tissue dose

[ˈtɪʃu dos][ˈtisju: dəus]


  • Conditionally replication of adenovirus in tumor tissue leads to amplification of the input dose at the tumor site while the adenovirus-mediated gene can also largely replicate .

    肿瘤选择性复制型腺病毒( Conditionallyreplicationadenovirus, CRAds)可以特异性的在肿瘤细胞中复制,在复制的同时所携带的 治疗基因也大量 表达

  • This requires a high dose targeted at the tumor while exposing the surrounding tissue to as little dose as possible .

    这就需要在靶区高剂量,而周围 正常 组织 剂量很低。

  • Methods Using the tissue air ratio method the dose distribution in the trunk hand and leg was measured and using watch ruby as an accident dosimeter the dose to the hand was estimated .

    方法利用 组织 空气比方法计算躯干内及手部、腿部 部位及其 周围 组织 剂量分布,并计算全身剂量。利用手表红宝石作为事故剂量计测量手部剂量。

  • Results The ratio of tissue around catheter to balloon was about 1 / 10.The average dose of blood around catheter and around vascular wall is 5.36 Gy 1.62 Gy respectively .

    结果导管周围 组织与球囊周围 组织 剂量之比在整个经向距离范围内接近于1/10。正常治疗时,导管周围血液受到的平均 剂量达到536Gy,血管壁受到的平均 剂量达到162Gy。

  • This model aimed at the dose uniformity and dose grads between target and healthy tissue considering the dose limit of target and healthy tissue .

    该模型将病灶和健康组织 辐照 剂量作为约束条件,以剂量均匀性和健康 组织与病灶的剂量梯度差作为目标函数。

  • SP can induce the gene expressions and protein syntheses of EGF and bFGF of rat granulation tissue fibroblasts and presents some dose and time fashions .

    SP可诱导大鼠肉芽 组织成纤维细胞内源性EGF和bFGF基因和蛋白的表达,并呈现出一定的 剂量和时间特征;

  • The tissue dose obtained by fractional curettage before operation was too little to perform with pathological stage ;

    术前诊刮获取的 组织 少,造成难以进行病理分类;

  • But human tissue inhomogeneity has a nontrivial influence on the actual dose profile and directly affects the accuracy of dose computation . Methods of photon inhomogeneity correction were generally examined for their photon transport approximations .

    人体 组织密度不均匀性对实际 剂量分布会造成重要的影响,直接影响剂量计算的精度。

  • Objective To evaluate left ventricular regional systolic function of long axis by pulsed wave Doppler tissue imaging ( PW DTI ) combined with high dose dobutamine stress echocardiography ( DSE ) .

    目的探讨大 剂量多巴酚丁胺负荷试验下脉冲多普勒 组织成像技术(PWDTI)评价左心室长轴局部心肌收缩功能的临床价值。

  • An experimental study of in-vitro myocardial tissue by receiving high-intensity focused ultrasound irradiation : the relationship between regional myocardial tissue coagulative dose and temperature

    高强度聚焦超声辐照离体心肌组织的实验研究&局部 心肌凝固 剂量与温度的关系

  • Jiawei Yinchenhao Decoction of liver tissue dose group structure is clearly compared with the model group liver cell degeneration necrosis was significantly reduced compared with the model group .

    加味茵陈蒿汤中 剂量组肝 组织结构较模型组尚清楚,肝细胞变性、坏死较模型组有明显减轻。

  • Results The testis tissue coefficient increased in the high dose group ;

    结果(1)高 剂量组睾丸 脏器系数高于正常对照组(P<005);

  • The morphological observation of the damage of tissue and organ induced by low dose r-ray radiation

    剂量电离辐射对 组织器官影响的形态学实验观察

  • Hepatic and renal functions and tissue biopsy were measured in rats with therapeutic toxic and lethiferous dose treatment after a period of time .

    分别测定治疗 剂量、中毒 剂量、致死 剂量组小鼠在用药一段时间后的肝肾功能,并进行 组织病理学检查。

  • In the experiment proper the highest yields in terms of total accumulated dose percentage of injected activity per gram of tumor tissue and accumulated dose per injected activity were seen in the group which received external irradiation prior to Mab injection .

