


  • The tongue-lashing was in response to holiday website Real Holiday Reports which posed the question .

    上面 这些 毒舌 评论 是假日旅游网站“真实假日报告 这次 问卷 收到的回应。

  • How would his own three sons have reacted to such a tongue-lashing ?

    对这样的 斥责,他自己的三个儿子会如何作出反应?

  • Mary 's mother gave her a tongue-lashing for coming home late .

    玛丽的妈妈因玛丽回家晚了 训斥了她一

  • One word out of turn and the men would hit their children or beat their wives or take it out on them by a violent tongue-lashing .

    一句话不对 ,有的便要打孩子,有的便要打老婆; 即使打不起来,也 痛快

  • Harry 's mother gave him a tongue-lashing for telling family secrets .

    哈里把家中的隐私告诉别人, 母亲狠狠 责骂了一