x-ray plates

[医] X线[硬]片

  • Methods : 12 cases of displaced acetabular both-column were performed X-ray sheet CT and 3D-CT to determine the diagnosis . All the cases were fixed by reconstruction plates and screws through combined ilioinguinal and Kocher-Langenbeck approaches .

    方法:对12例移位髋臼双柱骨折行影像学检查,明确诊断,经 Kocher-Langenbeck(K-L)和髂腹股沟联合入路,进行骨折复位并用重建 钢板螺钉固定。

  • The design and fabrication of high aspect-ratio hard X-ray zone plates by X-ray lithography are studied .

    对利用X射线光刻制作大高宽比硬 X 射线 波带 的设计和制作工艺进行了研究。

  • Fabrication of Soft X-Ray Condenser Zone Plates

    X 射线聚焦 波带 制备工艺的研究

  • Methods 26 cases of displaced acetabular fractures were performed X-ray sheet CT and 3D-CT before operation in order to determine the classification of fractures and how to operate . All the cases were fixed by reconstruction plates through the best approach .

    方法对26例移位髋臼骨折根据术前 片,CT平扫和三维重建确定骨折类型和制定手术方案,选择最佳手术入路进行骨折复位,并用骨盆重建 钢板固定。

  • Fabrication of High Aspect-ratio Hard X-Ray Zone Plates with Supporting Structures

    带支撑结构的大高宽比硬 X 射线 波带 制作

  • From the X-ray allograft of cortical plates were fused with host bone in the alcohol group and no fusion in the fresh group .

    术后12周冷冻、酒精组 X线 均见异体皮质骨与宿主骨融合一体,新鲜组则未见融合。

  • X-ray examination shows that horn plates have similar density with tissues X-ray could through it . So if the ribs and chest wall sternum can be replaced by the horn plates will not affecting the internal organs imaging . 5 .

    4 X线检查可见 牛角组织密度与软组织密度相近,可以透过X线,用于肋骨及胸壁、胸骨替代后可以不影响内脏器官显影。

  • Characterization of Relative Diffraction Performance of Soft X-Ray Zone Plates by Experiment

    X 射线聚焦 波带 相对衍射特性的实验研究

  • Experimental results show that the method is more sensitive and accurate than the incremental hole-drilling method and X-ray diffraction method and suited for measuring interior residual stresses in engineering rolled plates .

    研究结果表明,裂纹柔度法与逐层钻孔法及 X 射线衍射法相比,具有更好的敏感性和精确度,可用于测定 类构件内部残余应力。

  • Methods : A I-year imaging follow-up observation of 34 cases with diagnosis of SARS confirmed staying and receiving treatment in our hospital contents of follow-up observation consisted of frontal and lateral chest x-ray plates frontal X-ray plates of pelvis and CT scanning .

    方法:对在我院住院治疗的34例SARS患者进行的影像学检查随访观察1年,随访内容包括 胸部 X线正侧位、 骨盆正位片及CT扫描检查。

  • They also found something which the X-ray plates did not show .

    他们还发现了 x线 片子上没有显示的东西。

  • In this contribution we discuss the possibility to design a modified Transmission X-ray microscope using fractal zone plates ( Fzps ) as diffractive optical elements .

    我们讨论了利用分形 波带片作为衍射光学元件的改版透射式 X 射线显微镜。

  • The fractures reduced under the monitor of C arm X-ray machine and were fixed by anatomical plates .

    在C型臂 X线机监视下行股骨上段纵切口,将骨折复位,解剖 钢板内固定。

  • By using microscope SEM X-ray analysis and DSC analysis the reasons for causing the surface blemishes of low foamed PVC-U integral door plates are found out and the solution is provided as well .

    运用显微镜、SEM- X光分析及DSC分析并找出了低发泡PVC-U整体 门板表面缺陷的产生原因,提出了解决的办法。

  • Based on the basic principle of X-ray transmission tomograph an obliquely incident X-ray radiography is developed to measure the maximum depths of corrosion pits in automobile metallic plates with reasonable cost .

    基于X射线透射造影术的基本原理,提出了一种简易的 X 射线斜透射测量技术,用以测量金属(铝/钢) 板材上腐蚀坑的最大深度。

  • X-ray condenser zone plates ( CZP ) focalize and disperse X-ray and x-ray micro zone plates ( MZP ) serve as the imaging component for the sample which are both the key components in soft X-ray microscope .

    X 射线聚焦 波带片对X射线色散和聚焦,软X射线成像波带片对样品成像,是软X射线显微镜中的关键元件。

  • Fabrication of Ni and Ge X-ray phase condenser zone plates .

    X 射线Ni和Ge位相型聚焦 波带 的研制。

  • The influence of random zone position error width error interdiffusion and roughness on the efficiency of X-ray zone plates ( ZP ) was analyzed by summing up the wavelets of every pair of rings .

    使用振幅矢量叠加法,通过叠加 X 射线 波带 每一对环带对焦点的贡献,计算和分析了随机环带位置误差、宽度误差、扩散和粗糙度对波带片的效率的影响。

  • We integrally investigated the fabrication of holographic Soft X-ray CZP and suggested the full process of the fabrication of soft X-ray CZP and the measurement of relative efficiency between phase zone plates and an amplitude zone plate was also carried out .

    本文对全息软X射线聚焦 波带片的研制进行了系统的研究,提出了完整的工艺路线,并对位相型 波带片与振幅型波带片的相对效率进行了测量。

  • The good parts of observation is articulations manus and genus for the bone age evaluation in teen-agers with X-ray plates and the methods of bone age estimation were the subjective and errors at random .

    目前,对儿童青少年骨骼年龄评价以 手腕部及 膝部较好,方法也较多,但主观性强,随机误差大。

  • As there were strange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy doctors have been trying to find out whether the woman died of a rare disease .

    由于在给这个木乃伊拍摄的 X光 片子上有奇怪的斑点,所以,医生们一直试图搞清楚这位妇女是否死于一种罕见的疾病。

  • Analysis of Influence of 4 Fabrication Errors on X-ray Zone Plates by Summing up Diffraction Fields

    用衍射场叠加法分析四种误差下的 X光 波带

  • X-ray phase zone plates have higher efficiencies than amplitude zone plates .

    位相型 波带 相对振幅型波带片具有更高的 衍射效率。

  • Analysis of the influence of fabrication errors on the efficiency of X-ray zone plates by summing up the wavelets

    振幅矢量叠加法分析 X 射线 波带 加工误差对效率的影响

  • The influence of random position error of zones width error of zones interdiffusion and roughness on the efficiency and resolution of X-ray zone plates ( ZP ) is analyzed by adding the analytic expression of the diffraction field of every ring .

    利用叠加所有圆环的解析近似衍射场的方法来计算和分析随机环带位置误差、宽度误差、扩散和粗糙度对 X 射线 波带 的效率和分辨率的影响。