


  • When Priscilla was a toddler her parents discovered she had a photographic memory for sound .

    当普 莉希 走路 时候,她的父母发现她对声响的记忆同照相一样。

  • I have since learnt to interpret toddler behavior in a much simpler and more practical way .

    之后,我学会了用更简单更实用的方法来解释 孩子的行为。

  • Fortunately these popular toddler beach toys are available widely .

    幸运的是,这些流行的 幼儿沙滩玩具,可广泛。

  • Or parents who wonder if a child 's learning problems stem from food poisoning-caused dialysis as a toddler .

    还有的家长怀疑他们的孩子学习障碍是否和 学步时因为食物中毒做过透析有关。

  • An active toddler ; active as a gazelle ; an active man is a man of action .

    一个活泼的 走路 孩子;活泼得像头瞪羚;一个活泼的人就是个起作用的人。

  • And perhaps that 's why this school has a wait list for the next mother / toddler program .

    也许这也正是这 培训 机构的下一 母亲与 孩子的课程有一个等候名单的原因。

  • The hormones of pregnancy will not be harmful to a breastfeeding baby or toddler .

    哺乳期的荷尔蒙不会影响吃母乳的宝宝或 学步

  • A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times

    学步 孩子 时刻需要 寸步不离的照看,并要牢牢看紧。

  • The toddler is squealing with delight as she rips open her presents .

    伴随着欣 喜地尖叫声,她撕开了生日礼物的包装。

  • The vitality and eagerness of a normal toddler .

    正常 学步 幼童的活力与热切。

  • How can something that a toddler accomplishes before learning to tie his shoes be so difficult for grown-ups ?

    那为什么 幼童 在系鞋带都还没学会的 时候就能做到的事情,对成年人来说就如此困难呢?

  • My older sister ( by20 years ) told me I did this when I was a toddler .

    我姐姐在我20岁时告诉我,我 时候也 喜欢 憋气

  • One morning I noticed that a sweet old man amused by my toddler was watching her with a smile on his face .

    一天早上,我注意到一位和蔼的老人,他被我的 小孩儿逗乐了,面带笑容地注视着她。

  • Who can fold up a pushchair toddler and shopping and then get them all onto the bus ?

    谁有那本事一手收起婴儿推车,一手抱着 走路 孩子,还得提着 买的东西,然后挤上公共汽车?

  • Elsewhere in the city a New Zealand toddler was found alive under her father 's dead body .

    而在城市的另 一端,一位新西兰的父亲用身体 保护了自己的 孩子,不幸身亡。

  • It also emerged on Wednesday night that a21-month-old toddler had succumbed to flu in Hong Kong late last month .

    周三晚有消息称,上个月晚些时候香港一名21个月大的 幼儿死于流感。

  • He accepted the scholarship and never returned to the family leaving toddler Barack in Hawaii with his mother .

    于是,他接受奖学金去了哈佛,把蹒跚 学步 奥巴马和他的妈妈留在了夏威夷,再也没有回来。

  • He coaxed the toddler to take the nasty medicine .

    他哄 孩子服下了那难吃的药。

  • The toddler 's father is a soldier vaccinated while on deployment to Iraq .


  • Reading together regularly can strengthen that connection helping your toddler feel safe and comfortable .

    一起阅读,经常可以加强这种亲密感,帮助您的 孩子感到安全和舒适。

  • Keep your toddler close in busy places !

    在繁忙的区域保持 幼儿与家人的距离!

  • So goes many a conversation between parent and toddler .

    很多 孩子和家长的对话都是如此?

  • Unfortunately there 's no quick and easy way to dry up a toddler 's runny nose .

    可惜现在还没有一种简单快速的方法解决 小孩流鼻涕。

  • A toddler was admitted to the emergency ward with a wound in his chest .

    一个 蹒跚 学步的小孩因胸部受伤被送进急救室。

  • A growing puppy will often knock down a toddler in play .

    一只成长中的拉拉常常会在跟 幼童 玩耍 时候撞到而 伤害

  • Regularly reading out loud to your toddler is extremely valuable to helping develop his or her language skills .

    定期读出的声音到您的 小孩是极其宝贵的帮助发展他或她的语言技巧。

  • Scientists are building robots that can walk on two legs like a toddler .

    科学家们正在建造能像一个 学步 儿童那样用两条腿走路的机器人。

  • If the toddler had been dealt with properly at first the rest of his misbehaviour would have been avoided .

    要是从一 开始就对 小孩子合理管教,他就不会养成其他的坏毛病。

  • Beach ball and frisbee are real classic children and toddler 's beach toys .

    沙滩球,飞盘是真正的经典儿童和 幼儿的沙滩玩具。