X zone

[医] X线,雄激素带(胚)

  • The con figuration of aplanat for making high resolution X-ray Zone plate to be used in beam line of Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory is also presented .

    文中还给出了在同步辐射实验室显微术光束线中用激光干涉法制作高分辨率 X 波带板的光学系统。

  • It employs two micro zone plates one is for imaging and another for producing the reference .

    采用了两个 波带板,其中一个用来成像,另一个用来产生参考 光束,能有效地 降低X 射线 相干性的要求。

  • The react zone in specimens were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDS ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) .

    利用扫描电镜、能谱、 X 射线衍射等手段对扩散偶及反应 形貌组分进行分析测试。

  • If the magnetization direction of the magnets is originally parallel to x y-axis respectively the cellular Nd_2Fe_ ( 14 ) - B of the zone in the laser melting / solidification pool has the same arrangement of the easy magnetization axis as the magnets .

    结果表明:当磁体的磁化方向分别与 x,y轴平行时,其上激光熔凝 中Nd2Fe14B胞柱晶的易磁化轴具有与粉末烧结基体相同的取向;

  • Soft X-ray zone plate is an important element which has the function of concentration dispersion and imaging in soft X-ray optics .

    软X射线 波带片是软 X 射线光学中聚焦、色散和成像的重要元件。

  • Developing a quasi-dimensional two zone combustion model for calculating the formation of NO in direct - injection diesel engines . It was verified by means of test .

    开发一个准维双 模型计算直喷式柴油机NO x的生成,并由试验验证。

  • X ray measurements of PALEOTECTONIC RESIDUAL STRESS with depth along the Red River Fault Zone

    红河断裂 古构造残余应力随深度分布 X射线测量

  • The parameters of X-ray zone plate to be used in beam line of Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory of China and the configuration of an aplanatic system for making high power X-ray zone plate are also presented .

    文中还给出了合肥国家同步辐射实验室光束线所用的软 X 射线 波带板的结构参数和制造这种波带板的光学系统。

  • The influence of random zone position and width error on the efficiencies of a Ni soft X-ray zone plate was calculated and the influence of interdiffusion and roughness on the efficiencies of a SiO_2 / Ni hard X-ray sputtered sliced zone plate was analyzed .

    计算了Ni软X射线波带片的随机 环带位置误差及宽度误差对主焦点效率的影响;计算了SiO2/Ni硬 X 射线溅射切片波带片的两种材料的相互扩散和粗糙度对衍射效率的影响。

  • Methods The model capacity manufactory date of production the purpose of machine and machine room floor area were surveyed . The level of radiation of X ray in the protective zone of fluoroscopy the console of photograph and circumference were detected .

    方法调查各种X线机型号、容量、产地、出厂年月、检查用途和机房使用面积,对透视防护 、摄影机房控制室(台)及周围环境进行了 X线辐射水平的监测。

  • The main characterization of a self-supporting zone plate is to use not membrane but metal struts to support the zones . This kind of zone plate has a longer life than the zone plates with membrane substrate under radiation .

    自支撑型 波带片的主要特点是利用金属加强筋来支撑波带片图形,而不是用薄膜来支撑波带片图形,可以提高元件在 X 射线 辐射下的使用寿命。

  • The influence of random position error of zones width error of zones interdiffusion and roughness on the efficiency and resolution of X-ray zone plates ( ZP ) is analyzed by adding the analytic expression of the diffraction field of every ring .

    利用叠加所有圆环的解析近似衍射场的方法来计算和分析随机环带位置误差、宽度误差、扩散和粗糙度对 X 射线 波带片的效率和分辨率的影响。

  • Results ( 1 ) The positive rate of Col X of the articular cartilage from children with KBD was 35.0 % and obviously lower than that of the control ( 63.0 % ) in the deep zone ( P < 0.01 ) .

    结果(1)儿童大骨节病关节软骨 深层 X型胶原表型表达率(35.0%)比儿童对照组(63.0%)明显减少(P<0.01);

  • In thinner plates the plastic zone size x p / ρ reaches its peak on the mid-plane but the peak of plastic zone size x p / ρ removes toward the free surface with the plate thickness B / ρ increasing .

    薄板中, 性区尺寸 xp的最大值不是出现在约束较低的自由表面,而是出现在约束较高的中面,但随B/ρ的增大逐渐向自由表面外推;

  • Using SEM and X ray analyses the microstructure of the laser melted zone was investigated and the wear resistance of the laser treated samples was measured .

