yield strength

[jild strɛŋkθ][ji:ld streŋθ]


  • On the other hand it also has very low yield strength by the formation of the PFZ .

    而PFZ带的存在,这种钢具有较低的 屈服 强度

  • The output parameters of the model are three mechanical properties namely ultimate tensile strength ( UTS ) yield strength ( YS ) and elongation ( ELO ) .

    模型的输出为三个力学性能指标,即抗拉强度、 屈服 强度和延伸率。

  • Effect of Different Vanadium Microalloying Addition on the Ratio of Tensile Strength and Yield Strength

    不同钒微合金化方式对钢筋强 屈比的影响

  • Effects of Grain Size and Lamellar Thickness on Yield Strength of Fully Lamellar γ - TiAl Based Alloys

    晶粒尺寸和片层厚度对全片层γ-TiAl基合金 屈服 强度的影响

  • With the increase of yield strength the longitudinal residual stress of HAZ increases .

    且随着 焊缝 强度增加,热影响区纵向残余应力增加。

  • Finish rolling temperature showed great effect on yield strength and impact toughness of low V-bearing steel but showed no obvious effect to the high V-bearing steel .

    终轧温度对低V钢的 屈服 强度和韧性存在显著影响,但对高V钢的组织性能影响不大。

  • Desirable properties for forming include low yield strength and high ductility .

    令人满意的成形特性包含了低 降伏和高延展性。

  • The results show that the increase in Nb content decreases retained austenite fraction however increases tensile strength and yield strength .

    实验结果表明:增加铌含量,实验钢的残余奥氏体量减少,抗拉强度和 屈服 强度增加;

  • The results showed that both Ca and Sr compound additions can not only refine microstructure but also improve the yield strength of the alloy .

    结果表明,钙、锶复合添加,细化了合金组织,提高了合金的 屈服 强度

  • By agreement a practical approximation of the elastic limit called the offset yield strength is used .

    因此我们定义了一个实际存在的,弹性极限的近似值,称为残余变形 屈服 强度

  • Application of Equivalent Yield Strength to Double-layered Tube Hydro-expanding Study of Relationship between Expansion Cone and Fluid Pressure

    适用于双层管液压胀合的当量 屈服 强度法膨胀管中膨胀锥角与液压力关系研究

  • The simultaneous measurement of the tensile strength yield strength stretching rate elastic modulus peel strength and power-of time of a displacement curve .

    可同时测量材料的抗拉强度、 屈服 强度、伸缩率、弹性模量、剥离强度及力-时间,力一位移曲线。

  • FEA of evaluating material yield strength and strain hardening exponent using a spherical indentation

    球形压痕法评价材料 屈服 强度和应变硬化指数的有限元分析

  • Tensile yield strength was used to quantitatively evaluate the interfacial interactions which have significant influence on the tensile fracture morphology of the composites .

    采用拉伸 屈服 强度定量表征了界面相互作用的强弱,研究了界面相互作用对三元复合体系拉伸断裂形态的影响。

  • Yield Strength Elongation & Strain corresponding to yield strength of material .

    屈服 强度伸长&对应于材料屈服强度的应变。

  • Influence of the range of elastic modulus on the determined elongation at rupture and yield strength ratio of bead wire

    弹性模量设定对胎圈钢丝破断伸长率和 比测试结果的影响

  • The aim is to obtain a high yield strength elastic limit and high toughness .

    其目的是获得高的 屈服 强度,弹性极限和较高的韧性。

  • Based on the concept of flexural yield strength factor this paper proposes a simple method for calculating the ratio of hysteretic energy to input energy ( RHEIE ) in the tall hybrid structures .

    基于结构层间弯曲 屈服 强度的概念,提出了高层混合结构滞回耗能比的简化计算公式,该公式综合体现了结构以及地震动特征参数对结构滞回耗能比的影响。

  • This means that the design will usually have only published values of yield strength ultimate strength and percentage elongation .

    这就是说,设计人员通常只能利用那些公开发表的 屈服 强度、极限强度和延伸率等数据资料。

  • The yield strength tensile strength and impact toughness of the material after iron plated do not obviously reduce . The acoustic emission also shows a decreasing rate following the drop in stress-intensity factor .

    镀铁后材料的 屈服 强度、拉强度和冲击韧性值未发生明显下降。随着应力强度因子的下降,声发射也随着减少。

  • The paper introduces producting technology of hot rolling high strength double-faced enamelled steel study on mechanism how to realize properties of double-faced enamel and high yield strength .

    本文介绍了鞍钢热轧高强双面搪瓷钢的生产工艺,并对实现良好的双面搪瓷性能和高 屈服 强度的机理进行了研究和分析。

  • The tensile strength yield strength and notch toughness of Q420 angle steel produced by V-N interalloying method were improved evidently and integration properties were better .

    采用加入V-N中间合金方法生产的Q420角钢的抗拉强度、 屈服 强度和冲击韧性明显提高,具有较好的综合性能。

  • Exploration on Using Strain Rate and Displacement Rate to Determine the Yield Strength of Metal Materials

    应变速率和位移速率对测定金属材料 屈服 强度影响的探讨

  • In this paper pretensile tests are first performed to cause artificial damage and hardening of4043 aluminum alloy with applied stress between the yield strength and ultimate strength .

    本文将4043铝合金在介于其名义 屈服 强度和强度极限之间的某一应力下进行拉伸,造成拉伸硬化和损伤后,用直流脉冲电流处理。

  • Experimental research and prediction of yield strength for aging strengthened aluminium alloy

    铝合金时效强化的实验研究及 屈服 强度计算

  • The results show that the increasing of material yield strength has a great influence on the flange cracking .

    结果表明,材料 屈服 强度的增加对翻边开裂有很大影响。