tongue sucking

[tʌŋ ˈsʌkɪŋ][tʌŋ ˈsʌkiŋ]

[医] 吸舌

  • Any of various birds of the family Meliphagidae of Australia and adjacent regions having a long extensible tongue adapted for sucking nectar from flowers .

    一种生长属于澳大利亚及邻近地区、蜜鸟科的鸟,有长的可伸展的 舌头,适于从花中 吮吸花蜜。

  • The tongue of the sucking child cleaveth to the roof of his mouth for thirst : the young children ask bread and no man breaketh it unto them .

    吃奶孩子的 舌头因乾渴贴住上膛。孩童求饼,无人擘给他们。