    利用SEM和 X射线衍射分析了激光 中的组织分布,并对激光处理后的试样进行了耐磨性实验。

  • X ray zone plates fabrication and its application

    X射线 波带片的制作及其应用

  • Ovarian nurse cell polytene chromosomes from F1 hybrid females showed partial asynapsis in X chromosome as well as in autosonles asynapsis at38 zone in3L being the most constant .

    杂种雌蚊卵巢营养细胞多线染色体的 X染色体和常染色体均有不联会区段,以38 的不联会最为恒定。

  • The Fresnel zone plate ( FZP ) is a kind of beam-forming and focusing device which has attracted great attentions in the last two decades for its achieved and potential applications in the fields of extreme ultraviolet imaging X-ray imaging imaging and focusing of atoms .

    近二十年来,作为聚束和聚焦元器件的菲涅耳 波带片因其在实现极紫外成像、 X 射线成像与对原子束聚焦等方面的应用与前景,受到了广泛关注。

  • The positive rates of Col X expression in the middle zone of articular cartilage had significant difference between the children ( 0.0 % ) and the adults ( 34.0 % ) with KBD ( P

    儿童大骨节病关节软骨中层 X型胶原表型表达( 0.0%)较成人大骨节病组(34.0%)减弱(P

  • Error effect in depth of diffraction pattern of X ray reflection zone plate has been studied .

    研究 X射线反射式 波带片衍射图形制造过程中的深度误差效应。

  • X-ray condenser zone plates ( CZP ) focalize and disperse X-ray and x-ray micro zone plates ( MZP ) serve as the imaging component for the sample which are both the key components in soft X-ray microscope .

    软X射线聚焦 波带片对X射线色散和聚焦,软 X射线成像波带片对样品成像,是软 X 射线显微镜中的关键元件。

  • It was found that the frictional peak in the specific pressure distribution still exists under asynchronous rolling the larger the x ( ratio of cross-shear zone to deformation zone ) the greater the effectiveness of reduction in pressure and frictional peak hight .

    结果表明,异步轧制单位压力分布仍具有峰值;搓轧 占变形区比例 x越大,异步轧制的降压效果和摩擦峰的削减作用越大;

  • R R ' X P T sub - fracture planes are developed in the brittle shear zone .

    脆性剪切 内发育有R、R′、 X、P、T等次级裂面。

  • X ray demonstrated a large dense mushroom shaped mass shadow attached to the bone cortex with a clear lucent zone between the mass and underlying cortex in some cases . CT scanning confirmed the medullary involvement in 6 cases ( 26 % ) .

    X线显示为附着于干骺端骨皮质表面生长的广基性蘑菇状致密肿块影,部分病例于肿块和其下骨皮质间可见狭窄的透亮 ,CT证实6例伴有髓内累及(26%)。

  • The influences of heating history on thermal properties of polyether ether ketone ( PEEK ) are investigated with DSC X ray diffraction and density gradient method . It is found that the T_g of PEEK shifts toward high temperature zone as its crystallinity increases .

    用DSC、 X射线衍射和密度梯度法考察了热历史对聚醚醚酮(PEEK)热性能的影响,结果发现:PEEK的Tg随结晶度增加而向高温 移动;

  • The results show that the ( Ge ) _1 ( Si ) _1 superlattice is an indirect semiconductor and the lowest conduction band state is at point X in the Brillouin zone ;

    结果表明(Ge)1(Si)1是间接带,导带最低点在布里渊 X点。

  • The conduction band states near the Γ valley mainly originate from the X valley of bulk Si conduction band which is formed from Brillouin zone folding in superlattices .

    两类超晶格的导带Γ能谷的状态主要由Si层的原来体导带 X能谷经布里渊 折叠而组成。

  • Element mixing distribution and structure feature of fusion zone in laser welding between different alloys and pure titanium

    异种合金与纯钛激光焊接熔焊 元素混熔 分布及组织结构特征关于 x n 分布

  • The concern about element distribution information of micro material and micro zone of sample is getting more deeply nowadays . And the micro X-ray fluorescence analysis which is a scatheless method for samples has a great development .

    随着人们对微材料、样品元素分布信息的日益重视,能够进行无损测量的微 X 射线荧光光谱分析( MXRF)得到了充分的发展。