


  • International TOGA Project Office ( ITPO ) Variation of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon and Its Association with the Global Atmosphere Circulation and Sea Surface Temperature

    热带海洋与全球大气 实验计划国际办事处南海夏季风变化及其与全球大气和海温的关系

  • This article introduces the design of TAO array configuration and operation of Atlas mooring buoy system in TOGA program .

    本文介绍 TOGA计划中的TAO浮标阵设计和Atlas浮标的结构和使用情况。

  • This paper is to study this effect on the different rain structures deduced from the airborne Ku band radar data gathered during a TOGA / COARE experiment .

    利用 TOGA/COARE期间Ku波段机载雷达实测资料提供的不同的降雨结构进行不均匀性束内充塞效应的研究。

  • The Augustanera sculpture of a life-size male in a toga was secured on a foam-covered wooden frame to cushion its rescue .

    这座真人大小、身穿 托加 的奥古斯都时期的男子雕像被安全地放置在包了泡沫的木制架子上,以缓冲打捞时产生的震动。

  • Toga & Dagger : Espionage in Ancient Rome

    与匕首:古罗马 帝国谍影 寻踪

  • For more than seven years she planned everything from a toga party for 350 people with 48 hours ' notice to Mr. Zuckerberg 's secret wedding to Priscilla Chan in 2012 .

    无论是在48小时内准备好350人的 罗马 长袍派对, 还是扎克伯格与普莉希拉?陈(PriscillaChan)在2012年举行的秘密婚礼,七年多来,一切都由她来安排。

  • A Case Study of the Correction for Attenuation Effect Using the Airborne Radar Data Obtained During the TOGA / COARE Experiment


  • Flows in the scrolls of her toga .

    在她的 流淌

  • Don 't worry I brought my toga .

    别担心,我带来了我的 官服

  • Like all ministers he wore a bright orange toga over his normal costume .

    如同所有的部长,他在日常装束 外罩一件鲜橙色的