 植物提取物能显著降低瘤胃原虫数量(P<0.05)。

  • Yucca of southeastern United States similar to the Spanish bayonets but with shorter trunk and smoother leaves .

    美国东南部的一 丝兰,类似千手兰,但有较短的树干和较光滑的叶。

  • Study of the Safety Evaluation and Reduction of Coop Ammonia Concentration and Improvement of the Production Performance of Layers on the Chinese Herbal Yucca

    中药 丝兰的安全性评价和降低鸡舍氨气浓度及提高蛋鸡生产性能的研究

  • A large branched arborescent yucca of southwestern United States having short leaves and clustered greenish white flowers .

    美国西南部的一种大的分枝乔木状 丝兰,有短叶和簇生的带绿色的白花。

  • Whipple Chris . Can Nuclear Waste Be Stored Safely at Yucca Mountain ? Scientific American ( June 1996 ): 72 et seq .

    核废料能够安全地存放于 山吗?>《科学人杂志》(1996年6月),页72。

  • Then in December 1987 Congress suddenly designated Yucca Mountain Nevada as the single site to be evaluated in detail by DOE .

    1987年12月,国会突然指定内华达州的 尤卡山作为唯一的 贮存地,这是经能源部 认真 估价的。

  • Soapbark and yucca are added to our bubble baths for extra bubbling power .

    另外在泡沫浴产品中添加肥皂树及 丝兰成分以增强泡沫。

  • Some characteristics of vegetative organs of Yucca gloriosa are relative to drought resistance .


  • The first report on the petal culture of Yucca gloriosa


  • Yucca of southwestern United States and Mexico with a tall spike of creamy white flowers .

    美国西南和墨西哥的一种 丝兰,具有高的乳白色 总状花序。

  • To spread with or as if with lather . Soapbark and yucca are added to our bubble baths for extra bubbling power .

    以泡沫覆盖通过或好象是通过肥皂泡来扩散另外在泡沫浴产品中添加肥皂树及 丝兰成分以增强泡沫。

  • ^ Researches on Effect of Hormones in Isolated culture of ovaries of Yucca gloriosa

    凤尾 丝兰子房离体培养中的激素效应研究

  • Billions of dollars have been spent to develop the Yucca Mountain repository but under President Barack Obama the project has been mothballed with no replacement site identified to date .

    为了修建这个 废料 贮存库,已经花费了数十亿美元,但是在奥巴马总统主政下,这项计划又遭到冻结。到目前为止,还没有选出其他取代的地点。

  • The US is stopping work on the Yucca mountain project-its only potential repository for spent fuel .

    而美国正在停建 尤卡山项目&它唯一可能的废燃料储存库工程。

  • Tissue Culture in Yucca gloriosa Linnaeus


  • Influence of yucca extract on Piggery environment pollution and Pigs Growth Performance


  • Effects of Camphor Familial Plant Extract and Yucca Extracts on Emission of NH_3 and H_2S in Slurry of Weaned Pigs

    樟科丝兰 植物提取物对 猪排 物中氨和硫化氢散发的影响

  • Any of several evergreen plants of the genus Yucca having usually tall stout stems and a terminal cluster of white flowers ; warmer regions of North America .

    丝兰属的任何一种常绿植物,具有高且粗的茎和顶 的白色花簇;产 北美的温暖地区。

  • Study on the pollen morphology of Yucca gloriosa

    凤尾 丝兰花粉形态的研究

  • Organogeny and Plantlet in ovaries in vitro culture of Yucca gloriosa

    凤尾 丝兰子房离体培养的器官发生及植株再生