tooth pulp

[tuθ pʌlp][tu:θ pʌlp]


  • Root canal treatment and finished tooth lost in the pulp cavity nutrition supplies such as nerves blood vessels lymphatic makes itself become more brittle fracture of teeth .

    且做完根管治疗的 牙齿,失去了 牙髓腔中神经、血管、淋巴等营养供应,使得牙齿本身变得较脆易断裂。

  • In vitro production and release of Met-enkephalin Leu-enkephalin in tooth pulp induced by bradykinin

    缓激肽体外诱导 牙髓组织甲硫氨酸脑啡肽及亮氨酸脑啡肽产生和释放的实验研究

  • Conclusions : TGF - β may exert its functions on tooth development and pulp repair by stimulating cell proliferation .

    结论:TGF-β可能通过促进人 乳头细胞增殖参与 发育和 牙髓损伤修复。

  • Conclusion The rat tooth movement stimulates the pulp nerves to release CGRP which cause the variation of CGRP in the rat tooth pulp .

    结论大鼠磨牙移动时对 牙齿产生伤害性刺激,引起牙髓末梢神经兴奋大量释放CGRP等神经肽,导致 牙髓神经纤维中CGRP含量发生动态变化。

  • The Investigation and Reflection on the Course in Vitro Tooth Pulp to Open

    关于离 实验课的调查和思考

  • The discovery would possibly be beneficial to continuous development of the root of young permanent tooth with dental pulp necrosis and apical periodontitis after appropriate treatment .

    这一发现可能有利于根尖未发育完成的年轻 恒牙发生 牙髓坏死以及由此引起的根尖周炎经适当的治疗后牙根的继续发育。

  • Establishing Three-dimensional digital model of tooth and pulp in using Boolean

    使用布尔运算方法建立 牙髓三维数字模型

  • Experimental Research on Canine Tooth Pulp with Nd : TAG Laser Radiation

    Nd:YAG激光照射犬 牙髓的实验观察

  • METHODS Formalin test in mice tooth pulp stimulation procedure in rabbits and human oral pain were used .

    方法动物实验采用兔 齿髓刺激法和小鼠福尔马林实验,临床疼痛评定采用视觉模拟评分法。

  • Conclusions For natural tooth abutment with active pulp we should make full crown and preserve the activity of pulp .

    结论对于以活 为基牙的全冠修复,应尽量保存牙髓活力后进行修复;

  • Nd : YAG laser with light guide fibre exporting had been used to deal of canine tooth pulp and made relevant observation of histology .

    应用Nd:YAG激光经0.5mm光导纤维输出对犬 牙髓进行处理和相应的组织学观察。

  • Dentin non-collagenous proteins ( NCPs ) play critical roles in odontoblast induction differentiation and dentin mineralization and they have become the research focus of the tooth developmental biology and dental pulp biology .

    近年来,牙本质非胶原蛋白(Non-collagenousproteins,NCPs)在成牙本质细胞诱导分化和牙本质形成中作用的研究已成为 牙齿发育生物学和 牙髓生物学研究的热点。

  • The Research of Constructing Tooth Like Structure with Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells

    牙髓干细胞构建 牙齿样结构的实验研究

  • It was a long-term project so we only did the early study and elementary exploration about tooth regeneration with dental pulp stem cells ( DPSCs ) .

    牙齿再生的研究是一个长期而且艰难的过程,本研究只是对利用 牙髓干细胞进行 牙齿再生做了初步的探索。

  • Tooth organogenesis and dental pulp repair are both precisely regulated by various signaling molecules .

    牙齿发生和 牙髓损伤修复均受到众多信号分子的精密调控。

  • The research on the protection for tooth pulp by zinc-oxide-eugenol

    氧化锌丁香油酚在烤瓷冠备 后护 的应用

  • Analytical investigation on the clinical effect of devitalization of tooth pulp of the Chinese traditional remedy

    中药 牙髓失活剂的临床疗效分析

  • The tooth pulp response to orthodontic force is considered as a negative effect while the pulp has a dense sensory innervation which upon any stimulation conveys sensory signals perceived as pain .


  • The dentinogenesis and mineralization are the most important parts of the tooth development and dental pulp repair after injury .

    牙本质形成和矿化是 牙齿发育和 牙齿损伤修复过程中的重要组成部分。

  • Methods 86 fractured posterior teeth were treated with different methods The cracked tooth without pulp involvement was filled with light-cured composite resin after having been given the dumbbell shaped cavity preparation .

    方法:对86例后牙折裂不同类型采用不同的治疗方法&表浅的隐裂 制备 哑铃型洞型作光固化充填;

  • The Effect of Naloxone on the Inhibitory Action of Electro-acupuncture upon Cortical Potentials Evoked by Tooth Pulp Stimulation in Rabbits

    纳洛酮对针刺抑制家兔大脑皮层 牙髓诱发电位的影响

  • Result : The 3D model reconstructed by CT scan data objectively reflected the real tooth figure and the pulp cavity figure of the tooth .

    结果:采用CT薄层扫描资料建立起来的三维模型,形态逼真,能真实反映 牙齿外形及 腔三维结构。

  • Odontoblasts are the most important cells in dental pulp . They keep close relationships with dentinogenesis and play a critical role in the process of tooth development and pulp repair .

    成牙本质细胞(Odontoblast)是牙髓组织中最重要的细胞,它与牙本质的形成和维持有着极密切的关系,在 牙齿发育和 牙髓修复等方面处于举足轻重的地位。

  • Outer layer of the tooth enamel and ivory to protect the pulp quality .

    牙齿的外层有珐琅质及象牙质来保护 牙髓

  • AIM : To investigate the morphology of permanent human teeth of the Han Nationality and provide anatomic data for clinical treatment of tooth and pulp diseases .

    目的:了解我国汉族人群恒牙牙体形态特征,为 牙髓病的临床治疗提供解剖学资料。

  • Conclusion : Inlay restoration is more simple beautiful and economical and is more efficient in protecting tooth pulp and periodontium than crown .

    结论:嵌体较全冠修复牙间食物嵌塞临床操作简便省时,更有利于保护 牙髓及牙周组织健康,美观经济。

  • Significantly higher levels of NOS were found in pulp of carious tooth and traumatic pulp but lower in inflammatory pulp .

    这种染色在 龋病、外伤时有不同程度的增强,而在炎症时则减弱。

  • CONCLUSION : The tooth pulp diseases could be accurately diagnosed by applying helical CT and its3D reconstrution methods which could improve the diagnosis and treatment of complex root canal .

    结论:应用螺旋CT及其三维成像技术,可对复杂的 系统病变进行准确诊断,有效提高临床医生对复杂髓腔系统病变的诊断和治疗。

  • Methods : A right handed patient with cold stimulated dentinalgia of the first right maxillary bicuspid was selected to perform the fMRI study . Other tooth pulp disease and oral metal restoration were excluded .

    方法:选取右利手右上颌第一双尖牙牙髓冷刺激痛患者1名,排除口内的其它 牙髓病变及金属充填、修复体。