x-ray spectroscopy

[医] X线光谱学

  • A review is first given of the background of Laue ′ s discover which gave rise to two branches of science X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography .

    文章从劳厄发现晶体X射线衍射的前因后果谈起.劳厄的这个发现产生了两个新学科,即 X 射线 和X射线晶体学。

  • Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDX ) and selected-area electron diffraction ( SAED ) analyses pro-vide definite evidences for asbestos fibres encapsulated by carbon tubes .

    内部的石棉纤维及其外部的碳管均经过 X 射线能量损失 (EDX)的成份分析及选区电子衍射(SAED)的结构分析加以证实。

  • Their interactions with metal ion were investigated by the visual method electrochemical method UV-vis absorption spectra IR and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDX ) method .

    通过可视化检测法、电化学方法、紫外可见光分光光度法(UV-vis)、红外(IR)和能量色散 X 射线 光谱(EDX)多种方法研究了它们与金属离子的相互作用。

  • The effect of synthesis condition on electrochemical performance of the films and the relationship between composition and electrochemical behavior of the NiHCF films were also studied by using CV and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDS ) .

    重点考察了制膜液组成对薄膜电化学性能的影响,通过 EDS测定薄膜组成并结合循环伏安曲线分析了薄膜组成和结构与其电化学特性之间的关系。

  • X-ray spectroscopy studies of succinate dehydrogenase

    导数光声 光谱 技术琥珀酸脱氢酶的 x光 光谱研究

  • Investigations of the KeV X-ray Spectroscopy of Laser-Produced Plasmas

    激光等离子体的KeV能区 X光 研究

  • Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDS ) analysis using nano-sized electron probe has directly confirmed the existence of Ag atoms at the ?

    纳米级电子束斑的能 分析直接证明了?

  • The sample was characterized using X-ray diffraction N2 adsorption scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and its photocatalytic activity was tested .

    用X射线衍射、N2吸附、扫描电镜、X 射线 、傅里叶变换红外光谱和紫外-可见光谱对样品进行了表征,并考察了其光催化性能。

  • Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDX ) is a kind of analysis method used in researching the adhesive joint and polymer composite surface and interface characters .


  • The effect of nanometer Al 2O 3 powder on the adherence of the Sb-Mo enamel was studied through the adhesive test . Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy were used to study the microstructure of the enamel-steel interface .

    通过密着性能测试及扫描电镜(SEM)对搪瓷界面的形貌观察和能 分析,研究了纳米Al2O3粉末对搪瓷锑钼底釉密着性能的影响。

  • Formation of amorphous phase in binary immiscible Cu-Ta thin films prepared by co-sputtering method has been investigated using X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) high-resolution transmission electron microscopy ( HRTEM ) and electron dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDS ) .

    利用X射线衍射(XRD)、高分辨透射电子显微术(HRTEM)和 X 射线 (EDS)研究了共溅射Cu-Ta薄膜中非晶相的形成。

  • Dynamics of Strong Laser Pulses and X-ray Spectroscopy in Molecular Media

    分子介质中强场激光动力学及 X 射线 光谱学 研究

  • The first chapter is an overview which gives a brief review of the history of artificial light sources the development and application of the ultrashort and intense laser pulses . The developing process of the nonlinear optics and X-ray spectroscopy is also described in this section .

    本论文分为九章,第一章为综述,回顾了人工光源的发展历史,介绍了超短超强激光脉冲技术的发展和应用,并对非线性光学现象和 X 射线 光谱学做了简单介绍。

  • High resolution transmission electron microscopy ( HRTEM ) and small angle X-ray scattering ( SAXS ) were used to measure the diameter of the alloy nanospheres and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDS ) was utilized to confirm that they consist of Au and Ag elements .

    用高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)和X射线散射(SAXS)法测试了合金纳米球的粒径, X 射线 分析结果证实了合金纳米球由Au元素和Ag元素组成。

  • The react zone in specimens were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDS ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) .

