title panel

[ˈtaɪtl ˈpænəl][ˈtaitl ˈpænəl]


  • The title has introduced the causes of yellowing discussed yellowing resistance test method the selection of substrates and condition of panel preparation and analysised the result of the test .

    介绍了室内用 木器涂料的耐黄变原因,就耐黄变试验方法、底材选择和制 条件等进行了讨论,并对试验结果进行了分析。

  • Then the window button and title fade out and the Twitter panel fades in .

    然后,窗口按钮和 标题淡出,Twitter 面板逐渐淡入。

  • Following the analysis of the title panel the paper presents methods using the unit to describe the information table using the base table to express the format of the tables in same style and establishing the mapping approach from base table to database .

    通过分析 标题 信息表的构成特点,提出了基于单元概念的描述方法,在此基础上采用基表来表达同类信息表的格式,并建立基表与数据库之间的映射关系。

  • A Search on Extracting and Managing Information of The Title Panel in an Assembly Drawing

    明细 信息提取及处理技术的研究

  • Research on Extraction and Recognition of the Unit Information in Title Panel of Engineering Drawings

    工程图纸中 标题 单元信息提取与识别技术研究

  • Through the magic of style sheets the title of each panel automatically appears along with the correct hyperlink to each panel .

    通过样式表的神奇功能,会自动出现每个 面板 标题以及到每个面板的超链接。

  • The page name correlates to the Title text field when creating or editing a page in the administration panel .

    在管理 面板上创建或者编辑网页的时候,网页名与 标题文本区相关。

  • The Research and Implementation of VGA Graphic Converter Driving and Controlling Circuits for Title Screen Plasma Display Panel

    拼接式等离子 显示器VGA接口电路与驱动控制电路的研究与实现