toilet set


  • Interior toilet : The ground is laid with ground bricks the wall is bonded with face bricks the ceiling is of laminated board and sanitary tools are set inside .

    室内 卫生间:地面铺地砖;墙面贴面砖;天花为复合板天花;内 卫生洁具。

  • His bedroom was the simplest room of all & except where the dresser was garnished with a toilet set of pure dull gold .

    他自己的卧室是所有屋子中最简朴的一 &只有梳妆台上点缀着一副纯金的 梳妆 用具

  • Application of PLC to Computer Survey System of the Water Supply Results There were 68.4 % targets using the ecological toilet and 66.8 % owned lavabo 51.4 % set washing-hand bathroom in family and 56.9 % attained safety water supply .

    结果项目实施后,调查对象中使用生态旱 已经达到68.4%, 厕所设有洗手设施、家庭 设有专用洗澡间、使用安全自来水三项指标分别达到66.8%、51.4%、56.9%;

  • We learned that Miss Emily had been to the jeweler 's and ordered a man 's toilet set in silver with the letters H.B.on each piece .

    我们还听说爱米丽小姐去过首饰店,订购了一 银质男人 盥洗用具,每件上面刻着“荷伯”。

  • Li staged the first occupation on Feb 19 at a public toilet in Guangzhou and set off a fierce public debate .

    2月19日, 李婷婷首次策划了广州占领男 厕所活动,引发公众热议。

  • Small pets is not in their own place to sleep in the toilet so the cage 's only room set aside a little pet just can turn a body size of sleep .

    小宠物一般不在自己睡觉的地方 厕所,所以笼子里的空间只 留出一个小宠物刚好可以转个身睡觉的大小。