


  • I 'm a little bit tipsy after a glass of wine .


  • But I have to be a little tipsy .

    但是我必须稍微 微醉

  • He drank so much that hes tipsy .


  • Amanda replied even though she was getting a little tipsy .


  • I 'm feeling a bit tipsy .

    我感觉有点 微醉

  • Bobby : I can dance but I am a bit not a good drinker . I get tipsy too easily .

    鲍比:我可以跳舞,不过我 不胜酒力。我太容易 了。

  • He was tipsy yesterday but is now sober .

    他昨天 ,但现在清醒了。

  • Auntie pat is getting a little tipsy again .


  • He is a bit tipsy .

    他已经有几分 醉意

  • I feel a little tipsy . ( I 'm slightly drunk . )

    我觉得有点儿 了。

  • Such as a cache to drink wine for many years let me slightly tipsy .

    如喝了窖藏多年的老酒,让我略带 醉意

  • That 's what I call love ! said Caderousse with a voice more tipsy than ever .

    “这就是我所说的爱情!”卡德鲁斯说,他的 口齿刚才更加 含糊不清 这是爱情!

  • We were at a particularly tipsy table .

    我们这一桌的人 特别

  • The wine had made Barton a trifle tipsy .

    这酒使巴顿 微微有些

  • He cried out in the voice of a tipsy man .

    他以一个 流浪人的声音喊道。

  • They tipsy men and women yelled with delight .

    那些男女 客都 快活得叫喊起来。

  • The wine has made him a trifle tipsy .

    这酒喝得他有点醉意 他们因 喝酒 了。

  • He too was tipsy and his explanations were repetitive .

    他自己也 喝醉 ,他反复地解释。

  • Gorden : You sure are tipsy .


  • He 's a bit tipsy already .


  • Therapy people . Therapy . We 're here to help you get tipsy give some money to charity and work out your personal issues at the same time .

    治疗,人群。治疗。我们在这里就是把你 灌醉 ,并把其中一部分钱给慈善机构的同时来解决你们个人的问题。

  • Drinking Sherry always makes me tipsy .

    雪利酒总是使我 醉意

  • I was tipsy at the time .

    我那时 醺醺的。

  • I came home a IittIe tipsy .


  • He is already a bit tipsy . don 't make him drink any more .

    他已经有 几分 醉意,别再 他了。

  • On my day off I 'll fix the tipsy fence .

    歇班那天就修理 的篱笆。

  • Use : Makes you slightly tipsy and increases your skill in fishing by 10 for 3 minutes .

    使用:让你 微醺,并增加你的钓鱼技能10点,持续3分钟。

  • Well father wouldn 't have coughed and creeped about as he does and wouldn 't have got too tipsy to go this journey ;

    哦,如果那样,父亲就不会像现在那样咳嗽和有气无力了,也不会 喝醉 酒不能上路了。

  • She was probably tipsy but certainly not drunk .

    的可能有 ,但是肯定没醉。