writing speed

[ˈraɪtɪŋ spid][ˈraitiŋ spi:d]


  • To a person without writing barrier writing speed about familiar context can reach 28.63 words per minute .

    对于一个没有写作障碍的人,熟悉内容的平均 写作 速度可以达到28.63字/分钟。

  • Thirdly the PEP are absent in writing 's speed and the ways of speaking .

    第三,反映了新教材在 书写 速度与表达方式上的缺失;

  • The performance requirement of on-line trading system can 't be satisfied by in-database matching because of the great deal of writing and reading to database and I / O operating while in-memory matching can rise the matching speed .

    如果用数据库撮合,那么大量的数据库读 和I/O操作将不能满足在线交易的性能要求,在线交易要求交易核心有很高的撮合 速度,因此该交易系统使用内存撮合技术。

  • ( b ) influence existed on writing speed of blind children using different sizes of braille slate and papers .

    盲童使用不同规格点字板、点字笔和纸张对点字 书写 速度有一定影响。

  • The memory device is toward miniaturization high-storage density low-power consumption rapid writing / reading speed long-time date retention compatible with the CMOS process and so on .

    存储器正朝着小型化、存储密度高、功耗低、读 速度快、数据保持时间长、与CMOS工艺兼容等我们所希望的方向发展。

  • With the CPUs speed up the storage 's reading / writing speed and capability of periphery control circuit became the obstacle to the development of system 's performance .

    随着现在各种处理器的工作频率越来越快,存储器的读 速度以及外围的控制电路的性能成为直接制约系统的性能的瓶颈。

  • An Experimental Study on Writing Speed with Different Difficulties

    不同熟悉程度 写作 速度的一项实验研究

  • Childishness Expression Using abbreviation can decrease the amount of cells therefore to increase indirectly the reading and writing speed .

    通过简写方案,可以减少盲文表达的方数,间接提高盲文的阅读、 书写 速度

  • Meanwhile two SRAM of large capacity were used as the frame memories and author adopted the ping-pong reading and writing mechanism to improving the speed of reading and writing memories .

    同时,系统中设置了两片大容量的SRAM作为帧存储器,并采用乒乓读 机制以提高存储器的读写 速度

  • To cultivate students ' awareness of style is helpful for them to choose correct writing style and speed up the process of creative construction .

    培养学生的文体意识有助于其正确选择 写作 体裁写作风格, 加速创造性建构的过程。

  • On the Training of Writing Speed of University Students

    大学生 写作 速度的培养

  • Experiments show that the method can improve the reading and writing speed of the data . Therefore quickly response request of the other system .

    实验表明,该方式可以提高数据的读取和 写入 速度,从而快速响应其它系统的请求。

  • Tax administration archives subsystem test test results show that the application system based on cloud computing in the system response speed reading and writing data speed is very good especially in the cases of high concurrent or large amount of data .

    对税收征管档案子系统进行了测试,测试结果表明基于云计算的应用系统在系统响应速度、数据读 速度方面明显占优,尤其是在高并发或大数据量的情况下。

  • After writing my popular article on speed reading I received a lot of comments from people who wanted to read faster .

    在我 写完关于 快速阅读的一些文章之后,我收到了许多想读得更快的人们的评论。

  • In the last part the paper makes a simulation and verification of the nine-transistor memory cell in the aspects of stability reading and writing speed power consumption . Compared with the traditional six-transistor memory cell the design in this paper does have excellent characteristics .

    在文章最后部分,对本论文设计的九管存储单元稳定性、读 速度及功耗等进行仿真与验证,并与传统六管单元做比较,说明本论文设计的九管SRAM存储单元的优越性。

  • With the continuous improvement of reading and writing frequency of flash memory as well as the characteristic size decreasing the stability of the flash memory and the speed bottleneck to improve performance faces enormous challenges .

    随着闪存读 频率的不断提高,以及闪存单元特征尺寸的不断减小,闪存的稳定性,以及能否突破 速度瓶颈从而提高性能面临着巨大的挑战。

  • We discuss the effects of the laser parameters on asymmetric writing such as writing speed and the laser polarization by the femtosecond-laser generated optical properties and structures e.g. birefringence phase change and surface topography of the cross section of laser tracks .

    通过分析飞秒激光产生的不对称性的光学性能和结构,例如双折射,相位位移变化和激光印迹的表面形貌,讨论了各种激光参数如 写入 速度和激光偏振对不对称性写入的影响。

  • Electronic Commerce Writing as a new form of writing speed up the process of business writing .

    新的 写作形式&电子商务写作,使商业化写作进程不断 加快

  • Laser direct writing systems to produce devices that can receive the same fine structure and design and high accuracy speed and low cost .

    采用激光直 系统制作器件,可以获得与设计一致的微细结构,并且准确度高, 速度 ,成本低廉。

  • At present the main obstacle is the writing process in which the conversion characteristics of magnetic layers limits the speed of magnetic installation .

    目前的主要障碍在于 写入过程,磁性存储装置中的磁性层转换特性限制了磁性装置 速度 提高

  • The effects of laser power frequency writing speed and procedures on the quality of the chip was evaluated .

    研究了激光功率,频率, 扫描 速度等参数及加工程序对芯片加工质量的影响。

  • With the development of electronic product people wish to pursue super portable low power consumption high writing / reading speed and high density memory device .

    随着电子产品的发展,人们对于超 便携,超低功耗以及高密度 快速存储设备的需求日益紧迫。

  • Synchronous writing to the log makes the speed of the I / O important therefore it is preferable to use a write cache for the disks on which the log is located .

    对日志的同步的 使得I/O的 速度变得重要,所以最好把写高速缓存用于日志所在的磁盘。

  • In addition it is nearly impossible to detect from them the dynamic information utilized by the online systems such as the writing speed acceleration and pressure and so on .

    离线 手写体笔迹图像很容易被模仿、复制,而在线鉴别系统普遍采用的运 速度、加速度、压力等动态信息,在离线图像中已保留得不多了。

  • Ferroelectric memories have attracted significant attentions in past years for the advantages of fast writing / reading speed low power consumption and high-density integration .

    近年来,铁电存储器因具有读 速度快、低功耗和存储密度高等优点而受到广泛关注。

  • Calibration and its Application for Writing Rate of Ultra-high Speed Rotating Mirror Camera

    高速转镜扫描相机 扫描速度的校准及应用方法

  • Software design includes : writing programs of rotate speed computing module ignition timing computing module and ignition control module and curve fitting .

    软件设计部分包括 转速计算模块、点火时间计算模块、点火控制模块和曲线拟合等的程序 编写

  • Applications of PLL for Micro-hard Disk Servo Writing to Follow the Motor Rotate Speed

    利用锁相环跟踪马达 转速在微硬盘伺服 写入中的应用

  • In the proposed approach using directly writing in display RAM and magnification by DSP the speed and the quality of video display have greatly improved .

    利用直接 屏和DSP运算放大技术,可以显著提高显示 速度和放大质量。

  • Compared with the Nor Nand Flash memory has the advantage of large capacity faster writing speed become embedded in the main data storage device .

    与Nor相比,Nand闪存的优点是容量大、 写入 速度快,成为了嵌入式产品中主要的数据存储设备。