


  • He plays the piano tolerably well .

    他钢琴弹 还算不错。

  • The observances of the Church concerning feasts and fasts are tolerably well kept since the rich keep the feasts and the poor the fasts .

    教会有关节日宴会与禁食的仪式遵守 相当好,因为富人遵守节日宴会而穷人则遵守禁食。

  • My neighbour struck me as bordering on repulsive ; I knew through experience that I was tolerably attractive .

    我旁边的人在我看来近乎令人生厌。根据经验,我知道我 多少 还有 吸引力

  • What do our choices in this come down to ? I knew through experience that I was tolerably attractive .

    归结 而言,我们对此 还有多少选择?根据经验,我知道我 多少 还有 吸引力

  • The system is working tolerably well .

    这一系统运转 颇好

  • She had taken a few steps into the room and had deposited a tolerably bulky parcel on the table .

    她向那屋子 中间走了几步,把一个 相当大的包裹放在桌子上。

  • He was looking tolerably mellow .

    他显得 几分 醉意

  • We might have got on tolerably notwithstanding but for two people Miss Cathy and Joseph the servant : you saw him I dare say up yonder .

    其实,要不是为了两个人,凯蒂小姐和那佣人约瑟夫,我们还可以 凑合下去。我敢说,你在那边看见过他的。

  • But it can be done at least tolerably well .

    但我们至少可以在可 容忍 范围 做好。

  • His bedroom was tolerably large and rather difficult to warm in bad weather .

    他的房间 相当大,在恶劣的季节里相当难于 热。

  • I believe that species come to be tolerably well-defined objects .

    我相信物种 终究是界限分明的实物。

  • They went over a tolerably large ground-floor ; a second floor consisted of a salon a bathroom and two bedrooms ; near one of the bedrooms they came to a winding staircase that led down to the garden .

    二楼有一间客厅,一间浴室和两间卧室,这两间卧室中的一间和一座螺旋形的 楼梯相连,楼梯出去便是花园。

  • He had preserved a tolerably good remembrance of what the youth had been and was now to find out what the man had become .

    对于自己年轻时的容貌,他还保存着一个 完好的记忆,现在要 面对的是成年时的自己究竟变成个什么样子。

  • As she was about to resume her seat there she observed on the spot which she had quitted a tolerably large stone which had evidently not been there a moment before .

    正待坐下去时,她发现在她原先离开的坐处,放了一块 相当大的石头,这明明是先头没有的。

  • The back court was surrounded by tolerably high walls and the outlook was only on several gardens .

    后院被 相当高的墙围着,空隙 见到一些花园。

  • After wandering about and sitting under trees with Fanny all the summer evenings he had so well talked his mind into submission as to be very tolerably cheerful again .

    整个夏天,他天天晚上都和范妮一起漫步,或者坐在树下休息,通过一次次交谈,心里渐渐 想开了, 恢复以往的愉快心情。

  • The garden was enclosed by a tolerably low white wall easy to climb .

    园的四周绕着一 道白 围墙相当低,容易越过。

  • To date China has held closely to a schedule announced several years ago for bringing into modern times a system that might have served the last emperor tolerably well .

    迄今为止,中国仔细成立了到几年以前为把可能可 容忍地服务了最后皇帝很好的一个系统带进现代时间宣布的一张时间表。

  • And yet entertain a tolerably good opinion of himself !

    自己是自我感觉的自己。可是自我 感觉 颇好

  • The meal was tolerably good but I wouldn 't eat there again .

    饭菜 还好,但是我不愿意再去那儿吃了。

  • Marius had lived in the house for a tolerably long time and he had had as we have said but very rare occasion to see to even catch a glimpse of his extremely mean neighbors .

    马吕斯住在这栋破房子里已有一段 相当长的时间了,我们说过,他只有很少的机会能见到,也只能说略微见到,他那非常卑贱的邻居。

  • The dear colonel rallied his spirits tolerably till just at last ; but Darcy seemed to feel it most acutely more I think than last year . His attachment to Rosings certainly increases .

    那位可爱的上校到最后才 了精神;达西看上去最难过,我看他比去年还要难受,他对罗 新斯的感情真是一年比一年来得深。

  • North and South had officials at the meeting and they rubbed along tolerably

    南北双方都有官员参加了这次会议,而且他们 勉强 和平相处

  • Andrea had formed a plan which was tolerably clever .

    安德烈已经拟定了一个 相当狡猾的计划。

  • She had her favourite mare her Newfoundland dog and her drawing materials and she made herself tolerably happy .

    她有她所宠爱的母马,纽芬兰狗,绘画用品,她使自己的 日子 快乐, 差强人意

  • Oh she is naughty ! I cried perceiving the master to be tolerably sober .

    “啊,她太不乖啦!”我大声说,看出来主人 相当清醒。

  • In the meanwhile the hours passed if not rapidly at least tolerably .

    在这期间,时间的消逝虽说不上很快,但至少不 令人 难以 忍受

  • He is not tolerably well as he told me to tell papa ; but he 's better very likely .

    他不像他叫我告诉爸爸的 那样好多了,可是他真是 好些了。

  • When she had divested herself of all the articles of apparel mentioned by that lady Mrs. B. examined them at leisure and seemed tolerably well satisfied with their quality and value .

    当她把老太婆所说的所有服装都从自己身上剥掉以后,布朗太太从容不迫地把它们 细察看着,似乎对它们的质量与价值 相当满意。

  • I knew through experience that I was tolerably attractive .

    根据经验,我知道我 多少 还有 吸引力