tone in with

[toʊn ɪn wɪð][təun in wið]


  • According to the field examination the distribution section of yellow color tone is in agreement with the mineralized area on the spot surface .

    野外验证表明,黄色 的分布地域 实地的地表矿化范围相吻合。

  • Distortion product otoacoustic emissions ( DPOAE ) and pure tone audiometry were tested in 21 patients with chronic renal failure ( CRF ) .

    测定21例(42耳)慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF) 患者的畸变产物耳声发射( DPOAE)。

  • When we take a look at another painting with gray and white tone in the picture several girls with sad faces and staring in the distance the tip on the painting : I want to go to school .

    当我们把目光一转,看到宋微另一幅 色调灰白的油画,几个脸 愁容的女孩子,凝视着远方,再看画上文字提示:“我要上学。”

  • I learned the importance of time place and tone & especially in an office filled with young energetic and impressionable employees .

    我认识到时间、地点和 语调的重要性,尤其是办公室里的员工大都年轻敏感、精力充沛。

  • The red shoes can not tone in with the yellow skirt

    红鞋子 黄裙子不 相配

  • Implementation of Tone Reservation Scheme for PAPR Reduction in Coaxial-cable Modem System With a computer fax-modern you can only receive faxes as long as the computer is on and it is set up to receive the fax .

    预留载波法 同轴电缆调制解调系统中的实现因为当电脑启动而调校至传真接收模式时,你才可 通过电脑传真 调制解调器接收传真。

  • In this paper the succession of outstanding theoretical achievements of our predecessors on the foundation to order justice freedom of the legal value of testing to go for the tone of the hazards of building a penalty in accordance with the Trinity .

    本文在继承前人优秀理论成果的基础上,以秩序、公正、自由的法律价值去检验以危害论为 基调所构建的三位一体刑罚 根据

  • But the tone they have taken in recent years marks a break with the far lengthier tradition of wealth being looked on with envy by the masses .

    近年此类专题的 腔调,俨然打破了大众以羡慕的眼光看待财富的悠久传统。

  • Firstly this paper compares tone in Gan-Dialect of Dongkou with that in Chinese language of the middle ancient times in order to find out their corresponding relations and developing law . It is helpful for os to study Gan-Dialect in Hunan province and Hunan dialects .

    首先把洞口县 方言的 声调 中古时期的汉语声调作纵向对比,探讨它们之间的对应关系和演变规律。本文对湖南赣语以及湖南方言的研究有一定的参考价值。

  • Control analysis of pure tone audiometry indexes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

    类风湿性关节 患者 纯音测听指标对照分析

  • I smiled listening to my Mom 's emotional tone in a heartfelt comment that she left with a photo of my cousin's21st birthday .

    我侄子21岁生日的照片里,我妈妈 留下了一段深情的评论,听到妈妈充满感情的 声音,我不禁微笑起来。

  • I think black shoes would tone in better with your coat .

    我看黑鞋 你的衣服更 相配

  • Pure tone audiometry analysis in patients with non-purulent otitis media

    非化脓性中耳 80 纯音听力计检查分析

  • Conclusion : Genistein can decrease the vascular tone in femoral vascular bed with the underlying mechanism that involves tyrosine kinase inhibition and NO release .

    结论:GST降低股动脉血管床的血管 张力,其机制 酷氨酸激酶抑制和NO释放有关。

  • Areas that are often very colourful and strongly patterned designed with a strong ironic tone are not necessarily in a direct context with each other .

    许多地方都可看到色彩斑斓的图案,形成一种强烈的讽刺 色调,但它们之间并没有必然的联系。

  • Dialectical types of traditional Chinese medicine and pure tone test indexes in patients with sudden hearing loss

    突发性耳聋 患者中医辨证分型与 纯音测听指标的 对照

  • Choose shades which tone in with your natural colouring .

    选择 你本身的 肤色相衬的颜色。

  • An use of signal tone in the telephone network and statistical characteristic analysis of voice interference with the tone

    电话网中信 号音的利用及话音 其干扰的统计特性分析

  • Method : ASSR and pure tone threshold were examined in 33 adults ( 65ears ) with sensorineural hearing loss .

    方法:选成人感音神经性聋 患者33例(65耳),行ASSR阈值 纯音听测试。

  • Huawei had formerly maintained a fairly deferential tone in its dealings with the government .

    此前华为 美国政府打交道时一直保持相当恭敬的 语调

  • At last the author summarized the climatic responsive measures of the traditional dwellings of four hypo-climate tone in Jiangnan area and contrasted those with the climate measures of the second chapter . The author also illustrated the climate measures of traditional dwellings are used in modern buildings .

    最后,对江南四个微气候区域气候应变措施进行了总结,并将第二章气候分析结果 传统民居气候应变措施进行了分析,进而 江南地区的某些气候措施现代应用进行了 例举

  • This paper gives an optimality theoretic analysis of the neutral tone in these three dialects using the same set of constraints but with a different hierarchical ranking for each dialect .

    本文用优选论 这三种方言的轻声进行 系分析,采用相同制约条件,但层次排列不同,均可得出 满意的结果。

  • The new curtains tone in beautifully with the carpet .

    新幕 地毯的 颜色非常协调。

  • Sustainable development hinge on economic development tone in with natural environment of compartment relation .

    可持续发展的关键在于经济发展 自然环境之间关系的 协调,进一步看自然资源利用的持续性是可持续发展的基础条件之一。

  • ( of notes ) raised half a tone in pitch a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate ( like the initial sound in the English word ` yeast ' ) .

    (指 音符)升半音的舌头位于上腭附近发出的半元音(象英语单词“yeast”中的首音。

  • A brief description of the tone sandhi ( tone mutation ) for disyllable words in Hat an dialect is offered with discussions made on that of trisyllable structures .

    描述了海安方言连续 变调 的“ 上”现象,重点是两字组词的后字变读。

  • Study on Tone Expression of Pu Tong Hua and Can tone se in the Patients with Cerebral Damage

    脑损害 患者的普通话和 粤语声调表达研究

  • No side effects were found in rabbits with ACSF replacement however an increase of muscle tone and an augmentation of spinal flexion reflex were displayed in rabbits with physiological saline replacement .

    ACSF置换组无不良反应,生理盐水置换组影响 家兔的神经生理反射。

  • In Chinese tone plays an important role in sense distinction . Syllables with the same consonant and vowel but with different tones may have a completely different meaning .

    在汉语中 声调承担着重要 辨意作用,相同声母和韵母构成的音节 随着声调的不同而具有完全不同的意义。

  • The relationship between the US and China will also set the tone in efforts to deal with a panoply of global issues from climate change to nuclear non - proliferation and the future of the Korean Peninsula .

    美中关系将为 应对几乎所有全球性问题的努力设定 基调,从气候变化到核不扩散及朝鲜半岛局势的发展。