X-ray image

[ˈɛksˌre ˈɪmɪdʒ][ˈeksrei ˈimidʒ]

[化] X射线照片

  • The probability based on X-ray image multi-correlation space is defined that can be used to estimate the multifractal spectrum .

    该文提出了一种基于 多重相关方差的计算多重分形谱的 算法

  • Study of relationship between syndrome differentiation typing in traditional Chinese medicine and X-ray image with sputum examination in pulmonary tuberculosis

    肺结核中医辨证证型与 X线 影像及痰菌关系的研究

  • An Enhancement Method for X-Ray Image Using Rough Sets and Human Visual System

    人眼视觉特性与粗糙集结合的 X 射线 图像增强算法

  • Method for Low Contrast X-ray Image Segmentation Based on Gradient

    基于梯度的低对比度 X线 图像分割方法

  • Analysis and Processing of Wood X-ray Image Based on Fuzzy Theory

    基于模糊理论的木材 X 射线 图像分析与处理

  • The Chandra X-ray image is shown in blue the Hubble Space Telescope optical image is in red and yellow and the Spitzer Space Telescope 's infrared image is in purple .

    钱德拉 X 射线 图像显示为蓝色,哈勃太空望远镜的光学图像显示为红色和黄色,斯皮策太空望远镜的红外图像显示为紫色。

  • A Research on Application and Development of Digital X-Ray Image System Used in Physical Examination

    探讨 X线数字化 影像系统在体检中的应用与发展

  • The wide screen of the Passport can display the details of a Microsoft Excel document for an office worker for example or an X-ray image for a doctor .

    Passport的宽屏可为办公室职员显示微软(Microsoft)Excel文件的详细信息,或为医生显示 X 射线 图像

  • The Study and Implementation of Real-Time X-Ray Image Processing System Based on DSP

    基于DSP的 X 射线 图像实时处理系统的研究与实现

  • Research and Implementation of Automatic X-ray Image Enhancement and Stitching Technology

    X光 图像自动增强拼接技术的研究和实现

  • Dynamic Observation and Analysis of Early Peripheral Lung Cancer X-ray Image

    早期周围型肺癌的 X线动态观察和分析

  • Electro-optical X-ray image intensifier

    光电 X 射线 影像增强器

  • Digital radiography is important means for inspecting the quality of subject original X-ray image is however often rotary or offset .

    射线数字成像检测是质量检测的一种重要方法,获取的 射线 图像往往会发生偏移或旋转。

  • The X-ray image shows an expanding shell of hot gas produced by the explosion .

    x 射线 显示的是由爆炸产生的高温气体膨胀扩展。

  • Analysis and Correction for Nonuniformity of the Two Side Proximity of X-ray Image Intensifier Radiography

    双近贴式 X 射线 增强器成像不均匀性的分析与校正

  • Research on Recognition of Defects in X-ray Image Based on Wavelet Transform

    基于小波变换的 X 射线探伤 图像缺陷识别技术研究

  • Design and Implementation of Medical X-ray Image Enhancement System

    医学 X光 图像增强系统的设计与实现

  • This application makes use of a queue to store X-ray image files .

    该应用程序使用队列存储 X 射线 文件。

  • PCB Defect Inspection and Marking Based on X-ray Image

    基于 X 射线 图像印刷电路板缺陷检测和标记技术

  • The Study of the Technology of X-ray Image Dynamic Enhancement Based on the GPU Accelerating

    基于GPU加速的 X 射线 图像动态增强技术研究

  • Electro-optical X-ray image intensifier The searchlights projected powerful beams of light .

    光电 X 射线 影像增强器探照灯射出一道道强光。

  • A new X-ray image intensifier and a real-time imaging system are put forward for industrial X-ray nondestructive testing and their structures and performances are also given .

    提出一种用于工业射线检测的新型 X 射线 图象增强器及其实时成象系统,并给出它们的结构和性能。

  • X-ray Image Processing and Defect Recognition Based on the Scientific Grade CCD Camera

    基于科学级CCD相机 X 射线 成像 图像处理及缺陷识别

  • Purpose : Used in X-ray image intensifier flasher analytically reagent medical and special optical etc.

    用途: 红外光谱和 闪烁器的光学材料,用于特种玻璃、医药及用作分析试剂。

  • Technology of Tire Internal Defects Detection Based on the X-ray Image

    基于 X光 图像的轮胎内部缺陷检测技术研究

  • These are X-ray camera units comprised of an X-ray image intensifier and a CCD camera .

    这些X射线相机设备是由一台 X 射线 图像增强器和一台CCD相机构成的。

  • There were no remarkable changes in the tooth mobility and X-ray image analysis before treatment and12 weeks after treatment .

    治疗12周和治疗前比牙齿松动度、松动牙 X 射线 无明显变化。

  • The Study of X-ray Image Real-time Processing Based on High-resolution Digital Camera

    基于高分辨率数字相机的 X 射线 图像实时处理技术研究

  • Reconstruction of X-ray Image with Super Dynamic Range by Wavelet Transform

    基于小波变换的 X 射线 图像超动态范围重建