token rotation time

[ˈtokən roˈteʃən taɪm][ˈtəukən rəʊˈteɪʃən taim]


  • The conditions that the parameters including high-priority token hold time and target token rotation time must satisfy are given .

    给出了参数(包括高优先级令牌持有时间和低优先级目标 令牌 循环 时间)设置 应满足的条件。

  • Furthermore schedule ability analysis of the high and low priority messages based on response time was presented . The principle of setting target token rotation time was also brought forward .

    在此基础上,给出了 总线信息的消息 循环 时间令牌 循环 时间 总线 效率的计算方法,以及高、低优先级信息基于响应时间的可调度性分析,并给出了 总线目标 令牌 循环 时间的设定原则。

  • Impact of Token - target - rotation Time on Message Transaction Cycle Time in PROFIBUS System

    令牌目的 循环 时间T(TR)对现场总线PROFIBUS测控周期的影响

  • The models on real-time messages arrival and non-real-time messages arrival are presented in this paper . The performances including token rotation time and stability conditions on network are investigated when token bus network is used in distributed control system .

    建立了实时信息与非实时信息到达模型,并分析了完全不对称令牌总线网络用于控制系统时的性能,主要包括 令牌 循环 时间和网络稳定条件。