toggle press

[ˈtɑɡəl prɛs][ˈtɔɡl pres]


  • The author studied the motion compatibleness of executive system and built the connection of the motion parameter ( motion-stand ratio ) that complete walk paper craft and the bar dimension of die cutting toggle press mechanism that complete die cutting craft .

    研究分析了主执行系统运动协调性,建立了完成走纸工艺的平行分度凸轮的运动参数(动停比)和完成模切工艺的 肘杆机构构件尺寸之间的关系。

  • Optimized Designing of Toggle Mechanism of Plastic Molding Press

    塑料成型 肘杆机构的优化设计

  • A New Type of Straight Side Two Point Multiple Toggle Link Press

    一种新型的闭式双点多 连杆 压力机

  • The kinematics analysis of the triangle swing toggle cold extrusion press

    三角摆 肘杆 冷挤压 机构运动学分析