yield map

[jild mæp][ji:ld mæp]

[电] 屈服图

  • Utilizing the model and yield mapping software we have gotten a raw data map grid map contour map and histogram chart for a winter wheat yield .

    利用该模型和专用 产量图生成软件绘制了一块小麦产量数据点 、栅格图、等值线图。

  • Quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) for yield components were identified based on an RFLP map from a DH population .

    在构建DH群体RFLP 图谱的基础上定位了 产量因子的数量性状位点(QTL)。

  • As evidenced by both theoretical and experimental results even the match calculation of single image according to DEM data obtained on a 1 ∶ 50000 relief map can yield a precision up to the requirement for scale 1 ∶ 50000 geological map spotting .

    理论和实验结果均证明,即使根据1∶5万地形图建立的DEM数据进行单影像匹配计算,也 满足1∶5万地质 填图的精度要求。

  • It is a principal topic of the precision agriculture to record the yield automatically during harvesting and process the collected data on the computer and map the yield distribution .

    收获过程中自动实时采集 产量数据,并通过应用软件对所获得的数据进行处理获得产量数据分布 是精细农业的重要基础工作之一。

  • Grain Yield Map Generating System Development Research Based on VB

    基于VB的谷物 产量 分布 生成系统开发研究

  • The software could draw the grain flow diagram the working locus diagram of combine and the grain yield map .

    软件能实时绘制谷物流量图、收获机行走轨迹图和谷物 产量 等。

  • Grain yield map is the important means for analyzing and managing data of yield monitor system .

    谷物 产量 生成系统是谷物 系统中产量数据分析和处理的重要手段和工具。

  • That should yield a detailed map of the lunar crust and how its thickness varies from place to place .

    飞船会 详细的月球地壳 以及不同部位不同的地壳厚度。

  • The error data filter can prevent the yield data with too high or too low value from being calculated while interpolation then the yield map accurate can be improved .

    其误差数据过滤功能能够防止产量过低和过高的粗大误差数据点参与插值运算,使 产量 分布 的精度得到了保证。

  • The experimental results show that the proposed method could yield good depth maps . A semi-automatic method has been proposed for depth map recovery of a monocular video .

    实验表明我们的方法可恢复 得到较为准确的深度图。提出了一种单目视图深度 恢复的半自动方法。

  • A method of analysis temporal variability of yield data and management zoning map has been discussed .

    分析了 产量数据的时间变异性,并据此提出了一种划分农田管理区域 的方法。

  • The design of yield monitor system is the most important part in the precision fanning system . It has a relationship between the design and yield map .

    精细农业中最重要的环节之一就是测产系统的设计,因为它直接关系到 产量 的生成。

  • The cotton production regional assessment system for Xinjiang is developed to assess the effects of Climate on cotton yield . The system consists of database simulation model spatial analysis and map display . The simulation model is the core of this system .

    棉花生产区域模拟评估系统由数据库、模拟模型、空间分析 表达等部分组成,以棉花 生长模拟模型为核心。

  • The information provided by yield map must be accurate enough for site-specific crop management .

    产量 分布 所提供的信息必须具有足够的精度。

  • For yield map generating a local-averaging interpolation method with a random error yield data filter was designed ;

    田间信息分布 生成与插值方法的研究方面,设计了用于生成产量分布 具有数据过滤功能的局部平均法;

  • After deleting yield data with these errors the generated yield map was smoother and clustered better .

    误差处理后的 产量 分布 ,奇异点显著减少,平滑性与聚类性得到了明显改善。

  • Study on a yield map generating system

    产量 分布 生成系统的研究