Toddy & a drink made with strong alcohol sugar hot water and sometimes spices .
托迪 酒 (用烈 酒家热水,糖或香料调制而成)。
A Scottish hot toddy is made with honey lemon and whisky and keeps the highlanders warm .
一 杯苏格兰热 棕榈 酒由蜂蜜,柠檬以及威士忌 调制而 成,它可以使苏格兰高地的人们保持体温。
And rather than finding the taste repulsive she considers it comforting saying : ' When I feel it going down my throat it 's like having a cold and drinking a hot toddy . '
米歇尔非但 没觉得 血的味道恶心,反而觉得 喝起来很舒服,她说:当 血滑过喉咙,那感觉就像是感冒时喝了杯热 甜酒。
Any of various strong liquors distilled from the fermented sap of toddy palms or from fermented molasses .
任何的一种从发酵的棕榈 树液或发酵的糖蜜蒸馏提取出来的烈酒。
Hot rum toddy with a beaten egg . Eug é nie approached softly and saw the old man sleeping soundly in an arm-chair in his lodge .
热浪姆酒和 棕榈 酒 及 碎鸡蛋 制成 的 酒。欧热妮轻轻地走过去,看到那个老头儿正在他那个小房间的一张圈椅里酣睡。