topology equivalent

[təˈpɑlədʒi ɪˈkwɪvələnt][təˈpɔlədʒi iˈkwivələnt]

[计] 拓扑等价

  • After the topology structure of a five-axis NC machine is equivalent to a multi-body system a model of spatial geometric error of the machine is created based on product-of-exponential formula ( POE formula ) .

    本学位论文将五轴机床 拓扑结构 等效成多体系统,建立了基于指数积公式的五轴机床空间几何误差模型。

  • Algorithm of Network Topology Analysis for Equivalent Impedance Calculation of Buses

    母线 综合 阻抗计算时的网络 拓扑分析算法

  • The traditional circuit topology analysis method is introduced to PEC by equivalent transforming the PEC to no-switch circuits .

    将电力电子电路进行 等效,然后将传统电路 拓扑分析方法应用于电力电子电路的拓扑分析;

  • After the switched capacitor network is transformed from time-varying topology into time-invariant topology and z-domain models of equivalent resistance using switched capacitor is obtained a 2nd-order switched capacitor ellipse filter can be realized by assembling z-domain model capacitor and operational amplifier models .

    将开关电容网络的时变拓扑,变换为时不变 拓扑,建立开关电容 模拟电阻的Z域模型,与电容、运算放大器模型结合,构成二阶开关电容椭圆滤波器。

  • The topology compensation principle and equivalent electrical model of the new system are emphatically analyzed .

    重点分析了新型系统的 拓扑 结构、补偿原理和 等效电气模型。

  • The fluid network with unidirectional circuit was changed into that without unidirectional circuit by the topology relation 's equivalent transform of the fluid network .

    通过流体网络 拓扑关系 等效变换的方法,将含有单向回路的流体网络变换成不含有单向回路的流体网络,即可利用平衡图的绘制方法绘制含有单向回路的流体网络的平衡图。

  • Specially analyses the Space Vector Modulation strategy . By given the equivalent AC / DC / AC topology of matrix converter modulates on part of equivalent VSI and VSR with space vector . On the base of this the indirect Space Vector Modulation is obtained .

    通过将矩阵变换器等效成为交-直-交 拓扑 结构,分别对 等效整流环节和逆变环节采用空间矢量调制,在此基础上得到矩阵变换器空间矢量调制策略。

  • Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Topology Equivalent on Closed Set Lattice

    闭集格上 拓扑 等价的一个充分必要条件

  • By virtue of casting a certain symmetric function onto a set the author discussed the relation of symmetric structure topology and equivalent partition on the set .

    通过在集合上赋予对称关系,作者分析了对称结构与 拓扑 结构等价划分的关系,指出:一个对称关系可以唯一决定一种 拓扑,也可以唯一决定一种 等价划分;

  • About topology dynamic system in several set of points equivalent question

    关于 拓扑动力系统中几个点集的 等价性问题

  • Analyse particularly the topology and operating modes of Phase-Shifting ( PS ) Full-Bridge ( FB ) Zero-Voltage Switched ( ZVS ) converter and point out that these PS FB ZVS converter and Buck converter are equivalent topologically .

    本文详细分析了移相控制全桥零电压开关变换器的 电路 结构及运行模式,并指出移相控制全桥零电压开关变换器与Buck变换器的拓扑 等价性。

  • Current compensation superconducting fault current limiter is a novel topology of FCL which consists of an equivalent AC current source with a limiting resistance in parallel . It connects power system after in series with a transformer .

    电流补偿型超导限流器是一种新型的限流器 拓扑,它由 等效电流源、限流电阻并联后通过连接变压器串联入电力系统。

  • State Estimation ; Topology Estimation ; Measurement Error ; Equivalent Energy Consumer .

    状态估计; 拓扑估计;量测误差; 等值

  • In this paper we discuss some local covering properties of 2 X with locally finite topology and prove that some covering properties are equivalent to local properties in 2 X .

    本文赋予超空间2X局部有限 拓扑,并讨论此空间的一些局部覆盖性质.证明2X中的某些覆盖性质 等价 局部性质。

  • Methods for topology equivalent uncoupling of distribution system

    配电网 拓扑 结构 等效解耦的方法

  • Though node analysis the whole topology process is composed by static production and dynamic tracking which is realized by equivalent node analysis and substation island analysis . The method of BFS ( Broad First Search ) is applied in topology analysis .

    通过节点分析,将整个 拓扑 分析的过程分为静态 拓扑生成和动态 拓扑跟踪,通过 等值节点分析和电气岛分析来完成拓扑分析过程,并将广度优先搜索法作为搜索算法。

  • The drawing software can code grid topology automatically and analyze the topology graph and search the equivalent data for simulations in PSS / E data file automatically .

    自动从 PSS/E参数数据文件中搜索到用于仿真的 等值数据、自动进行 三相节点编号、计算并保存等值机的数据信息;

  • It is obtained that a symmetric structure may determine one and only one topology or one and only one equivalent partition ;

    反之,赋予一种 拓扑结构或 等价划分,可以定出一种对称关系。