written contract

[ˈrɪtn ˈkɑnˌtrækt][ˈrɪtn kənˈtrækt]


  • Shall the employer make a written contract of employment with the domestic helper ?

    雇主是否需要和家务助理订立一份 书面雇佣 合约

  • I can 't believe you didn 't have a written contract !

    我简直不能相信,你居然没有一份 书面 合同

  • Although we didn 't have a written contract with Rogge we had a private understanding Yuan writes .

    “虽然我们和罗格没有 书面 合同,但我们有一个私下的共识。”袁写道。

  • One remedy is to require the employer to execute the written contract .

    补救方法之一是要求雇主签订 书面 合同

  • A rule that oral evidence cannot be used to contradict the terms of a written contract .

    口头证据不能用来否认 书面 契约条款的规则。

  • Incoterms were designed to be used within the context of a written contract for the sale of goods .

    国际贸易术语解释通则在设计上是用于 书面的货物销售 合同的。

  • To avoid disputes a written contract may be entered .

    为免争议,可签订 书面 辅导 合同

  • The parol evidence rule only applies to evidence of statements made before or at the time of the execution of the written contract .

    口头证据规则仅适应于在 书面 合同 履行之前或履行之时作出的陈述。

  • Where the right to apply for a patent or the patent right is assigned the parties must conclude a written contract which will come into force after it is registered with and announced by the patent office .

    转让专利申请权或者专利权的,当事人必须订立 书面 合同,经专利局登记和公告后生效。

  • The agreement between the manufacturers should be documented in a written contract .

    制造商间的协议应以 书面 合同的形式作为凭证。

  • Is there a written contract with the transporter that moves containers from the factory to the port ?

    与将集装箱从工厂运至港口的运输商之间是否签订了 书面 合同

  • If the written contract specifies it those conditions must be complied with .

    如果 书面 合同有了明确规定,那就必须遵守那些条款。

  • Select Sellers-reviewing offers choosing from among potential sellers and negotiating a written contract with a seller .

    审查邀约,从中选择潜在卖方,并与之进行 书面 合同的谈判。

  • About one in seven recent migrants were found to be working more than 48 hours a week and were more likely than other groups not to have a written contract .

    研究发现,最近移民到英国的女性中,约有七分之一每周工作时间超过48小时,而且相对于其它任何群体而言,她们更可能没有 书面 合同

  • CERTIFY that I have explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents . This collateral contract can be proved by evidence extrinsic to the main written contract .

    兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。后一个并行合同可以通过与主 书面 合同有关的外在证据得以证实。

  • If he agrees make him sign a written contract at once that spells out the terms .

    如果他同意,让他立刻签署 书面 合同清各项条款。

  • He produced a written contract under seal .

    他出示一张盖有 印信 合约

  • Any distribution of the information on this CD-ROM is subject to a written contract with Monforts Fong 's.

    有关本光盘中资料的发行,必须先得到立信门富士公司的 书面 合同方可。

  • Unit testing defines a written contract about the behavior of each unit .

    单元测试定义一个有关每个单元的行为的 书面 合同

  • Where the right to apply for a patent or the patent right is assigned the parties shall conclude a written contract and register it with the patent administration department under the State Council .

    转让专利申请权或者专利权的,当事人应当订立 书面 合同,并向国务院专利行政部门登记,由国务院专利行政部门予以公告。

  • Should the auctioneer accept a trust he or she shall sign a written contract on trust auction with the trustee .

    拍卖人接受委托的,应当与委托人签订 书面委托拍卖 合同

  • Authorization to transfer copyright should be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations of China under a signed and executed written contract .

    软件权利的转让应当根据我国有关法规以签订、执行 书面 合同的方式进行。

  • This collateral contract can be proved by evidence extrinsic to the main written contract .

    后一个并行合同可以通过与主 书面 合同有关的外在证据得以证实。

  • A written contract for the commission shall be signed between the Municipal Common Reserve Funds Center and the commissioned bank .

    市公积金中心委托办理公积金贷款,应当与受托银行签订 书面委托 合同

  • But in practice there are many labor relations that have no written contract .

    但实践中,无 书面劳动 合同的事实劳动关系却大量存在。

  • In these cultures the written contract is very short which made used of describing their respective responsibilities of partner ;

    在这些文化中, 书面 合同很短,主要用来描述商业伙伴各自的责任。

  • Written contract or certificate of insurance .

    书面 合同或保险证书。

  • A written contract that gives one real estate agent the exclusive right to sell a property in a specified time period .

    书面 合同赋予某地产代理商在一个指定的时段获得物业的独家销售权。

  • There can be no application of the parole evidence rule unless there is a written contract .

    除非有 局面 合同,否则不得适用口头证据规则。