write up

[raɪt ʌp][rait ʌp]


  • Hire some Hollywood expert to write up something pretty and mash it into the pile right ?

    雇佣一些专家来 写作,并把故事 捣碎了加入游戏,不是吗?

  • The Debian mailing list encouraged me to write up the steps I 'd taken to fix my problem .

    Debian的邮件列表鼓励我 我用来修复问题的方法。

  • However you are required to write up your own final solutions and computational codes .

    然而,修课生需要 自己的答案和计算机程式。

  • I will write up the order .

    我会在订单 详细的。

  • If you can write up a charter for your fan club we can take a look at it and let you know if it needs any adjustments .

    如果你能 提交你们的影迷 发展章程我们会查阅后告诉你是否需要进行相关改动和调整。

  • It was theme week so I had to write up what I carry around in my laptop bag .

    这是主题周,所以我不得不 我在履行我的笔记本电脑包左右。

  • For homework you can write up the rough notes you made in class .

    把课堂 的笔记草稿 整理成文作为家庭作业。

  • Working together on problem sets is permissible and encouraged but each student must write up the results individually .

    共同讨论问题集是容许且被鼓励的行为,但是每个学生还是必须个别 自己的结果并缴交。

  • In this next step you will write up a story about how your area of the software development lifecycle functions .

    下一步,你 确定如何你的软件开发生命周期职能区域如何工作。

  • Ian has to go to the police station to write up his statement .

    伊恩得去警察所 写出他的陈述。

  • Perhaps does not have one to dare to write up oneself product this function stable proof .

    但恐怕没有一家敢 出具 自己产品的此项功能稳定的证明。

  • I 'll try to write up to your standards howard .

    我尽量 写到你的标准,霍华德。

  • He wrote up his visit in a report of over 600 pages

    他将自己的访问 整理 一份600多页的报告。

  • Every night he would write up his account of the day 's events .

    他每天晚上都要 一天所发生的事情。

  • Master Huang : Write up the list of things that need revising and show it to me .

    黄师父: 需要修改的部分列出清单叫我过目。

  • Write up to five key words on other cards ;

    其他卡片上 最多 只能 五个关键词;

  • For problem sets you are allowed to discuss your answers with other students but please write up your own answers and list your collaborators .

    你可以和其他同学讨论和交流课后作业,但是一定要 写出你自己的答案,并且列出合作者的名单。

  • I had to find interesting engaged couples and write up their love stories .

    我得寻找有趣的订了婚的恋人们, 他们的爱情故事妙笔生花地 出来

  • You must do the write up individually .

    你必须独自 完成 报告

  • I must write up my notes of the lecture .

    我必须 完成一篇演讲的提纲。

  • Then without looking at what you have written try to write up a summary of what you have just listened to .

    接着,不看你刚才所写的,试着对你刚听的内容 一个概要。

  • These are the notes that you are going to write up afterwards ?

    这些就是你打算以后要 整理成文的笔记吗?

  • To repeat : each person must write up their solutions separately .

    再次重申:每个人必须个别 写出自己的答案。

  • Zoe : I 've finished mine and I 'm just starting to write up .

    卓伊:我做完了,正开始 报告

  • Discussing problem sets with other students or seeking help from the TA or professor is permitted and encouraged but you must write up the solution yourself in your own words .

    我们允许和鼓励学生互相讨论习题,或是寻求助教、教授的帮助,但是,你必须 你自己的文字 写出你自己的答案。

  • Back home I 'll write up on greeting cards at my father 's blessing on the language . And I put it together and razors patiently waiting for .

    回到家里,我马上在贺卡上 我对父亲的祝福语言。然后,我把它和剃须刀放在一起,耐心地等待着。

  • Yeah I 'll write up a report on it .

    对,我马上 报告。

  • I 'm going to write up the entire class .

    整班 纪录的。

  • Once I listen to immediately picked up a pen and write up scratching noises .

    我一听马上拿起笔也唰唰地 起来