    利用扫描电镜、 、X射线衍射等手段对扩散偶及反应区形貌组分进行分析测试。

  • The microstructure and property of surface ductile zones were investigated with optical microscopy scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy X-ray diffraction strength measurements and cutting tests .

    借助金相显微镜、扫描电镜、能谱 、X 射线衍射仪和切削实验研究表面韧性区梯度硬质合金的微观结构和性能。

  • Silicon drift detector array for X-ray spectroscopy

    硅漂移(SDD)阵列探测器 X 射线 测量 诊断

  • Electron temperature measurement of low-energy laser produced plasma using iso-electronic x-ray spectroscopy

    等电子 测量小能量激光 打靶等离子体电子温度

  • A new kind of analyzer crystal for X-ray spectroscopy synthesized by low-molecular-weight acid and long-chain aliphatic alcohol was found .

    小分子有机酸和长碳链脂肪醇可组成一类新的 X 射线 晶体。

  • This paper describes the elliptical crystal spectrograph ( ECS ) which is used to investigate X-ray spectroscopy of laser-produced plasmas .

    描述了用于激光等离子体 X 射线 光谱研究的椭圆弯曲晶体谱仪系统。

  • Field emission scanning electron microscopy ( FE-SEM ) energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDS ) were employed to characterize the morphology and analyse the element composition of the film .

    采用场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM), X- 射线能量散射 (EDS)对其分别进行形貌表征和成分分析。

  • The whole isothermal section of Fe-Ni-Zn system at 550 ℃ was determined with 15 key alloys and 4 diffusion couples by means of the X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( SEM / EDX ) .

    在前人工作的基础上,设计了15个关键合金和4个扩散偶,通过X射线衍射分析、扫描电子显微镜与能 等分析手段,对Fe-Ni-Zn体系550℃的等温截面进行了实验测定。

  • X-Ray spectroscopy studies on Ni_ ( 100-x ) P_x alloys

    Ni(100-x)Px合金的 X 射线 研究

  • Element distribution of PAN-based carbon fibers after alternate DC electrolysis was characterized by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy . The catalytic graphitization of PAN-based carbon fibers was investigated by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy .

    利用 X 射线能量散射 (EDS) 分析了交替电解处理后炭纤维的元素组成;采用X射线衍射和拉曼光谱对炭纤维的石墨化进行了表征。

  • The element ion and phase composition of airborne particles in Chongqing city was investigated by using Energy-Dispersion X-ray spectroscopy ( EDX ) Fourier Transfer Infrared spectroscopy ( FT-IR ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) .

    采用X- 射线 (EDX)、傅立叶红外光谱(FT-IR)、X-射线衍射(XRD)对重庆市区大气颗粒污染物的元素组成、离子、物相组成进行了研究。

  • The results of Auger Electron Spectroscopy ( AES ) and Energy Dispersive Analysis X-ray Spectroscopy ( EDAS ) measurements show that the interface layer contains Au-Ga intermetallic compound and impurity P Si .

    借助俄歇能谱(AES)和能量色散 (EDAS)初步分析了 Au-Si/n-GaP系统接触的界面含有Au-Ga金属间化合物以及P和Si杂质。

  • Their structural feature has been primarily characterized by means of IR and X-ray spectroscopy etc.

    通过红外 光谱、大角 X- 衍射等初步 研究了其结构特征。

  • The composition phases and structure of the Micro-arc oxidized ( MAO ) coatings were characterized by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ( EDS ) .

    综合运用X射线衍射分析仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜( SEM-EDS)等实验手段对微弧氧化膜层的成分、相组成以及结构进行了 研究

  • Application of energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in electron microscopic cytochemistry of enzyme

    X 射线能谱 分析 方法 及其在电镜酶细胞化学中的应用

  • Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy provides compositional information about the structure of CIGS solar cells .

    射线能谱 提供有关CIGS太阳能电池的结构成分信息。