tone colour

[toʊn ˈkʌlɚ][təun ˈkʌlə]


  • Adjust the pitch tone or volume of . LEDs offer flexible lighting that can change in intensity and colour .

    调整斜度、 音调或者音量。LED可以自由调节灯具的亮度和 颜色

  • The third factor is tone the lightness of darkness of the colour .

    第三个因素是 语调,明度黑暗的 颜色

  • Beijing had rich and colorful history . So the tone colour of city must embody its history and culture .

    北京是一个具有丰富历史文化内涵的城市,其城市的基本 色调,应具有历史的继承性。

  • Instead aim to achieve full control and different palettes of tone colour .

    而应该以控制和区分不同的 音色为目标。

  • The application of visual reflectance colour tone saturation degree and colorimetric coordinates of colour index are all useful for qualitative observation .

    本文阐述了 颜色指数的视觉反射率、 色调、饱和度、色度坐标在定性观察方面的应用。

  • The problems of works comprehension performing concept skill and simulated tone colour must be paid attention to in the performance of Chinese piano works .

    中国钢琴音乐作品的演奏须注意作品理解、演奏理念、技术技巧、模拟 音色个方面的问题。

  • The awareness and mastering to simulated tone colour in the performance of Chinese piano music works is an unavoidable question .

    中国钢琴音乐作品演奏中对于模拟 音色的意识和把握亦是一个不可回避的重要问题。

  • Double tone colour The color of water deepens with its depth .


  • The Tone Reproduction and Colour Reproduction Between Ash Bottom Whiteboard and White Cardboard

    灰底白板纸与白卡纸 再现性和 色彩再现性能研究

  • An Approach to the Tone colour of Pipa play

    琵琶演奏 音色探微

  • As an art form singing requires accuracy in pitch skills in handling tone colour and range .

    作为艺术的歌唱,首先要求声音要准确到位, 音色、音区应用 自如可能 论及其他。

  • Mass tone : Colour of ink in bulk .

    墨团 色调:一团油墨的 颜色

  • The painting does not tone with the colour of the wall .

    那幅画的 色彩与墙的 颜色不相 合。

  • The handle of emotion in singing is manifested by the variety of tone colour tone speed an tone strength .

    歌曲演唱的情感处理表现在 音色的变化上、歌曲动态的变化上、歌曲速度的变化上和歌曲力度的变化上;

  • For this reason in the progress of city regeneration the regulations on height restrictions basic tone of colour and the style of building which have been set in Master Plan of Beijing City were broken constantly in the last few years .

    因此,近些年来在北京的城市改造中,国务院批复的具有法律效力的《北京城市总体规划》中设定的建设高度被突破了,城市基础 色调被搅乱了,城市建筑风格被改变了。