    正式实验中,给药前进行外照射组,肿瘤 放射活度比、平均累积吸收 剂量、累积吸收总量最高,与其他组相比有显著性差异。

  • METHODS Using the inhibition rates on tumor to investigate the inhibition effect of polysaccharide from fermented Tremella fuciformis on tumor tissue at the dose of 1 mg / kg in mice .

    方法:采用肿瘤抑制率评价银耳孢子多糖在1、6和 12mg/kg3剂量时,对肿瘤的抑制作用。

  • Assessment of Myocardial Viability by Applying Pulsed-wave Tissue Doppler Imaging Combined with Low Dose Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography : Quantification of Myocardial Systolic Performance

    脉冲多普勒 组织成像技术结合小 剂量多巴酚丁胺负荷试验评估存活心肌的临床研究

  • Little error might lead insufficient tumor lethal dose or excessive normal tissue dose . Tumor control rate will be lower and normal tissue complication probability rise research shows that radiotherapy accuracy increase 1 % will lead to 2 % increase of cancer cure rate .

    微小的误差将导致肿瘤致死剂量不足或正常 组织的过量 照射,从而使肿瘤局部未控或出现严重的正常组织并发症。研究表明放疗精度每提高1%,癌症治愈率就会提高2%。

  • Carbon medicine high dose group could significantly increase the number of new blood vessels of submucosal tissue ( P0.05 ) and carbon medicine low dose group of model rat have significant different influence of microvascular density ( P0.05 ) . 4 .

    蒙药阿给炭高剂量组能显著增加黏膜下 组织新生血管数(P0.05),低 剂量组对模型大鼠微血管密度的影响有显著差异(P0.05)。

  • Biocompatibility of RP manufactured PDLLA / TCP tissue engineered bone scaffolds in low dose PTH-induced bone anabolism in vitro

    RP技术制备PDLLA/TCP人工骨载体与 LD-PTH成骨效应相容性的体外实验

  • Conclusion We can carry out 3-D conformal radiotherapy increase the target dose decrease the normal tissue dose alleviate the radiative reactions it is worthy of propagating clinically .

    结论:利用多叶准直器能实施三维适形放疗,提高靶区剂量,降低正常 组织 ,减轻放疗反应,值得临床推广。

  • Not only the tumor the normal tissue and their spatial relation to the body and dose field data should be described correctly but also the visualization of spatial dose distribution of the body should shown comprehensively in a perfect 3 dimensional TPS ( Treatment Planning System ) .

    一个完善的三维放疗计划系统,需要准确描述病灶区域、正常 组织及人体的空间关系,建立准确的 剂量分布数据场,最终能够对人体的剂量空间分布进行多角度多层面的可视化。

  • Objective : To study the possible mechanism of protective effect for Baicalin on Bacillus pertussis ( BP ) infected brain tissue and the dose effect relationship .

    目的:了解黄芩甙对百日咳菌液致离体大鼠脑 组织损害的保护作用、 效关系及可能的机制。

  • Conclusion Female genital tract and pregnant tissue infected by UU and CT dose not increase early pregnant lose . Detection of UU and CT in cervical canal is not the decisive factor causing embryo infection in utero .

    结论生殖道及妊娠 组织的UU,CT感染 并不增加早期妊娠丢失,宫颈管UU,CT的存在不是导致宫内胚胎感染的决定因素。

  • After NDV were inoculated for 72 h the 50 % tissue culture infective dose ( TCID 50 ) of NDV ⅰ strain and hemagglutination titer of NDV ⅳ strain were determined to evaluate the effects of the three components on cellular infectivity of the virus .

    于病毒接种后72h测定NDVⅠ系的半数 组织培养感染 剂量(TCID50)和NDVⅣ系的血凝效价,以评价3种中药成分对NDV感染细胞的影响。

  • Tissue damage is a threshold process each dose curve can be regarded as the threshold curve degree of injury increases exponentially with distance attenuation .

    组织损伤是阈值过程,每条 剂量曲线可被视为阈值曲线,损伤程度随距离的增加呈指数衰减。

  • The drug content in the fat tissue drawn from the healthy volunteers was 31.84 % of the dose given .

    患者被抽出脂肪的药物含量为给药总量的31.84%( 20.6947.90%)。