


  • Objective To investigate the oxalate-degrading abilities of10 strains of lactic acid bacteria for yoghourt fermentation .

    目的评价10种可制作 酸奶的乳酸菌在草酸培养液中降解草酸的能力。

  • The yoghourt packaging cup provided in the utility model can only used one time so as to ensure food safety .

    本实用新型有益 效果:只能 一次性使用,保证食品安全。

  • Fermented yoghourt stabilizer 0.25 % 0.1 % pectin ;

    酸果 稳定剂0.25%,果胶0.1%;

  • Study on changes of quality and acidity of pollen yoghourt in storage

    花粉 酸奶在贮藏过程中酸度和品质变化的研究

  • Effects of pollen polysaccharide on acidity and sense organ quality of yoghourt during storage

    花粉多糖对 酸奶贮藏中酸度及感官品质的影响

  • CCPs of solid yoghourt was raw milk sterilizing leavening fermentation and cleaning of the equipments ;

    凝固 酸奶的关键控制点为原料乳、杀菌、发酵剂的制备、发酵及加工设备与管路的清洗;

  • Analysis of strains effect on the total volatile basic nitrogen in yoghourt Effects of Different Ratios of Base N to Dress N Fertilizer on Nitrate Content in Chinese Cabbage and the N Use Efficiency


  • Quality analysis and technique optimization of pollen polysaccharide yoghourt

    花粉多糖 酸奶的工艺优化与品质分析

  • Sweetener 's Application in Yoghourt Drink

    甜味剂在 酸乳饮料中的应用现状

  • Study on Fermented Process of Mung Bean Yoghourt

    绿豆 酸奶发酵工艺的研究

  • Study on the Isolation Screening and Promoting Bacteria of the Traditional Fermenting Lactic Acid Bacteria from Yoghourt


  • Method 56 samples of cream fresh milk yoghourt milk powder and formula and meats from cattle and sheep were collected .

    方法采集奶油、鲜奶、 酸奶、奶粉及配方奶粉,不同 部位牛、羊肉制品等食物样品56件。

  • Tongren peanut yoghourt is a new type of pollution-free mixing of animal and plant protein Bifidobacterium yoghourt which has not studied yet .

    铜仁花生 酸奶是一种尚未研究过的新型的无公害双歧搅拌型动植物蛋白酸奶。

  • The Enantiomeric Separation of Lactic Acid in Yoghourt and Milk Beverage by RP-HPLC

    反相-高效液相色谱手性流动相 添加剂法测定 酸奶及含乳饮料中乳酸对映异构体

  • As well the processing technologies of strawberry juice concentrates and strawberry yoghourt were also studied .

    同时,也研究了将此工艺生产的草莓 汁加工 草莓浓缩汁和草莓 酸奶的方法。

  • Isolation of lactic acid bacteria from yoghourt in Qinghai pasturing area and their fermentation performance

    青海牧区 酸奶中乳酸菌分离及发酵性能的研究

  • This paper summarizes the latest research of fermenting process of yoghourt with plant raw material in China .

    该文对中国目前植物性原料 酸奶发酵工艺最新研究进展进行了综述。

  • Effect of addition of whey protein oxidized by hydroxyl radical-generating system on quality of yoghourt

    添加羟基自由基氧化的乳清蛋白对 酸奶品质影响的研究

  • The Effects of the Different Ratios of the Hot Chain Coccus and the Bulgarian Lactobacillus on Yoghourt Quality

    不同比例的嗜热链球菌与保加利亚乳杆菌对 酸奶品质的影响

  • The manufacturing theory and technology of rice bran yoghourt ( RBY ) was studied in this paper .

    本文研究米皮 酸奶的制备原理与方法。

  • The quality of raw milk the way of thermal processing the activity of starter incubation content fermentation temperature and time cooling and storage method were analyzed to understand the critical control points affecting yoghourt quality .

    分析了 酸奶生产过程中原料乳的质量、热处理、发酵剂活力、接种量、发酵温度与时间、冷却、贮藏等关键控制点对产品品质的影响。

  • This article depicts some problems about disturbing yoghourt and analyzes the reasons .

    阐述了 搅拌 牛奶 常见 质量问题,分析了产生的原因。

  • With the rapidly development of fermented dairy product industry It 's very important to research and develop high activity concentrated yoghourt starter culture for promoting the industrial process of lactic acid bacteria starter and development of fermented dairy industry .

    随着我国发酵乳制品工业的迅猛发展,积极研究并大力开发高效浓缩 酸奶发酵剂,对于推动我国乳酸菌发酵剂产业化进程,促进我国发酵乳制品工业的发展,具有重要的意义。

  • Drinking yoghourt before lunch was all the go .

    午餐前喝 酸奶一经一度

  • You can use it as a material of bread cookie ice cream and yoghourt drink to make the flavor more special .

    独特 果香营养 价值,可用于面包、饼乾、冰淇淋、 优酪乳,使风味更独特。

  • Finally the processing technology of strawberry yoghourt was researched .

    最后,对 搅拌 草莓 酸奶的加工工艺进行了研究。

  • Also someone else choose eggs with yoghourt but it is really hard to suffer the taste althought it 's nutrient .

    还有一些人吃茶叶蛋和 酸奶,虽然有 营养,但味道实在不能接受。所以,我选择一根油条蘸着一碗豆浆吃。

  • It was introduced some sweetening agents and their characteristic security application and development used in yoghourt drink major at home and abroad including high sweetness sweetening agents low calorie functional sweetening agents and natural sweetening agents .

    介绍了目前国内外 批准使用的常用甜味剂的性质、安全、应用和发展情况,主要能应用于 酸乳饮料 行业的,重点介绍了高甜度甜味剂、低热量功能性甜味剂和天然甜味剂。

  • Development of zymolytic yoghourt to replace milk-zymolytic soybean milk

    一种替代牛奶的发酵 酸奶-发酵酸豆奶的研制

  • It has proved that TG-K is better to cross-linked casein observing the ultra structure of yoghourt by EM.

    经扫描电镜对 酸奶凝块的超微结构进行观察,证实TG-K比TG-N更适合催化交联酪蛋白。