After all liberal and centre-right politicians spent the recent European elections calling each other dangerous and wrongheaded .
毕竟,在最近几次欧洲选举中,自由派和右派政客们都称对方危险而 顽固。
Is the failure of the latter because of their geography or climate or is it because their leaders chose wrongheaded policies ?
导致后者 经济 发展 不 振的原因是地理、气候,还是由于这些国家的领导人选择了 错误的政策 方向?
To Langer this was evidence that the biomedical model of the day that the mind and the body are on separate tracks was wrongheaded .
在兰格看来,这些证据显示了当时的生物医学模式即心灵和身体 分道 而 驰 陷入了 认识 误区。
She thinks they should land on taxpayers ; this is wrongheaded .
拉加德认为, 损失应由纳税人承担,这就有 悖 常理了。
They have no right to interfere with his programme of nationalisation however wrongheaded it may be or the rest of his economic policy : those things are the sovereign business of venezuela .
他们无权干涉查韦斯的国有化政策 虽然这可能 错误 之 极或者是他其他的经济政策:那些都是委内瑞拉的内政。
And second it was wrongheaded : Shareholders pay managers to make their company not bigger but more valuable .
其次,这个 目标 是 错误的:股东付给管理者 报酬不是为了公司变得更大,而是要使它增值。
Beneath its wrongheaded headline goal to slash net immigration the government has sensibly made sure that a route remains open for entrepreneurs .
在 错误 的 指导下,报纸头条 指责入境移民净 数,政府政府切合 实际地确认了一条始终对企业家开放的途径。
There was the obstinate refusal to take asset bubbles seriously and the wrongheaded preoccupation with short-term targets for narrowly defined inflation indices .
它们固执地拒绝把资产泡沫当回事,并 顽固地执着于为定义狭窄的通胀指数 设定的短期目标。
To say that the Internet Kill Switch is a bad idea is only scratching the surface of how wrongheaded the proposal is .
说 设置“互联网死亡开关”是个 馊主意,那还只是触及了这项 错误 而愚蠢的 举措的表面。