


  • Objective : With prognostic factors as assessment standards the effects of combination of TCM ( purification purgation dispersion tonicity ) and western medicine treating hepatitis B-related cirrhosis and its complications were assessed .

    目的:以预后因素为评定指标观察中医药清下消补法为主辨证 施治配合西医药对乙肝肝硬化的疗效。

  • Clinical Observations on Effects on Prognostic Factor Treating Hepatitis B-related Cirrhosis with Purification Purgation Dispersion Tonicity

    清下消补法 组方对乙肝肝硬化预后因素影响的临床观察

  • Objective : To observe the immune function of moxibustion on different tonicity points in the aging model mice .

    目的:观察艾灸不同 强壮 对衰老小鼠免疫功能的影响。

  • Through intonation parameters like pitch intensity length etc. tonicity serves primarily to identify the locality of the nucleus in an IG . In unmarked tonality nucleus often carries new information .

    核确定 系统的主要 功能是通过音高、 音强、音长等语调参数确定 核位置,新信息通常 在调核上。

  • Mechanical analysis on the movement of cricothyroid joint and the tonicity of vocal cord

    环甲关节运动与声带 张弛的力学分析

  • On contractile intensity uterus from pregnant rat total alkaloids and essential oil had the same effects and total alkaloids decreased tonicity markedly .

    总生物碱及挥发油 能够显著地 抑制妊娠大鼠子宫的收缩幅度,总生物碱具有降低 张力的作用。

  • Normal tonicity of the muscles .

    肌肉的正常 紧张 程度

  • According to the new cause of heel bony spur happening such as trauma chronic strain and so on local planter becomes tonicity contracture ossifying and it makes the heel bony spur happen .

    通过对跟骨刺病因的新认识,即由于外伤、慢性劳损,使足底 腱膜 紧张、挛缩、骨化,最终导致骨刺形成。

  • Using Crystal 's theory of Tonicity 's Conditions as the theoretical framework the present study compared nucleus placement in Native Speakers ' and Chinese EFL learners ' read speech . 8 British college students and 45 Chinese learners of English were asked to read aloud an 820-word story .

    本研究以 Crystal(1975)的 约束理论为依据,以实验语音学为研究手段,以8名英国大学生的 核位置为参照标准,对中国45名学习者的英语朗读口语进行了分析。

  • More muscular tonicity in together instigates your metabolism you will be so more inclined to mobilize you in sustained efforts .

    更多的肌肉 方面 滋补会加速你的新陈代谢,你将会因此而更倾向于调动长期的 毅力和不懈的努力。

  • Tonicity and the Information Focus in Spoken Discourse in English

    英语口语语篇中的 位置与信息焦点

  • Immune Function Study of Moxibustion on Different Tonicity Points in the Aging Model Mice

    艾灸 强壮 对衰老小鼠免疫功能的影响

  • The long shaped steel belt is coiled between the external gripping ring and the internal expanding core one by one and adheres mutually via the self tonicity of the long shaped steel belt .

    状外夹环和 圆盘状内涨芯组成,长形钢带一圈圈盘在外夹环与内涨芯间,靠其自身 张力而互相 紧。

  • It is generally believed that the medulla oblongata is the one of the tonicity sources of cardiovascular regulation .

    延髓腹外侧区为心血管调节的 紧张冲动来源之一。

  • Methods : The D-galactose was applied to induce the aging model mice . Then observe the immune function of moxibustion on different tonicity points in the aging model mice .

    方法:采用D-半乳糖造成衰老小鼠模型,观察艾灸不同 强壮 对衰老小鼠免疫功能的影响。

  • Results : Besides the structural changes caused by operation barium meal revealed : ① decreased gastrointestinal tonicity and abnormal configuration .

    结果:除手术引起的胃肠结构改变外,胃肠钡餐还显示:①胃肠 张力降低、形态失常;